The Lululemon Upload

by Cristina

The Lululemon upload is up!

Last weeks Lululemon upload.

This was a good upload. I know a lot of you where waiting for the Entwined Wunder Under Pants. Those are not for me but they seem to be hugely popular. Also awaited where the illuminate print bottoms and the reveal items. For me, the winner was the Another Round Tees in Dark Adobe and Dark Chrome, because I love the wide scoop neck and the color options. I also would have loved the Misty Mauve Love Tee that I got but alas I have to cool it because the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is coming on Thursday and I’m getting a leather jacket. Dark Adobe had been under my radar but I went to a store yesterday and all the Dark Adobe pieces stood out to me so I took home the Fast And Free Crop II in Dark Adobe, and I’ll be returning a few of the Taryn Toomey pieces which didn’t work out for me.

What did you order today? The Entwined WUP, the Illuminate or something else? Are you loving Dark Adobe?

Wunder Under Tight HI-RISE *NULUX entwined wunder under pant hi-rise 50 ice grey black
Wunder Under Tight HI-RISE *NULUX entwined wunder under pant hi-rise 50 ice grey black Wunder Under Tight HI-RISE *NULUX entwined wunder under pant hi-rise 50 ice grey black

Wunder Under Crop (Hi Rise) Illuminate Wunder Under Crop Wunder Under Crop

Train Times 7/8 PantTrain Times 7/8 Pant Train Times 7/8 Pant


Reveal CropReveal Crop Reveal Crop

Reveal TankReveal Tank

Reveal Crop TopReveal Crop Top

Reveal 7/8 TightReveal 7/8 Tight

Translu Anorak
Translu Anorak
Translu Anorak


Sweat Your Heart Out TankSweat Your Heart Out Tank

Sweat Your Heart Out Short SleeveSweat Your Heart Out Short Sleeve

Sweat Your Heart Out BraSweat Your Heart Out Bra


Another Round Long Sleeve

Sweat Your Heart Out ShortSweat Your Heart Out Short


Speed Short Ice MilkSpeed Short Ice Milk

HOTTY HOT SHORT II *2.5 Velvet Dust

Another Round TeeAnother Round Tee Another Round Tee


Misty Mauve Love Tee IILove Tee II Love Tee II Misty Mauve

Quick Pace Long SleeveQuick Pace Long Sleeve

Quick Pace Short SleeveQuick Pace Short Sleeve

Tight Stuff Tight IITight Stuff Tight II Tight Stuff Tight II

Go Lightly Tote Go Lightly Tote Go Lightly Tote


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LS July 11, 2017 - 1:31 pm

Pretty boring upload, and knowing how poorly Nulux performs, it’s easy to avoid the hype on the Wunder Unders. They don’t even appear to be that flattering from behind? I don’t get it anymore.

And how many cleavage-y “sports” bras does one person need?

Gymmie July 11, 2017 - 1:57 pm

Wwhew…i have nulux entwined on hold at store but i have issue with wups sliding down badly so not sure i will keep…fast and frees are no issue with slipping. Other than that nothing that intrigues me…i dont care for fabrics with holes or patterns punched out of them so no appeal for me…i need a break so this works lol. I got my open heart halter in pink…a bit disappointed as fabric is basically rib knit cotton. It also is a bit short so not sure i am comfortable with it. The mauve tights are pretty but i find i get creases in back of legs…under bum…so maybe sizing up would get rid of that. Im sure returns will start turning up at stores so i should be able to get size i need.

E July 11, 2017 - 2:50 pm

Hey LLM! Which pieces of the Taryn Toomey are you returning? I’m on the fence on returning the Heart Opener Long Sleeve, the fit is not convincing me and I think I can somewhat replace it with the new Love Tee in Misty Mauve .

Cristina July 11, 2017 - 3:01 pm

I’m keeping one of the long sleeves, and I ordered another of the silk/cotton blend tanks (the muscle tank), and I’m returning all of the viscous knit tanks. It’s only 5% silk and the rest is extremely delicate and not durable viscous and I don’t want to chance it. The other silk/cotton pieces seem good though as long as fit is right.

