The Lululemon Upload is up!
Last weeks Lululemon Upload, and Store Photos.
I don’t know why Lululemon has added the APL shoes to this uploads landing page when they where uploaded last week and where already uploaded with very limited sizes and colors. You can get a huge selection of models, colors and sizes right here on the APL website, or Nordstrom, or at Carbon38 (although I prefer these Ultra Boosts over the APL’s [Mrs. O’s review]), and Bandier has a great selection as well.
I’m also finding it so hard to buy tops at Lululemon these days. It’s not that I’m not liking the tops, it’s just that they are disproportionately releasing tons and tons of bottoms per 1-2 tops and it’s feeling a bit ridiculous to have so many tights. For tonights upload I decided to order the Extra Mile 1/2 Zip in the Ringspun Denim. I don’t know how I feel about menswear inspired textures in the run tops but I want to try it on and see if it’s soft. I was torn between getting the Extra Mile 1/2 Zip and the Extra Mile Hoodie but I went with the 1/2 zip because it’s been years since I purchased one.
I also ordered these Align Pant II’s because they almost look like a splatter print. I’ve been obsessed with splatter prints lately and ever since my Nike tights I’ve been in love. I’ve been eying this Munro Hoodie (and the Tee and Sweats), and these APL’s with black speckled soles. I was actually going to do an entire post soon of splatter print items I’m loving. These Mineral Deposit WU’s have also caught my eye. Have any of you seen them in store yet? And of course, the sneak peek floral print is catching my eye too.
What did you guys order today?
Cute print preview on the APL thumbnail photo.
Wunder Under Crop Hi Rise Aura Dark Chrome Multi
Wunder Under Crop Minderal Deposit Lunar Eclipse
Run On Jogger ringspun denim black white
Hotty Hot Short II Moody Blues
Speed Up Short Frozen Flourish Multi
More APL inventory and sizes here:
I agree with you 100% about the top-pant release ratio being off! This disturbing trend actually upset me more for this upload than previous ones. I will explain why.
Recently, well for the last 1-2 years, most of the prints were grey and gloomy so I didn’t covet them. I looked at uploads out of habit, more than out of any expectation of loving something. (I was once a die-hard lulu addict.)
However, I love some of the newest prints. Florals always appeal to me and these remind me of my old-school lulu favorites. The problem is that I know these prints will not be made in something I need or want –and I am not unique in observing this fact.
Because of my short (just under 5’3″) body –as well my trim torso, thick legs — I wear solid, dark bottoms most of the time. Therefore, I like my tops to have fun colors or patterns and flatter my form. As others have commented, these lovely prints (some may not like them, but I do) will likely only be made in tops in bras and leggings. (Truthfully, I would break down and buy the vastly inferior CRB 2 if it came in Frozen Florish or the legging pattern featured with the bright sneakers.)
Once again, I am disappointed.
I’m so with you. I’d buy all of these floral prints (and Aura) in CRB2’s even though I hate CRB2’s. I’d be very happy if they had run singlets in these patterns as well.
Yes, I like the colors in the Aura print too! I know, right — I would scoop up Aura and floral CRB2s, despite having resisting them thus far. I would buy a bra that “filled in” the skinny back portion, which is the part I find most unflattering on me — and I don’t even have a wide back.
BTW, Cristina — I LOVE your site so much. I adore your makeup reviews as well as your reviews of sneakers etc. You are always so positive — you are lovely inside and out!
I hope your move is going smoothly.
Thank you so so much for such a lovey compliment!! I so much appreciate that you give my site your time.
I’m looking forward to creating more interesting posts for you guys as I settle in to my work space and work flow again. The move is going well but it’s been very hectic. Today was actually the first day I’ve had the house to myself and not full of workers.
Cristina, I love that Munro Hoodie. I can see why you’re obsessed with it.
Nothing from the upload but did see a crb in original style that I liked so I got that. They also added some stuff to WMTM randomly so I got me a swiftly tank in Boysenberry from that section as well
Has anyone seen the new Midnight navy/psychic swiftly in store? Wondering if it is the normal swiftly thickness/sizing or weather it’s thicker like the Indian ocean one was this summer….TIA
If I remember correctly, I think it’s the normal thickness swiftly rather than the Indian Ocean swiftly last summer. If it were as think, I would have noticed it more. But don’t take my word on it. I’d hate for you to order it and it not be what you wanted. Perhaps someone else has a better memory about the swiftly fabric.
