Today’s Crossfit WOD:
2 rounds of warmup
400 Meter Run
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Supermans
10 pushups
then, partner EMOM 10 Minutes
Even minute – 8 x combined Snatch 95 (I did 65, seemed like a lot of volume for 95 but wasn’t bad)
Odd minute- 40 Combined Double Unders
Rest 5 minutes then:
Partner EMOM 10 minutes
Even minute- Shoulder to overhead (95 (did 65)
Odd minute- Strict Pullups
Rest 5 minutes then:
1 mile run for time (9:30. Ima slow runner)
I wore a nice combo of colors today by accident. Purple Fog 105F Singlet, Faded Zap Power Y, Deep Coal In The Flow Crops
This was Friday 6am’s WOD. It was so cold at 6am and very dark. I think it was around 7*c if I had to guess but by afternoon it got up to 27*c and when we left the gym it was just starting to get light out.
1000 meter row (somewhere around 4:70)
50 Thrusters at 45lbs (rx’d)
30 pullups
Heathered Blue Calm CRB (love!) with Inkwell Sashico Cross Energy Bra and Roll Down WU’s. Also wore my Heathered Slate Tuck & Flow LS. This was the softest snuggliest combination of items, including the Energy Bra. I felt like I was working out in soft flannel pajamas.