The Lululemon Upload!

by Cristina

The Lululemon Upload is live!

Here are last weeks posts: Statement Sweaters For SpringThe Lululemon UploadLululemon Store Photos, Lululemon Try-Ons, Lululemon CEO Laurent Potdevin Resigned

Nothing for me today except that 3 pack of secret socks. I actually went to my store in search for the 3 pack this morning but they didn’t have it in yet. I got a new pair of sneakers the other day and they specifically need ultra low no show socks. I’ll be posting about my sneaker find this week.  Interestingly, my store had Stride Jacket II’s in in three colors (black, heathered black and heathered grey). I tried one on (post coming later) and remembered how much I love them. I have had several over the years but sold them before they where discontinued when I thought they were a renewable resource. None of the colors this round tempted me but if it comes in an enticing color like quicksand or porcelain, or Persian red or Persian blue I’d definitely purchase one. The Non-Stop Bomber in Porcelain was intriguing but when I clicked on the color I was really disappointed in how dark it is. I expected a pretty soft pink. Aritzia has way nicer options for bomber jackets that are cheaper and they even had a soft pretty porcelain pink one on sale. Whenever I feel tempted by this Lululemon bomber jacket, I just look at the options at Aritzia and I’m cured of the temptation.

Did you guys order anything today?

Non-Stop Bomber ReversibleNon-Stop Bomber Reversible Non-Stop Bomber Reversible


Weather Or Not 1/2 ZipWeather Or Not 1/2 Zip Weather Or Not 1/2 Zip

Cool & Collected JoggerCool & Collected Jogger

City Adventurer CrossbodyCity Adventurer Crossbody

Play Off The Pleats TightPlay Off The Pleats Tight

Swiftly Tech SS Eucalyptus:Spirit Green
Swiftly Tech SS Eucalyptus:Spirit Green

Scuba Hoodie Light Cotton – Mystic Green
Scuba Hoodie Light Cotton - Mystic Green

Into The Sun Tee – Dusty Dawn
Into The Sun Tee - Dusty Dawn
Into The Sun Tee - Dusty Dawn

Swiftly Tech LS Teal Shadow:Black
Swiftly Tech LS Teal Shadow:Black

City Adventurer BackpackCity Adventurer Backpack - Persian Red

Define JacketDefine Jacket - Cool Breeze

Free To Be Zen Bra Free To Be Zen Bra - Tonic Sea

Speed Up ShortSpeed Up Short - Tonic Sea

I got these socks. Love the colors and I’m in need of more no show socks.

Secret Sock 3 PackSecret Sock 3 Pack

Just Pleat It SkirtJust Pleat It Skirt

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Mrs. O February 6, 2018 - 1:32 pm

I like the porcelain pink bomber but I’d have to see the “quilted” side in person. It looks a little bronze-y to me. The color isn’t compelling enough to want to get another bomber jacket. I have the olive green one and don’t wear it enough to justify another bomber jacket in a different color.

Lisa February 6, 2018 - 2:27 pm

I think I’m going to get the Arrow Jacquart Wunder Unders; since I missed out last time they released them!

Runrunyogi February 6, 2018 - 2:28 pm

They have the WU Crops in WAFS Nimbus Battleship restocked, which are tempting. And the Final Lap Crops have been restocked in black, so I’m hopeful they are not discontinued and will come out in new colors. I ended up trying the In Movement Tights again in store and really liked them, apparently I just chose the wrong color the first time. Since I ordered those in Redwood I’m not sure if I will order anything today. I like the Align Crops in Nebula and Redwood but its hard to buy crops when we just received five inches of snow. (shrug)

Jels February 6, 2018 - 6:57 pm

In Movments are my new fav! It’s a happy
Medium between luxtreme and luon. Yes, they can grab a little fuzz, but it brushes right off. The compression is super and the sweat wicks away so fast! Wearing my Redwood ones right now.

Sarah February 6, 2018 - 2:29 pm

Oh man! Fingers crossed for a Persian blue free to be serene…..

JP February 6, 2018 - 2:38 pm

I tried in the weather or not half zip and picked it up. It’s pure love for me with great fit! Also picked up the swiftly half zip in porcelain pink as well. That colour really works for my skin tone. Am going back for the Black half zip version. I will wear these a lot and love the old lulu details.