E July 11, 2017 - 3:24 pm

The long Sleeve looks good on you! 😉 I’m glad you’re keeping that one

crossfitchef July 11, 2017 - 3:51 pm

Illuminate multi black print is SOOOO PRETTY!!! Too bad I hate all LL tights and the new speed short fit sucks, and they have NO decent skirts out now 🙁 I’m actually bummed. This is the first colour print I’ve really liked in a while.

emily July 11, 2017 - 5:55 pm

It’s available in the Tracker Shorts.

crossfitchef July 11, 2017 - 7:03 pm

Too long on me 🙁

J July 11, 2017 - 4:01 pm

I ordered the Entwined WUP 🙂

Diane July 11, 2017 - 4:07 pm

I guess we’re not getting the over-dyed Love Tee that the US got a few weeks ago. Bummer, I wanted that. LLM what colour Heart Opener Long Sleeve did you keep?

CT July 11, 2017 - 4:10 pm

You do like your large scoop necks Christina and the Dark Adobe is a beautiful colour in pima cotton. I much prefer the Love Tee ll for the curved hem over the lV with a straight though and I love the Misty Mauve Love Tee ll but I don’t think it’s in Canada. I am tempted to buy the Ice Milk Run Times but is it crazy to get such a light colour in shorts? I think if the Swiftly s/s comes in Submarine I would buy both as shown together in the above picture with the Swiftly l/s, the two colours look good together. I am also liking the Translu Anorak Jacket in Submarine but I will have to try it on in store first to check out length in front as well as the sleeves look almost like a 3/4 length which I really do not like.

Wilca July 11, 2017 - 4:12 pm

I really like the illuminate multi black print… might get the Train Times tights, anyone tried the train times tights before? are they good for general weight training?

Mrs. O July 11, 2017 - 4:38 pm

I was thinking about getting the Illuminate Train Times Pant as well. I really like the train times crop. Something about the way the waist band is cut and stitched make it really comfortable and it doesn’t dig into me. And the seams are really flattering. They are good for general weight lifting. Also, there’s a good amount of compression.

Wilca July 11, 2017 - 5:06 pm

nice! thanks for that. definitely getting the train times pant 😀

Zoey July 11, 2017 - 7:21 pm

I also really like the train times pant and crop. The waist band provides great support that doesn’t slip down. I wear them for weight training and I like that they do not have a zipper at the back for when I am working on my core.

Wilca July 11, 2017 - 8:52 pm

Awesome, thank you Zoey!

Mrs. O July 11, 2017 - 4:41 pm

Does anyone know what jogger is featured with the Another Round Tee?

Sherri July 12, 2017 - 4:54 am

I’m thinking they’re the Modern Jogger that were in the UK upload but not sure…

Cher July 11, 2017 - 5:17 pm

The dark adobe looks so close to Bordeaux. I’m tempted by the patterened UW but haven’t tried the Nulux on yet.

Samantha July 11, 2017 - 6:20 pm

It is close to bordeaux. I saw it in store last week. I don’t see the need to get dark adobe items if you have a nice collection of bordeaux.

emily July 11, 2017 - 5:59 pm

I’m considering the Sweat Your Heart Out Crop. I love Submarine, but am not a fan of nulux. These are luxtreme, so I am hoping they’ll work!

I also love the Misty Mauve Love tee and Ice Milk Run Times.

CC July 11, 2017 - 6:58 pm

I’m not a fan of dark adobe or that new print. I like Nulux though . I might just order mesh tank . I have been wearing mesh singlets lately more than anything.

Gymmie July 11, 2017 - 7:34 pm

Is dark adobe purple like deep zinfindale or has it got more brown tones in it like bordeaux and black cherry? Its hard to tell. And there were some outdoor pics recently that made tights look purpley rather than on brown sisde. A comparison of colours would be so helpful.

anonymous July 12, 2017 - 3:27 am

I just got the new aligns in Adobe. Of the colors you listed above, it’s closest to Bordeaux Drama. Very close actually. It does have a little more purple to it than Bordeaux though. Black Cherry has quite a bit more purple than Adobe. It’s nothing like Deep Zinfandel which would be way darker and more purple.

Zoey July 11, 2017 - 11:21 pm

Does anyone one know what color the new illuminight pattern is backed in? Thanks in advance!

Kira July 12, 2017 - 9:44 am

This has been a relatively good upload. I got WU Hi-Rise Crops in the Illuminate and Low Ride Blush Berry.

Helen July 12, 2017 - 10:19 am

I like the entwined print a lot, but need to try on to see if the print actually flatters my shape. I don’t get the reveal bottoms though…what kind of underwear do you wear with these? Or are people just going commando?

Carly July 14, 2017 - 1:47 pm

I received my entwined wu pants today. The hag tag says 98.00 but I paid 128.00 what’s up
With that??


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