Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Pottery Barn x Ivivva

by Cristina

Now this is an interesting and timely Lululemon collaboration – Ivivva Pottery Barn Teens ! Ivivva has collaborated with Pottery Barn Teens with a new collection which includes furniture, accessories and linens! My family is actually in the process of moving in the near future (I’ll have more posts on that soon, hopefully) and my first order of business is decorating both of my daughters rooms finally. I know my 9 year old especially will go nuts with this Ivivva bedding, even though she doesn’t necessarily wear a lot of Ivivva (she does have a few treasured pieces though) and my 7 year old will love the colorful bedding as well.  These colors and prints are totally their style and I can’t wait to show them this tomorrow morning! The desk is pretty spendy but my oldest has already been discussing plans for a new desk and I know once she sees this one it will be a must have. She has a spot plotted out in her potential new room which would fit a desk perfectly. I can see it now; my girls will have these great bedrooms and my husband and I will have some hand me down Ikea furniture. lol!

Man! I would have loved a bedroom like this growing up. Too bad I can’t get a room like this now that I share a bedroom with a boy.

It’s kind of funny because when I first saw the news that this collaboration existed my immediate thought was ‘that is crazy! what are they thinking?’ to full on planning out my daughters rooms with wish lists for both of them. All within 10 minutes!

Ivivva x PBteen ivivva Altered Skies Duvet Cover + Sham

Ivivva PBteens Locker Desk

Pottery Barn Teen Ivivva



Pottery Barn Teen IVIVVA STATIC TWEED JERSEY SHEET SETIvivva PBteens Light Up Beauty Mirror


Shop this Ivivva Pottery Barn Teens bedroom look

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emily July 12, 2017 - 3:20 am

Wow! That’s adorable! My daughter is wanting to re-do her room. I’ll have to show this to her.

Rise and Shine July 12, 2017 - 3:44 am

We went to a local launch party for this the other night. It was at Ivivva, so they only had a few items, but we came home with the heart pillow. My daughter needed another cute pillow like a hole in the head, but it was too cute to resist.

I picked up a lunchbox in Marvel (or something close to it) and it made me wonder: does LLL ever make lunch boxes? My old job had free lunch as a perk (I know!), but my current one doesn’t, so I “brown bag” it every day. I see a lot of working people, particularly women, bringing lunch to work, so I think there’s a market for grown up lunch boxes. I can’t remember LLL ever making one, but maybe I just didn’t notice it since I didn’t have a need before.

danika July 12, 2017 - 8:12 am

I am full grown adult and I would totally buy that last bedding combo (white and aquamarine)!

Cristina July 12, 2017 - 9:57 am

Me too but I need a king size. I actually really like the peach quilted throw blanket and it would match my grey duvet covers perfectly.

Mrs K September 10, 2017 - 12:49 pm

FYI any/everyone — this is all 20% off in-stores, now. Hasn’t been moving, I think this is their effort to get it out the door. Educator said that the problem is that most people don’t knows it exists – they’d go to a pottery barn for those items. Mall of America store has no sales tax if your local store doesn’t have it


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