JP February 6, 2018 - 2:40 pm

Sorry meant swiftly long sleeve. Can you tell I am still pining the loss of swiftly half zips????

Amy C. February 6, 2018 - 3:00 pm

Did you get TTS in the weather or not half zip? I’m trying to decide how big I want to order on that one . Thank you!

Klo February 6, 2018 - 2:55 pm

Does anyone know what happened to the free to be bra? They are missing in the US side…I like some of the pastels but they are hard to wear imo…I got Persian blue and am tempted by so merlot but they do tend to show more imperfections that black. Lol. The colors are so all
Over the place…I think I am over lulu.

j February 6, 2018 - 2:57 pm

Nothing for me, still waiting for items in the Hinshu Alpine White Multi print items.

Anon February 6, 2018 - 3:09 pm

I am going to buy Into The Sun Tees in Dusty Dawn. I like the seam lines on this one and it doesn’t look too short, finally! I really get a lot of wear out of my uv protection Sunaway/Runaway s/s top I bought 3 years ago and was peeved I didn’t buy more when it was followed by cropped length tops. I just don’t know it Dusty Dawn will look good with my fair complexion but I don’t want black. I hope to see this top in more summery colours. Nothing else for me but I did see a new Porcelain Pink Stress Less Pullover in a 4 way stretch fabric on the Hong Kong site which will be mine if it comes to Canada.

I agree with you Cristina to look elsewhere for bomber jackets especially Aritzia and I am noticing on a buy/sell website for LLL and Aritzia that Aritzia has excellent resale value and gets snapped up right away, more so than LLL.

Rise and Shine February 7, 2018 - 12:35 pm

I tried the Into the Sun in store. It was nice, but I’m in saving mode right now. It ran a bit small, so if you’re between sizes, I suggest sizing up. They had it in white, too.

Anon February 7, 2018 - 5:44 pm

This is anon 3:09pm, I did try it on today and you are right my tts was too small. I don’t know why they change their sizing, it just doesn’t make sense. I bought the Sunaway Runaway uv tee a couple of years ago in my usual size 4 and it is a perfect fit but this one was a definite size up. I didn’t buy it though as the Dusty Dawn colour didn’t look good on me and I don’t want black or white so I am hoping for more colours.

Emily February 8, 2018 - 5:15 am

I bought the Into the Sun and agree that it’s a size-up. I could tell just by looking at it on the hanger, so took the size-up with me to the dressing room. I really love the feel of it though—so light. And I don’t normally do short sleeves for running tops.

Mrs. O February 6, 2018 - 5:08 pm

Cristina: Several of my Lululemon no shows are slipping off the back of my heel. Do you find that it happens to you? I’ve swapped out a few. I have enough no shows to rotate regularly so one pair is not getting used/washed more than the others.

Anyone else have this problem? Solutions? Or did I get a couple of bad batches?

Cristina February 6, 2018 - 9:09 pm

I occasionally have them slip but overall they fit me snugly once they are in my shoes. I’m pretty sure the ones i have are all s/m and I have a size 9 foot, so technically a too small sock. The ones i ordered this time are m/l so I’m curious to see if I get slippage. My favourite smart wool socks slip a ton inside my shoe which I hate, but I prefer the material of them and overall feel. I just wish those didn’t slip constantly.

Mrs. O February 7, 2018 - 11:50 am

I tried a s/m (I’m size 9 too) but felt the fabric was too thin and my toes felt a pull. The m/l feels better. Whether s/m or m/l, they slip.

Rise and Shine February 7, 2018 - 4:49 am

I’ve given up on their socks completely because of this. All of them slip off my heels. That said, I have a size 10 foot, so socks that are supposed to be 7.5-10 are just not likely to work. Wish they’d make 9-11, but I don’t really see that happening.

Mrs. O February 7, 2018 - 11:52 am

I actually love the speed socks. That’s all I wear. I don’t have any slippage with those. But I have a friend that no socks stays on her heels. The speed socks stayed on longer than most.

I have friends that would love to have a 9-11 sock. Would the men’s s/m be too large?

Rise and Shine February 7, 2018 - 12:39 pm

I don’t know, but it’s worth considering.

