Guest Fit Review: Lululemon x Taryn Toomey Collection

by Cristina


The Heart Opener Knit Cami

The Heart Opener Knit Cami was TTS.  I generally get a size 6 in the tie up tanks depending on the overall cut of the tank.  I knew this would be a slimmer fit from looking at it on the hanger.  The knit is beautiful.  This tank requires you to tie it because it has a split back.  It’s not functional and because the knit is so delicate, I’d be afraid to wear it.  So, this is also a no for me.



Heart Opener Tank

From the upload, I thought I would really like this tank.  This was a size up for me as well.  I really thought my TTS would fit because it was flowy tank but no go.  The fabric is the same silk blend as the Heart Opener LS.  I didn’t think this tank did anything for me.  It was too low cut in the front and I don’t know how it would look with a non-v shaped bra.  I think it also looked awkward around the armholes.  This is not a functional tank.  This was one of the items I thought I would like but after trying it on, it was a no.



The Heart Opener LS

The Heart Opener LS was a size up.  I usually wear a size 4 in looser LS shirts.  The fabric was so silky and thicker than I expected.  I felt a bit hot trying this on and there was a lot less give in it.  It has a wide neck opening with dropt shoulders.  Something was off about the proportions of the sleeves to the body of the shirt.  It felt tight around the upper arms, the length of the sleeves was long and then it was too loose around the waist.  From the front, I didn’t think it draped on me well but the back was better.  I tried on 2 sizes up and the upper arms fit better but the sleeves were way too long and shirt was too big around the torso.  Again, this was a no for me.


Heart Opener Meditation Cloak Taryn Toomey
Heart Opener Meditation Cloak Taryn Toomey
Heart Opener Meditation Cloak Taryn Toomey Heart Opener Meditation Cloak Taryn Toomey

Heart Opener Meditation Cloak

The idea of the cloak is nice.  And in the sneak peak email and the upload, it looked nice because there was movement in the pictures.  But just standing facing the mirror, the cloak does nothing and just looks like large panels of fabric.  It was also too long.  It looked better on an ed that’s at least 3 inches taller than me.  The cloak has arm holes.  The fabric is a silk blend that is knitted.  It felt like butter but its too delicate.  It will definitely snag.  It’s not really functional; I think I would be adjusting it constantly.  Definitely a no for me.



Heart Opener Tank

This was the one piece I really wanted.  I love halter style tanks because they fit me well.  This tank is TTS because it is a more fitted tank.  The Heart Opener Halter is not functional at all.  It has no cups; although it is lined in the chest area.  Because the front of the halter is cut slightly square, any bra you wear will show on the top.  I also think it looks nicer without a bra but who can wear it like that?  The fabric is thin and sheer.  The length is shorter than I think some of you readers will like.  I did like the ruching in the back (sorry for the blurry picture).  This was a no for me.
The Awakening Tight was also a size up for me.  I believe the fabric is Luxtreme (unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the tag).  Again, the tight was slightly off for me.  It did not create a CT but the seam in the inner thigh shows a bit from the front.  It’s not like the parallel seam of the align tight.  The parallel seam on the Awakening Tight was wider.  I couldn’t twist the leg enough to hid the seam.  I liked the ruching on the ankle and the color.  This too was a no for me.


Heart Opener Knit Wrap

If you don’t like crop tops, you won’t like the Heart Opener Knit Wrap.  My TTS was too small so I sized up.  I also tried on 2 sizes up but then the arms got to long and bunched up around my wrists.  I really like the wrap.  My concern is that it is going to snag on everything!  The knit was lightweight and very delicate.  I had to go through the entire rack to find one that wasn’t too snagged.  The only use I would get is to/from the gym but then I’d have to figure out what tank I could wear underneath.  The more technical tanks wouldn’t work with it because the fabrics wouldn’t match.  I bought it but it may be returned because I’m not sure how much I will really wear it.  I noticed that the GAP had lots of wrap items in cotton.  So, if I want a trendy piece like the wrap, I could just get one of those.  But the knit is so gorgeous!  I’m so torn!


