The Lululemon Upload

by Cristina

The weekly Lululemon Upload post. Last weeks upload, fit review post, and guest fit review.

LOL, Lululemon’s response to ‘the ratio between tanks to tights is off and there aren’t enough tanks to buy’ which was the discussion we where having on last weeks upload post, is to create this ‘starter pack‘ of three core tanks. I haven’t priced it out yet to see if there is a discount to the bulk pricing. That being said, I’m very happy to see the Essential Tank back in more colors.  Another strange gimmick is that Lululemon has been embossing like crazy items that have not sold well just to push some sales (the Cut Above *Expression, Love Tanks, and random stuff that doesn’t sell well and this strange abomination of a copy of Calvin Klein circa 1993). Do people fall for these marketing gimmicks? What is going on with their merchandizing? Why bother having sold out APL sneakers on your ‘What’s New’ landing page when you are just enticing your shoppers to click elsewhere to complete a sale for APL Sneakers.  You can just buy whatever color or style you like of the Athletic Propulsion Lab shoes on their own site [Here] while abandoning the Lululemon site altogether. What a strange way of leading sales off your own site.

The All Days Vest was released last winter but it was pulled off the site within a day of being uploaded for some reason. I remember a few of you being perplexed by that last year when they where pulled from store shelves and off the site. I was curious to try it on last year and I’d definitely like to try it on this year but I don’t think I want to order it. I have several vests I already love so I can’t justify it, but I do like the longer length. Ready To Rulu Pants are must haves. I have a black pair and a spare that is NWT, and I have black grape, so I probably shouldn’t order another pair this year but it’s sure tempting. I am tempted by the Space Dye Camo.

Where are all the winter running items? They are so delayed this year. I’ve gotten so many emails from you guys asking me when Lululemon typically releases the cold weather run gear and tech fleece items and we are definitely overdue.

Did you guys order anything yet? I’m waiting for these floral print tights to show up.

Ready To Rulu PantReady To Rulu Pant Ready To Rulu Pant Ready To Rulu Pant Ready To Rulu Pant

Hold On TightHold On Tight

Meant To Move 7/8 TightMeant To Move 7/8 Tight

Speed Up Crop Radiant Multi
Speed Up Crop Radiant Multi
Speed Up Crop Radiant Multi

Radiant Multi Hi Rise Wunder Under TightRadiant Multi Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight

All Days VestAll Days Vest All Days Vest

Meant To Move Long SleeveMeant To Move Long Sleeve Meant to Move Long Sleeve

Essential Tank

Tank Starter PackLululemon Tank Starter Pack

Hold & Let Flow TankHold & Let Flow Tank

Frozen Flourish Fast & Free Tight 

Hotty Hot Shorts Meadow
Hotty Hot Short II Meadow
Power Pose Tank Meadow

Speed Up Short Hydrangea BlueSpeed Up Short Hydrangea

Shop Athletic Propulsion Lab Techloom Phantom Shoes
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Sierra October 24, 2017 - 1:30 pm

Hmmm I might need to try the Ready to Rulu pants. Tried the On the Fly pants and was so disappointed. Ready to Rulu looks to have a bit more style to them.

Esmeralda October 24, 2017 - 1:55 pm

Thinking about Ready to Rulu. I didn’t buy these joggers last year, because there were a lot of complaints about pilling and stretching out of shape. In my 19years of buying Lulu, nothing ever pilled on me, but I couldn’t deal with the stretching.

Estella October 24, 2017 - 1:57 pm

Thinking about Ready to Rulu. I didn’t buy these joggers last year, because there were a lot of complaints about pilling and stretching out of shape. In my 19years of buying Lulu, nothing ever pilled on me, but I couldn’t deal with the stretching.

Joanna October 24, 2017 - 2:46 pm

I’m interested in the Ready to Rulu. I have Baserunners and LOVE them – in black. Was intrigued by the blue ones. I’m hesitating because I have SO many casual pants already.

