Thanks to reader Ms. K for showing us What’s New At Lululemon today, ahead of the upload.
I’m really liking this Time Out Hoodie. It looks like it’s the same material as the Time Out Crew. I tried the Time Out Crew yesterday and hopefully, I can post a fit review of it soon. It will probably be tomorrow though. The website gives no information about the fabric but if you are a fabric snob like me, it’s 68%Pima Cotton, 23% Tencil, 8% Lycra and 1% polyester. Despite that 1% polyester the material is really lovely.
Look at this! They are back to posting the cute little slogans inside shirts. I love this little detail. This one says ‘My Race, My Pace’. The colors are really pretty too!
I ended up returning the Just Pleat It SS which I reviewed here this past week. I really love it but the price was too much as many of you suggested so I’m going to stalk it for markdown. I will definitely get it on markdown because it’s really cute, the price is just too high for it.
This is cute too. I wonder how wide the armholes are. Hopefully not too wide.
Loving that frilled tank!
That and the perforated shorts are giving me feelings of classic Lululemon. Looking forward to the upload today!
OMG, yes!! I LOVE that frilled tank! YAY for cute sayings on the insides again!
I’m not sure if you are a Seawheeze person, but did you notice that the Seawheeze Facebook page has been down for a few days? I wonder what the issue is? Nothing has been posted on Twitter or anything.
I actually noticed the other day that all of Lululemon’s individual store pages have been renamed ‘Lululemon’ vs. ‘Lululemon Vancouver’ and they are all streaming the brand page information in addition to store info. The content going out is strange and very confusing because they all post the same main page content, and then individual store information without location details – but because it’s under just Lululemon, you don’t know what store is posting that locally relevant information. I suspect the same thing happened to the Seaweeze page and it’s now another ‘lululemon’ page, which probably means all the comments, questions and feedback that fans contributed disappeared.
Lululemon has become very fussy about their social media being run by HQ vs individual stores.