Lululemon x Taryn Toomey Collection

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Gymmie July 10, 2017 - 2:20 am

Wow thanks for the try ons. Very helpful. I have to say you look amazing in last pick with wrap sweater and crops. You are right in that gap has had similar wrap style ballerina tops…likely more durable and less$.
I ordered halter in pink but not sure if i should have sized up. I suspect there will be returns to my store from people who ordered 2 sizes or their tts to learn they needed to size up. I also ordered the mauve tight but am thinking i should have sized up.
I wanted the awakening strappy tank is made of mesh. Hoping the site is restocked because that might be the only item i would keep. I wear lll to gym and not for casual so i think i could use that tank at gym.
Oh and the crops are cute too…i just couldnt justify $98 for knit snag prone ebb to street tights but i love the ice grey colour…wish they would have made the tight in that colour.
Thx for post!

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 9:07 am

Everything in the collection was a size up for me, especially the Awakening Crops. I actually had to go 2 sizes up in the crop. I reviewed the crops too and gave a detailed explanation as to why.

Just so everyone know, the tag on the Heart Opener Knit Tank is the wrong tag. Wrong color code and wrong size. I didn’t want people to make a mistake ordering because of the picture. I had tried on 2 sizes up but liked the 1 size up better. Hence, the confusion with the tags.

I’m really torn about the wrap. I do really like it but I don’t know how much wear I would get out of it. But I may try on with a power pose tank as another reader suggested.

kate July 10, 2017 - 4:59 am

Thanks for the post!!!

I ordered several TTxLulu items which have not yet arrived. I was so excited by the soft colors and feminine design that I definitely went a little crazy. I have not bought anything from Lulu in so long (unusual for me) because of the dull colors and boxy styles of late; admittedly though, this collection tempted me.

I must say that I agree with Gymmie — you look beautiful in the last outfit. (I also think you look pretty in the first top.) The colors and drape are amazing, but I understand your concern about the delicacy of the fabric.

I am curious how these pieces will work for me. I have a feeling almost everything will have to be returned. If I keep anything, it may be the wrap — I am quite short so I think that piece may work well for me. I can imagine wearing it to my office on a casual day as well as to a flow class.

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 9:11 am

Thanks. I agree the colors are beautiful. Unfortunately, the pictures don’t do the colors any justice. I think the wrap would work great for you because you’re shorter. I’m not that tall (5’6″) but I have a long torso. I’ve been trying to figure out what else (non-workout clothes) I can wear with the wrap so I can justify the purchase. Definitely some things will have to go back because of the items I liked, I bought in multiple colors to decide.

kate July 10, 2017 - 12:49 pm

Thanks for the feedback on the colors. My fingers are crossed that the wrap will work for me. I am a little under 5’3″ so I am hoping!! I know the fabric is fragile, but I love both the moss and mauve and I have the perfect delicate geode jewelry (necklace and earrings) to wear with it.

Mrs. O — I really don’t know how you can say no to that last outfit. It is SUPER flattering on you. You look AMAZING in it. Some of the other pieces are admittedly disappointing in their fit, but the wrap and crops make you look like a yoga diva. (I agree with others that you could find another, more practical tank, to go under the wrap.) True, I have not seen any of the pieces IRL yet so if they are as prone to snags as some here have suggested, I may be less enamored of the pieces.

Thanks again to you (and of course the lovely Lulumum aka the Sweat Editor) for your help. Lulumum, BTW, you are looking great as well.

Once I get my items, I will let you know how they work on a shortie!

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 1:06 pm

I think all of you are convincing me to keep the wrap. My hubby liked it too. He said to keep it but I felt guilty for spending so much.

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 1:09 pm

BTW, I have a secret. I hate yoga! So, I thought it was really funny you thought I looked like a yoga diva. Glad to know I could pull off the look. I prefer Pilates, spinning and weight training than yoga. I’ve tried a few classes and each time I finish, I think, “yeah, I don’t like it.” I could do Pilates 6 days a week!

kate July 10, 2017 - 4:10 pm

That’s so funny. Well, you look like a Pilates Diva then. Although the outfit would not work for cycling, it would be perfect for any kind of flow-y class — and that includes Pilates.

