Need some Lululemon workout outfit ideas? Get inspired with today’s fitness routine and the best Lululemon gear for CrossFit. Discover how I …
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Crossfit WOD OOTD: Rich Earth Cool Racerback, Coco Pique Race Your Pace LS
by Cristinaby CristinaPlease excuse my exercise induced rosacea face in this post but I wanted to share how I wore my Rich Earth Cool …
Ever keep your tags on Lulu items so that you can save them for those really bad days/weeks where you need the …
I had the worst week getting back into the groove of a new fall schedule after arriving from Las Vegas last weekend. …
Today’s Crossfit WOD: 2 rounds of warmup 400 Meter Run 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Supermans 10 pushups then, partner EMOM 10 Minutes …
Oy vey. Today was a chipper workout and I was certain I wouldn’t finish it by the time caps thanks to going …
I’ve been terrible at keeping up with this post but today I wore something a little ‘flashy’ that got some compliments at …
I took an unintended long break from crossfit and today was my first day back after two weeks off. The first week …
I’m on vacation for this week, so I wont be going into the box for my workouts but I’m hoping to do …
Todays workout was all kids of mean to my legs and I’m already feeling it. The tech work was pistol progressions and …