Fit Review: Mesh On Mesh Jacket

by Cristina

I’m so sorry for the late fit review of the Mesh On Mesh Jacket. I ordered this from last weeks upload but for some reason, by Friday afternoon my order was still in processing. I contacted GEC a few times but they were swamped with calls from the Lululemon website issues so it took a lot of time. When I did eventually get through I was told that unfortunately my order had glitched and it was stuck in processing and would not complete.  I was promised that if I re-purchase the item I ordered, my original order would absolutely not go through. Guess what just arrived on my doorstep! Oh well.

I really like this Mesh On Mesh Jacket. It’s a nice soft mesh and I really like the cuff detailing on the hem and the wrists. I also really like that it’s got a hood. This is TTS 10 for me and I would not size down in this at all as it’s just shy of being a short length on me. I know someone else who purchased this jacket and sized down for more of a bomber look, but I’m long in the torso so I can’t sacrifice length. My only complaint about this jacket is that I’ve now tried on three of them and they all have sticky flimsy zippers. At $125, the zippers should be higher quality. I like the jacket though so I think I’m going to keep it and hope that the zipper holds up – but it’s a pain having to take things back to the store for quality issues. Before I decide if I’m keeping it, I really want to check this Gap Mesh Bomber Jacket which is priced at $54, (I believe the 40% off sale is still going so it will actually be $32) and see if the zipper quality is a bit better.

What do you guys think? Have you had a chance to try this jacket on yet?

I have another review coming this afternoon courtesy of Mrs. O – so stay tuned for that!!

Mesh On Mesh JacketMesh On Mesh JacketMesh On Mesh Jacket Mesh On Mesh Jacket

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anonymous June 19, 2017 - 12:24 pm

I really wanted to like this jacket but the sleeves were so short on me! They ended 2″ above my wrists and then went to my forearms if I lifted up my arm. I have average arms for my height too so not even long (5’5″ tall, arms are my height length from middle fingertip to middle fingertip so spot on normal length arms). This truly disappointed me. I may try the Gap one to see if it fits better.

Cristina June 19, 2017 - 12:30 pm

I can definitely see that actually. I’m really short limbed and the cuffs where just right on me so I imagine on someone with regular length limbs this will be a bit short.

Kate June 19, 2017 - 12:57 pm

I agree … the zipper is cheap …. I don’t know why they cannot put in decent zippers!

Heidi June 19, 2017 - 1:57 pm

I love this jacket, but the zipper sticks on the one I received….I have difficulty getting it open and have had to take it off over my legs. Ridiculous for the price.

Holly June 19, 2017 - 2:27 pm

I LOVE this jacket too. It looks amazing in the black with the white Uncovered Muscle Tank. It’s amazing outfit with a long necklace. I was really enjoying the jacket but also noticed the zipper issue. I’m hoping that I’ll just have to put up with it too. Since I leave it draped open most of the time I shouldn’t have to worry about it but it looks so cute done up that it’s a shame about the zipper.

Mrs. O June 19, 2017 - 2:37 pm

Oh, I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one with the zipper problem. I tried on all the jackets the store had and all the zippers were glitchy. I picked the best one out of the bunch. On other clothing that has zipper issues, I’ve rubbed a candle on the teeth of the zipper. It usually does the trick. I haven’t tried it on the jacket.

FYI, I sized up to a 6 because of the sleeve length. My TTS was too short. I had the same issue with the mesh on mesh pop over.

anonymous June 19, 2017 - 3:48 pm

I’m already sizing up to a 6 from my normal size and they were still too short. No way I can size up again without it looking like i’m wearing a jacket that is way too big.

Mrs. O June 19, 2017 - 6:54 pm

The sleeves even look a bit short on the models. It’s one time I’m glad I’m average height with average limbs. Maybe the GAP jacket will work better for you. Seems longer all around.

Mrs. O June 19, 2017 - 2:41 pm

Cristina, the jacket looks great on you! BTW, thanks for your review of the ultra boost. Otherwise I never would have tried it on. I ended up getting one. Hubby did too. The men’s blue was a deeper, darker blue color — I loved that color too.

One other thing I noticed. I liked the way the bottom hem on the pop over cinched in a bit more than the jacket. When I had the jacket zipped, it was a bit looser at the bottom hem. Not enough to dissuade me from purchasing the jacket over the pop over.

Cristina June 19, 2017 - 3:36 pm

I’m really glad you loved the Ultraboost. I’ve been obsessed with mine since I got them. They feel exactly like walking on ultraplush carpeting with soft wooly socks on.

Mrs. O June 19, 2017 - 6:56 pm

Great description! That’s exactly how they feel. Since I was splurging I told my hubby to try them and he fell in love. He wasn’t going to get them but I convinced him to get it I had saved up enough money to buy both.

Mrs. O June 19, 2017 - 3:05 pm

LOL, I just ordered the GAP jacket in black and white to see if I liked it better. For both with tax it came out to $68 USD. I could get both colors for less than the price of the one LLL. We’ll see if I like the quality. That’s usually my problem with GAP. But for something trendy, $68 for two jackets is a great deal!

Mrs. O June 19, 2017 - 3:18 pm

Sorry, I’m so scatter brained. The GAP 40% off sale ends tonight at 11:59 pm (at least in the US). Thought everyone should know if they wanted to place an order.

Anonymous June 19, 2017 - 3:29 pm

First off I really like your top, shoes and your purse ( I love the teal blue lining). As for the jacket, it looks good on you and if you think you will get enough wear out of it then it’s worth buying. For me I don’t find anything special about this jacket and except for the mesh it doesn’t look much different style wise from most other jackets they have made this year which for me have been a huge disappointment. Jackets from LLL used to be so unique in style and colours but now I find them just too plain and not worth the money.

By the way it says there are 5 comments but they don’t show up when I open the thread.

Mary June 19, 2017 - 4:18 pm

This is very unrelated but I would love it if you would make an all time MVP list of all your active wear. Maybe top 5 in each category (bra, tank, long sleeve, shoes, etc.), lululemon or otherwise. You’ve got great taste and I always like the items you suggest. I’m sure other readers would love to see it! I know you’ve done your top picks at the end of the year before but this could be from your full collection. Totall understand if it’s too much work but I would really love a post on the topic! 🙂

Cristina June 19, 2017 - 5:22 pm

What an awesome idea!! Thank you! I’d love to do a post like that. Actually, I’d probably separate it into posts for each category. I’ll take some time to think about what gets included in my categories and will definitely work on this feature. Thanks!

merrly June 19, 2017 - 6:53 pm

I’d love to see a post like this!

danika June 20, 2017 - 8:34 am

that is such a great idea!

Meg June 19, 2017 - 6:06 pm

The same thing happened when I ordered the mesh on mesh popover! I didn’t get a confirmation it shipped but it showed up the day I inquired about it but I had to wait a long time to speak to someone as well. I’m still on the fence about the Pullover but I am quite liking the jacket on you!

Janay June 19, 2017 - 6:31 pm

I bought the white one in Toronto last weekend with my race discount. I wore it home on the plane and I really like it. Tts for me


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