Like you, I love to Spin and I also adore standing Pilates and weights to balance that out. I enjoy yoga as well, but I just never seem to get to yoga as much as I’d like.

I am so glad you decided to keep the wrap since it looks really, really pretty on you. It flatters your figure perfectly.

violet July 10, 2017 - 6:29 am

I like that wrap top on you. If you were looking for something more functional to wear it with, maybe a power pose tank? There’s a colour on the Australian website called hail that might work. Haven’t noticed that colour on the Canadian site, but then it’s not a colour that I’d be drawn to, so maybe it’s there but I haven’t noticed.

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 9:13 am

Thanks for the suggestion. I have a cherry blossom power pose tank that might look really great with the green wrap! I’m definitely going to try it before I make my final decision on the piece.

Ella July 10, 2017 - 6:57 am

Thanks so much for your review! I agree with the previous comments – that last outfit is super flattering on you. I also like the look of the heart opener knit cami on you, but you’re totally right that it’s not functional. I just don’t like the cut of these tops at all – impractical at best and unflattering at worst. I particularly dislike that cloak and the heart opener long sleeve. Bummer about that halter – that was one I would have ordered if it wasn’t sold out, but seeing it on you I don’t regret missing out on it. It seems quite short in the back (maybe it’s the ruching) and without the cups, impractical (again). I do wish I’d snagged the awakening crops in mauve, but apart from that, this collection is a miss for me. Although that wrap looks fantastic on you, it’s a style we’ve seen from so many other brands so many times before so not really worth the trouble of such a delicate fabric. Thank you so much for the photos – so helpful!

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 9:21 am

You should call some of your local stores to see if they have the Awakening Crops. There’s a couple of issues with the crops. First, I had to size up twice from my usual 4. Second, the way they stitched the groin area in addition to the change of ribbed fabric around the groin seams, caused horrible double camel toe. I believe in this picture I was wearing my TTS and had to do a lot of creative posing and adjustment to get it to look decent. The different ribbing (the same as the panels on the side of the leg) cut into the inner thigh and created a line. No amount of pulling up the pant fixed it. For some reason there was less give. I’m undecided on the crops I bought because it fit better in the groin/upper thigh area but then there was a lot more bunching in the knee than there should have been. I’m going to try them around the house for a bit without taking the tags off to see if over time it molds to the body better.

Ella July 10, 2017 - 3:59 pm

Thanks for the feedback. Do you own any In The Flow crops? The Awakening crops look to be just like them so I’m curious if they fit similarly. I have a few ITFs (the prints seem to run smaller) that cause CT as well, though most fit fine. I never sized up on the ITFs because the waist wouldn’t stay up. It’s really too bad about all these fit issues!

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 6:45 pm

Unfortunately, I don’t have any in the flow crops. But I can tell just from looking at pictures that it’s constructed differently in the groin area. I do have several pairs of Flow & Go Crops that don’t have the same problem as the Awakening Crops but is similarly constructed. I was actually wearing them when I went to try on the TT Collection and I explained to the eds what was different with the seaming. I’ve never had CT problems or sizing issues with Flow & Go Crops.

Not sure if my response helps. I do know that these pants are definitely a size up (or 2). It’s the only way to fix the CT problem. And looking at the model pictures, I think they sized up too.

Ella July 10, 2017 - 8:08 pm

Thanks so much for the reply. That helps a lot. I’m definitely not going to go out of my way to locate these crops based on this CT issue but if they pop back up online maybe I’ll try in my size up. I have one pair of flow & gos in my tts and like them but I miss the shorter length of the old in the flow crops. Sounds like the awakening crops are not a suitable replacement!