Also am liking the black and subdued flower print in the Fast and frees, but I don’t love the length of these pants. I could make do with the length, but it still bugs me. If they came out with a high rise pant for the gym in this colour w. a 28 leg, I’d be all over it. Really was hoping the longer 28 aligns that were seen overseas online, make it to Canada. I am 5’10 and don’t MIND the 25 inch on aligns because, HELLO, they are ALIGNS and I’ll deal. Aligns in a 28 though?! Damn, sign me up.

On another note, pretty sure that the Meadow coloured items are going straight to WMTM or to become 9$ items at and outlet.

Rise and Shine October 24, 2017 - 3:14 pm

Look forPushing Limits Tights. Similar to Aligns, but full length and with some additional, flattering seams. Also a little higher rise, which I could do without, but worth it. They never went online (only the 7/8 version did), but they’re great if you can track down a pair. Saw them on sale two weeks ago, so may be tricky to find.

Joanna October 25, 2017 - 12:55 pm

I tried Pushing Limits but it gave me a long butt. I don’t know why but it didn’t look as flattering back there as it does with the aligns.

Mrs. O October 25, 2017 - 8:41 pm

I had the same problem. I wanted to like it because I liked the seam down the leg. I think you really have to have a bubble butt for it to look good.

Joanna October 26, 2017 - 11:52 am

I’d love a bubble butt! Yes, I think you are spot on with that assessment.

Violet October 24, 2017 - 4:20 pm

I actually love the colour Meadow. It reminds me of an old colour called Split Pea that looked amazing with Violaceous. If I recall, it was popular, but only released in a few items.

Rise and Shine October 25, 2017 - 2:18 pm

Not a fan of Meadow, but I was glad to see Clear Mint back. It’s a little too sheer in the Sculpt Tank, but it’s a color I like.

bacall October 27, 2017 - 6:35 am

I really like medow too, if you have yellow undertones it looks really good

Andreea October 24, 2017 - 2:47 pm

The tank starter pack saves you $16. The tanks bought separately come out to $154. But you also have no color choice in this “starter pack”. Seems like Lulu’s new tactic to try to move items that aren’t selling. I wonder how the return process would work.

merrly October 24, 2017 - 3:01 pm

That’s what I was thinking! Seems like they want to get products moving.

Ashleigh October 24, 2017 - 3:04 pm

I’m happy to see the Ready to Rulu pants back. I bought many of these last winter and they are fantastic. I literally wore these all the time and haven’t had any issues with stretching or pilling and they wash well. They’re beyond comfy. I picked up two of the new colours today. I bought a pair of the Run On Joggers last week and I do like them (they’re more slim-fit) but the RTRs are a true jogger, have better pockets and are just overall nicer.

Jfynn October 24, 2017 - 3:23 pm

I bought the All Days Vest in store today. I couldn’t pass it up!! Just to versatile. I love the length. I can’t find those Radiant high rise wunder unders on the site! So weird. I saw the print today ad fell in love but the did t have WU’s in store!!

Sara October 24, 2017 - 4:08 pm

I so wish that vest didn’t have bottons! Why??????

Klo October 24, 2017 - 4:19 pm

I bought the all days vest last year. I don’t remember it being pulled off the shelves. It sold fast in my store. I wear it a ton. I layer it under my rain coat and even under my down parka when it gets really cold. My only peeve of this vest is that when I put my hands in the pockets and take them back out the lining comes out with them and I have to poke it back down. Not a biggie. I’d recommend

Shadowy_lady October 24, 2017 - 4:47 pm

I have two of the Ready to Rulu pants from last year too and only have good tings to say about them. And I will get another pair this year too, probably the reddish pair. I wear my two pairs from last year all the time, but especially love them for traveling.