Wouldn’t a jacket in one of the floral prints be great! It would sell out in a heartbeat. Like many of you, I prefer patterns and floral prints on top rather than bottoms. I probably would be a lot more adventurous with floral prints if it were a top.
That’s what I was thinking, too! Remember when they had the Miss Misty? Not a great jacket, imho, but if I recall correctly, they offered it in a bunch of prints.
Like seemingly everyone else, I love Frozen Flourish, but nothing it’s offered in. Oh, well.
Yes! I keep thinking “Gosh I would love a jacket or scuba in one of these prints”! I have the gather and sprint jacket in ghost dot and I wear it all the time because it adds a little bit of fun to my outfits, would love another jacket with one of these “fall” prints
I agree! They would sell like hot cakes because there hasn’t been a floral jacket in FOREVER.
In addition to wanting the new pretty patterns in tanks, I would love one of them in a flattering (ie. not boxy) lulu jackets. I have 2 floral defines, 2 floral scubas and 2 floral “vintage” jackets (for which I cannot remember the names) — and I get compliments EVERY time I wear them. More importantly though, when I pull them out of the closet, they make me happy. Of course, I wouldn’t want to wear flowers every day, but some days they feel perfectly feminine.
As I said above, thanks for your reviews, Mrs. O. I appreciate this site so much and great contributions are part of what makes it special. 🙂
Thanks Kate. I enjoy doing them and sharing my love of shopping and trying things on with others. My friends don’t quite understand my obsession but they are not living in and constantly working out in athletic gear. It’s nice to have a community that enjoys the details that most others don’t notice.
I’m always drawn to florals and think they look great on others. It really depends on the print for me. And I’d wear florals more often if it were a tank, shirt or jacket. Having a jacket puts a nice finishing touch on an outfit.
Absolutely agree with you…but only if LLL take notice of what the fans are saying instead of churning out what they think we like…..
I’m liking that floral print featured with the APL shoe. Nothing for me this week. It’s been hard for me to find tops, too! They just come out in black, white and grey and occasionally a blue which I find a deal breaker because I have all those colors already.
I wonder how much of that tiger space dye fabric they bought. I can’t believe they’re still releasing tops on that fabric. It’s been maybe over a year now? lol Also I like that print with the APLs, it looks like fast and free tights…. my fave.
I feel like I’m in the minority, but I dislike all the floral patterns! Old or new, they are not my style. I’m waiting on bright solids!! 🙂
I don’t like floral prints either! No thank you. But I’m not a fan of bright colors. I like what they are making now: jaded, garnet, pelt, magnum, dark carbon, dark shadow.
Hi Ladies, I’m interested in the frozen flourish and aura prints. Does anyone know if they’re backed in white? TIA!
I think it’s backed in light gray.
Thanks Mrs. O! I think I’ll give it a try.
I also got the half zip in the same material as well as black. I figure if it isn’t soft, I’ll be in Chicago next week and can do a return! I got the Garnet Swiftly and the Frozen Flourish Speed Up crops–those are my new go-to running crop! Still waiting for the tech fleece tights …. but it’s still warm enough for crops most mornings now.
I would also love the frozen flourish print in a gather and sprint or similar jacket. I really like the print, but I can’t figure out WHY on earth they are still backing dark prints in white/light colors. If this were backed in black or any of the darker colors featured in the print I would have snapped up the WU in a heartbeat. I have the multi bloom WU from last year, and as much as I love the print, I find that I just don’t reach for it. I don’t get too much stretching, but when doing full squats all bets are off. If it hits an attractive MD price I might reconsider, but definitely no go for me at full price. I have my fingers crossed the gorgeous floral print previewed with the APL will have a better outcome! That being said, I do love the flourish print and don’t want to miss out on it so I did order the run times.
THIS!!! I am still trying to understand this trend! why do they use white backing, why? anyone has any idea. I would genuinely want to know why.
This would be pure speculation on my part but it probably has to do with the color of the print (to show the lighter colors) and purity of color. I’ve noticed when it’s in the same color scheme, i.e., shades of dark blue, it gets printed on a darker background like the Japanese floral print. I have headbands with beautiful prints (not LLL) in a technical fabric and they are all backed on white. Although there’s less fading on a headband. It’s not just LLL that does it, which is why I’m thinking it has to do with the print and color of the print.
I ordered the frozen flouish speed Up shorts and received them today and LOVE LOVE them!!! I’m SO happy it’s released in the speed up shorts. I’m just waiting on the nouveau starlight black print that Australia got in the Speed Up shorts to come here also. So excited about those even though they are black and white.