Anonymous July 10, 2017 - 11:44 am

I love the wrap on you in the last pic!! I also thought the heart opener tank looks really cute on you. I’d say everything else is a pass. I guess I’m the only one, but I don’t like any of the pants/crops. I haven’t seen anyone IRL look good in the crops yet. The eds at my store were wearing the crops and they all had camel toe or the spot where their leg and hips meet created strange creases and shadows. Maybe it’s because they were all sizing up, since you say it runs small? A couple of ladies came out of the dressing room with them on and same thing. It’s a shame!! The colors of the crops are so pretty and they remind me so much of my favorite ebb and flows.

I vote you keep the wrap!

LS July 10, 2017 - 11:57 am

Seriously – I can’t get over how weird everyone’s crotches look. This collection just screams ‘high maintenance,’ whether that’s delicate fabric, constantly adjusting to avoid camel toe, excessive sweat showing, etc., and the pieces just aren’t special or unique enough to justify it.

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 1:12 pm

I’m so glad you noticed too! I was starting to feel self-conscious in the store when I tried on pair after pair of the crops thinking it just might be one defective pair. The weirdness didn’t disappear until I got a size 8. I’m not willing to constantly adjust in my workout gear.

Jenny July 10, 2017 - 11:51 am

I bought the Awakening Tank and the Heart Opener Knit Cami. I was not impressed with the quality. I will most likely keep the Awakening Tank…even though it looks like a light mauve panty hose. LOL…i think it’ll be good with sweaty workouts and the back design is very cute. The Heart Opener Knit Cami is a no-go. I was so nervous my nail was going to catch on to the material. It is soft but doesn’t look like the quality in the photos…looks cheaper. meh. disappointed.

Ms L July 10, 2017 - 11:52 am

Thank you so much for the review! I’ve been waiting with bated breath for my items to arrive. I noticed that you tried on the bra – is that a size-up item, too?

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 1:01 pm

Yes, the bra was a size up too. I usually wear a 6 and I got an 8. Generally, when the cups are cut in and smaller, I have to size up. Everything was. I was pleasantly surprised that the bra had a lot more support than I expected. I bought it in 3 colors (green, mauve and gray) except for the light gray/off white one. I’m debating on what colors to keep. The straps can criss-cross or be like a regular bra. I think I tried on and reviewed everything. The one item that I loved (which I didn’t think I was going to like) was the Awakening Tank. It was a lot more functional than I expected. If you leaned forward, it didn’t show everything like the Heart Opener Tank. And it looked really cute tied and untied. I got it in the green and mauve. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I accidentally bought the green in my TTS. It works except the length is a little shorter. I liked the length of one size up better. I’m going to go to the store later this week and if they have the green in a size 6, I’m going to exchange it. Otherwise, I’ll probably just keep my TTS.

EAT July 10, 2017 - 8:16 pm

Thanks for your review! My only problem with the awakening tank was that it was a little sheer… Did you find it sheer? I felt like I could see my navel, especially in the purple color. The green was a little better, but I bought the green crops and it was a little too tone on tone. I love the green crops, I went tts and while they felt tight when I first put them on, over the course of the day I got used to them and no weird creasing. I also got the knit tank in purple for contrast to the green crops, and then the green wrap. The knit material is super delicate. I had to go to two stores to find ones in my size without little snags. I haven’t purchased lululemon in awhile, I’ve been mostly buying Alo for something a little more fashion forward, but I loved the color and draping of this collection.

Mrs. O July 11, 2017 - 5:38 am

The Awakening Crop is sheer (mauve more than green) but I don’t mind the sheerness. I want to use it for sweaty workouts so the light mesh is perfect. It’s good to hear others are not having the same problem with the Awakening Crops. For me, the problem was too much and I didn’t want to risk the chance that the issue would resolve itself over time. It just felt too awkward to me.

Ms L July 10, 2017 - 9:14 pm

There was a similar bra out maybe 2 years ago, and it’s called Ebb to Street bra, and I had to size up on that, too. Bummer. I ordered all in my TTS, and they will have to go back.

I managed to get the Awakening Tank in faint mauve, and hopefully I’ll be able to get one in green or mauve. And seeing you in that wrap makes me want to get one, too!