Nothing else appealed to me

Anon October 24, 2017 - 5:08 pm

I have 34″ hip and typically wear size 2 in leggings and 4 in loose fit pants. Should I go with 4 in R2R pants? TIA!

Mrs. O October 25, 2017 - 11:18 am

I typically wear a size 4 in tights and size up in loose pants. But in the Ready to Rulu, I stayed TTS and it fit fine. It will loosen up a bit over time as well. I just liked the fit of the TTS rather than my usual size up.

Anon October 24, 2017 - 6:38 pm

Wow this’s so frustrating . I have 20% coupon that expires oct 29th and there’s nothing NOTHING in this upload that I like .

Anon October 24, 2017 - 7:01 pm

Wish I’d have gotten one of those codes. It’s frustrating that it seems to be no rhyme or reason to who gets them.

Joanna October 25, 2017 - 12:57 pm

I asked GEC while I was chatting with them about something else and she told me it’s random who gets them . I didn’t get one either.

Rise and Shine October 25, 2017 - 2:20 pm

The one I got was to an old email address I seldom use. I thought they were targeting people who don’t buy much anymore, but when I followed the link, it took me to my current LLL account, so why they used the old address, rather than my current one is a mystery. Very random.

Mrs. O October 25, 2017 - 4:30 pm

I didn’t initially get the survey email. Then a week after people posted about it, I got the email. Yes, it sucks that it expires so soon. I’m really not sure why some people got it, some didn’t, or some got it late. My email said I could forward the email to a friend to use or I could bring the friend in with me.

Melissa October 25, 2017 - 7:48 pm

i didn’t get it–anyone want to send their guest code? 🙂 Lissa10279 @ gmail dot com

Rise and Shine October 25, 2017 - 6:17 am

I spent mine on a SS Swiftly in Hydrangea and Power Y in Silver Spoon stripe. I’m happy with them – the Power Y is super soft- but agree that pickings are slim these days. 250 items on WMTM yesterday and nothing I wanted. That’s pretty extreme.

Liza October 25, 2017 - 6:58 am

My strategy was to use the coupon on basics I normally always buy, black aligns, wunder unders, define jacket, cool racerback. I specifically didn’t want to use my coupon for any new items that I don’t know if I will like, perhaps return and lose the coupon. Just an idea.

danika October 26, 2017 - 9:51 am

I received a coupon a couple weeks ago and there was literally nothing that I wanted to buy. so it expired….

Anonymous October 24, 2017 - 7:49 pm

I am very curious about the rush hour tight. A legging made out of rulu, yes please.

Ella October 24, 2017 - 9:11 pm

I am saving my money for warm weather gear which is MIA. I’ll be very upset if the tech fleece stuff is thin and cheap like it was last year. This stuff is all very forgettable.

Tanya October 24, 2017 - 9:51 pm

You mean cold weather gear? Because there’s plenty of warm weather gear as evidenced by the fact they’re still releasing shorts at this time of the year.

Looloo October 25, 2017 - 2:57 am

Not sure I am getting anything…I like frozen print in f and f as it appears to be more vibrant. But $138 is getting to be a bit much….makes me think twice these days. I now dont just order….I try on at store…and if I dont make it out or I dont see some of the new things there I forget about them…which means I dont really need more. Lol the struggle is real. Just way too much….my wallet is happy.

emily October 25, 2017 - 4:19 am

I really like the radiant multi, but prefer it in a pant (since I have bought a few pairs of running crops recently). However, I’m sure those will come after the coupon has expired.
I actually like and purchased the Cut Above hoodie. It’s nice and cozy (although missing thumbholes/cuffins). I have the one that says Lululemon, which is much more subtle than what is shown online (I have black and the emboss is a shiny black, not silver like online). To each her own though!
Add me to those who love the Ready to Rulu. I have a black pair that I wear a LOT and have zero issues with pilling and stretching.
I would like some solid, non-heathered technical tops (not tanks) to go with these new prints. I love the Love tees, but don’t wear them to run.