I was thinking of trying Feetures, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Anyone recommend them?

anonymous February 8, 2018 - 5:44 pm

Love my Feetures socks! Great socks and all I run in. Honestly, Road Runner Sports has their brand of dry-wick sock and I have a drawer full of those and Feetures and both are great. I don’t have slippage issues with them.

Kristin February 7, 2018 - 6:31 am

I’ve found that when they start slipping you need to dampen a washcloth or paper towel with water and give the silicone strips on the heel a good rubbing. That seems to make them start sticking again.

Mrs. O February 7, 2018 - 11:48 am

Thanks for the tip! I’ll try it today.

Lauren February 7, 2018 - 2:25 pm

I wear Lululemon no shows every day including secret socks for casual wear. My feet are a narrow size 9.5 and I buy M-L and it is extremely rare that they slip. That size is pretty snug on me in most of the styles (apart from one of the light weight speed sock styles).

Elise February 6, 2018 - 9:35 pm

The breezy color (love tank) is beautiful, as well as the lilac quartz CRB. Those two, definitely. I love all these pale/muted colors.
I’m a fan of the “new” Scuba hoodies…i’m waiting for North America to receive the lilac quartz color. Both Canada and US received the Serene blue scuba, but when I went to the store earlier today it looked nothing like it does on the website, so happy I dodged that one.

Rise and Shine February 7, 2018 - 4:50 am

Can you describe the color of the Serene Blue Scuba? The website pictures are miserably off. I won’t order anything online anymore unless I’ve already seen it in person.

Elise February 7, 2018 - 10:01 am

It was hardly blue in my opinion. It looked Similar to “silver fox” (seen on the influx jacket). It’s a pretty color, of course, just a really light/grey with a small touch of blue to it. I was hoping for a more vibrant blue like the photo. I will try to get a picture later today when I go to the store.

Rise and Shine February 7, 2018 - 12:42 pm

Got it. I have the In Flux jacket from a few years back, so I was really surprised to see the way it showed up on the website, which made it look blue. I can imagine the same happening with the Scuba. Thanks!

Elise February 7, 2018 - 4:04 pm

Yes similar situation. I immediately thought…I prefer the silver fox in flux over the serene scuba. And no problem

Joanna February 7, 2018 - 11:29 am

I actually bought an old item because a new item inspired me. The new arrow jaquard 7/8 which is now out in power luxtreme, convinced me to try the old one in a 28 length in luon which is still on the Canadian side of things. We will see how they are. I am a pear shape with muscular legs and to me this pattern will emphasize that, not in a good way. However, everyone is raving about them online so I wanted to at least try them out. Wish we had a store here locally – good thing lulu has free returns lol!

Mrs. O February 7, 2018 - 4:41 pm

I love my arrow jaquard inspire crops. You’ll be surprised at how slimming they are. The chevron print creates an optical illusion bringing your eyes to the center. I think you’ll love them. You might want to try the power luxtreme version for more compression. I think the inspires were full-on luxtreme.

Anonymous February 8, 2018 - 2:35 pm

Just wondering when you are going to post your stride try on. Patiently waiting. Thank you.

Cristina February 8, 2018 - 4:16 pm

Hey! It was posted early yesterday. You may need to refresh your page by going to ‘view’ and then ‘re-load page’. If you have my blog bookmarked that will sometimes happen that you have an older cached version of my page that pops up. Some servers are slower to refresh. Here is the link to the post in the meantime –

Anonymous February 8, 2018 - 4:28 pm

I only wear features socks now gave up on lulu socks a while ago…may have to try the speed socks though

Melanie February 9, 2018 - 9:29 am

The Free to be bra picture : do you know what is the color of her pant and it is align pant or something else ? (Sorry for my bad english)

Anon February 9, 2018 - 1:45 pm

Just bought the Into The Sun tee in a new colour Persian Blue that isn’t online yet. I am very happy with this colour and it is a much better choice for my complexion than the Dusty Dawn. It also comes in a print which I didn’t like at all and the fabric actually feels different than the solid colour ones.

I tried on the Cool and Collected joggers and just the like On The Go Joggers, the waistband is very stiff and uncomfortable. I don’t know why they have done this to their waistband on joggers that are supposed to be soft and comfy, not stiff and hard to get on because the waistband has very little give, such a shame.


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