CC July 10, 2017 - 1:44 pm

I ordered Awakining tank in all 3 colors, In the Foiw-like crops in 2 colors, & heart opening tank . My fav is Awaking tank . But will see when all my items get here

CT July 10, 2017 - 2:04 pm

Thanks for the fit reviews Mrs. O I think what’s drawing people into this line the most are the colours and not so much the designs. Definitely the wrap looked and fit the best on you and would be the most wearable piece of the collection IMO. The green and mauve look so good together and that’s got to be tough when you love the look of the two colours together but then the question becomes, can I live with CT? The only way I could ever wear these crops would be with a top long enough to cover the crotch and then I am forever pulling my top down, so anything that gives me CT is a big fat NO. I have a feeling a lot of these pieces will be returned and maybe some ending up in WMTM.

Ms. B July 10, 2017 - 2:42 pm

I got the wrap, the knit heart opener tank, the awakening tank and the bra all in the beautiful green (misty moss) which I love. These tanks both look really nice under the wrap as the wrap is way too short for me but with the other items underneath it looks great makes it flow and look coordinated and adds some length. I also only wrapped the ties of the wrap around once and tied it in the back, this also looks great. You can even get away with wearing the wrap backwards so the v ends up in back, might seem awkward for some but I think it looks nice. If I wear all the pieces together its a winner. Also got the halter and it’s not getting as much love from me, super cute but way too short and no area for cups! I went up a size in all the items from a 6 to an 8. The only item thats a little too big is the awakening tank but since it looks so nice with the wrap I’ll keep it.

PJ July 10, 2017 - 3:36 pm

Thank you so much for the review, it is very much appreciated . The wrap looks beautiful on you , extremely flattering. I can’t get over the crotch with those crops . It looks very see through ……….its a camel toe on steroids 🙂

I ordered a lot which I will be receiving tomorrow . I ordered TTS unfortunately , so it looks like everything will be returned . Thanks again 🙂

Mrs. O July 10, 2017 - 4:02 pm

It’s actually not that sheer. 9/10 in opaqueness. The green and mauve was less sheer. Only the light gray was sheer enough that I would have passed if I wanted that color. Unfortunately, these pictures are my TTS in the crops.

LS July 11, 2017 - 12:55 pm

I can’t believe how many people are receiving their wraps already snagged. I bet there will be a lot of returns and the knit stuff will end up destined for WMTM. People are saying that some stores had zero un-snagged wraps in stock…that’s pretty bad.

ABA July 12, 2017 - 2:16 pm

hi, I got two wraps and two tanks from one of the shops in Miami. they are not snagged. I dry clean all my sweaters whether form Lululemon or other brands. Dry cleaning keeps these nice and new looking.

JA July 15, 2017 - 3:14 pm

I was in Santa Monica store yesterday and the knit top was on the hanger with two snags in it already, needless to say- I did not buy it.

CT July 11, 2017 - 1:14 pm

As pretty as the colours are in this collection the functionality and quality of fabric are just not there. I can’t understand why the snagged product is not being removed from stores. Actually unsnagged knit products should be pulled as well due to this problem.

Rise and Shine July 12, 2017 - 2:10 pm

I was planning to return the knit cami because I hate the knotted shirt look, but walking around the store, most of the $58 tanks were either junky or very basic. Though I’m still very opposed to the knotted look, I think I will suck it up and keep it because the knit is really nice and the sage color is elegant and flattering. I’ll wear it over a Power Y or Dancing Warrior tank for skating.

Annabelle July 12, 2017 - 2:13 pm

I wear this tank unknotted. It’s pretty and drapes nicely due to fabric.

Jennifer July 12, 2017 - 4:13 pm

Hello people! As per our host’s suggestion, I am posting my request here for anyone to help me with. I am looking to buy the Mediation Cloak, which is of course sold out, and would like to know if any of you who bought it and is returning would like to sell it to me. Please NWT! I’m in Barrie, ON. Thank you all for your time!


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