Mrs. O October 25, 2017 - 4:32 pm

The radiant multi comes in a full length wunder under and it is softer than the speed up tight/crop.

Emily October 26, 2017 - 4:45 am

Yes, but I want it in full-length running tights. I don’t wear WUs to run (not enough pockets). I ended up ordering the crops since I had the discount code.

Mrs. O October 26, 2017 - 9:37 am

Oh, they had it in the Speed Up Tight at my store. I should have been more specific.

Brittany October 25, 2017 - 6:47 am

I got the black cherry Ready to Rulu pants. I debated getting them last year but never did. I’m pretty short (5’1”) so a little worried about the length and if they might bunch up on the bottom. I got a size 2 although I usually wear 4 in pants. Any short people have problems with length? By the way, I agree that lulu needs to make more printed tops vs. bottoms. The frozen flourish print is gorgeous but I prefer solid bottoms.

Zee Zee October 25, 2017 - 9:13 am

I am 5’2 and am wondering the same thing. If anyone around the same height has these and is ok with the length please let us know!

Mrs. O October 25, 2017 - 4:34 pm

I’m not the same height but when I tried them on in my TTS (rather than a size up like I usually do with joggers), the length was much better than other joggers. Very little bunching unlike the other joggers. I didn’t think “oh, I wish I could get them hemmed” like I do with other joggers.

Brittany October 25, 2017 - 5:18 pm

Thanks for the info!

Anon October 25, 2017 - 10:42 am

Hi Ladies, for those that used their 20% off coupon, is the purchase final sale? Thinking of trying ready to rulu pant but not sure if I’ll like them. Have a pair of base runners that are too big for me that I’d like to replace. TIA!

Anon October 25, 2017 - 11:24 am

Doesn’t look like it according to my receipt

Brittany October 25, 2017 - 11:54 am

Nope, I was able to return items!

mary October 25, 2017 - 11:13 am

I agree on the cold weather running gear. It’s starting to cool off in my area and I could use some stuff..everything they release seems to be the To/From stuff- nothing technical. I saw they put up some brushed speeds online, I might have to settle for those if there’s still nothing in next week’s upload.
I agree on the APL’s, I still can’t figure out that collab. The stores I went to that HAD the shoes didn’t even have much in the way of sizes to try on and when you go to the site to order everything is always out of stock though you can find it just about anywhere else online- makes no sense.

Michelle October 25, 2017 - 12:59 pm

I’m going to order black currant aligns and a chrome non stop bomber which are just re releases that I missed out. Radiant multi is pretty but I don’t see it on the Canadian side?

jenny October 25, 2017 - 1:46 pm

Would anyone be willing to forward their survey to me? 🙂 I just talked to an educator and they said a friend could forward the survey to others. I have been a long time Lulu loyalist so i was very disappointed to find out I wasn’t able to participate in this. Please let me know anyone! thanks!

Cristina October 25, 2017 - 1:53 pm

Disappointing that they didn’t just give you a code for yourself after you reached out to them. I wasn’t given a survey or a code but if I was I’d be more than happy to pass it on. I think lululemon should have given you the code after contacting them though.

jenny October 25, 2017 - 1:58 pm

No. Nada. And as long as I have spent tons of money there, there was nothing they could do. Thanks for responding Lulumum!

Cristina October 25, 2017 - 2:01 pm

That’s just very poor customer service on their part. I hope they reach out to you.

jenny October 25, 2017 - 2:03 pm

I won’t anticipate that at all. LOL. Just wish they have fantastic service like nordies or even Athleta. At least their return policy has improved.

Mrs. O October 25, 2017 - 5:19 pm

Jenny: FYI, the SM 3rd Street Promenade Athleta is having a customer appreciation weekend this weekend. There will be refreshments and the possibility to get a free meal through one of their partners and some goodies. I’m not sure if all Athleta locations are having the event. If you’re in Los Angeles, I can forward the Athleta email to you.

I just created an email that you (or anyone else) can use to contact me. [email protected]

Rise and Shine October 25, 2017 - 2:24 pm

Sorry, Jenny. It can only be forwarded to one person, and I used mine. Good luck!

Wei October 25, 2017 - 5:59 pm

I called GEC after not receiving any survey or code. I was told by the educator that the surveys have been sent to a selected group of guests and that she did not have access to it. Knowing Lulu, I did not expect to receive a promo code over the phone but felt that it was important for them to hear from their under-appreciated long-time customers. She assured me that she would pass on my feedback.

Wei October 25, 2017 - 6:59 pm

weichen911 at if anyone is willing to share their code. Thanks!

Samantha October 25, 2017 - 6:10 pm

Hi Jenny, I have a code I can send you. Do you mind posting your email? Type in at instead of @ to protect it from any odd internet spammers! I can send you a test email before I forward the coupon since I can only forward once.

Del October 25, 2017 - 6:20 pm

If there is anyone else out there that would b willing to share their coupon I’d be extremely thankful….if not I understand. TIA

Anonymous October 25, 2017 - 6:37 pm

At Del my email is jenny.lee0111@ gmail. Thanks!!

Melissa October 25, 2017 - 7:51 pm

SAME — would love a code. Loyal customer here and didn’t get one 🙁 Lissa10279 @ gmail

Gail October 26, 2017 - 4:39 am

I sent you a code, Melissa. They expire on 10/29. If you don’t need it just send it along to someone!

Del October 25, 2017 - 8:13 pm

My email is Therealtabatha at for any of you generous folks. Thanks so much if you can help ??

Del October 25, 2017 - 7:10 pm

Samantha, Jenny responded to me but I am also looking for some kind soul who is willing to share their good fortune with me.

Anonymous October 25, 2017 - 7:14 pm

At Samantha. Would you forward the survey or code? I misunderstood and thought Del was going to forward. Sorry confused!

Anonymous October 25, 2017 - 7:14 pm

This is jenny

Samantha October 26, 2017 - 12:51 pm

Sorry it took me so long to respond! Jenny, I just sent you a test email. Reply back and I’ll forward you the lulu 20% off

Emily October 26, 2017 - 4:48 am

When I shopped in-store, they just used a generic 20% off code for the surveys. I can’t remember what they called it, but it was one code for all surveys. They should’ve just given you the discount.

I’m hoping they do another Family & Friends again this year.

anon October 25, 2017 - 10:08 pm

can anyone comment on how the ready to rulu pant compares to base runner?

Mrs. O October 26, 2017 - 9:42 am

If anyone needs the discount email, I can forward it to you. My friend told me she didn’t need to use my survey email. The first to reply to this message, will get the code. I’m not sure who received the forwarded email from the comments above. Just an FYI, the discount ends on the 29th.

Del October 26, 2017 - 11:05 am

If u haven’t already. I’d love it please…

Mrs. O October 26, 2017 - 11:15 am

Ok; I’ll send you a test email. Once you respond back, I’ll forward it to you!

Anonymous October 27, 2017 - 8:00 am

Hello! I would love the code too!
[email protected]

Runrunyogi October 27, 2017 - 6:27 pm

Are all the people commenting about the code from Canada? I called a couple weeks ago when I saw them mentioned here and was told the customers in the United States would receive something similar in November fir our Thanksgiving. Please let me know if this is not true. I’ve spent over a couple grand with Lulu this last year alone. If I’m excluded I will definitely be buying less!!

Rise and Shine October 30, 2017 - 4:32 am

Not true. US customers got them, too. Maybe a second round will be coming to people they missed.

Runrunyogi October 31, 2017 - 2:51 pm

Thank you! I ended up finding it in my junk folder with about four hours to spare and was able to use it on their website. I’m hoping they still do something for the holiday.


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