Welcome to the first official Weekend Chatter 11/14 blog post! If you are bored and don’t mind a bit of rambling, here are the current events from my corner of the world.

Did you check out my posts this week?
The Weekend Chatter: what’s going on in the world and in my life these days.
The second covid wave is here. In British Columbia (specifically Greater Vancouver), we just had 42 people test positive for covid linked to one BC gym.
Our provincial health officer has temporarily ordered closed extra sports activities for kids, gyms restricted to non hyper-respiration inducing workouts (individual strength only) and specifically spin classes. Given this, most people are recreating the gym experience at home, using tech, wether it be zoom classes, youtube or content enabled equipment.
are gym workouts risky during the second wave?
One big conversation happening in my neck of the woods are gyms during covid and the covid second wave. Are they too risky? I wanted to discuss this here in the Weekend Chatter because I want to know what you think, and how your fitness is going. Are you going into the gym?
I think in many cases gyms are pretty safe when exercising precautions and with smart covid mitigation protocols. adequate spacing, ventilation, masks, sanitization etc. The most important thing of course are the members being conscientious and buying-in to self-reporting, and self isolating when necessary. If a gym has a strong, tight knit community it’s easier to implement expectations and general conscientiousness. In gyms that aren’t community centred, and that don’t have this type of camaraderie, I think it can be fairly risky.
My gym has had extremely strict measures in place that at times felt like overkill. Because of their dedication and planning in keeping everyone safe they are able to enact a different phase of their covid plans and keep the gym open with the health departments ok. I’ve not gone to the gym in 7 months not because of Covid, or fear of covid. I just got used to working out at home and outdoors over the summer and I really like it. I do miss my gym people though and will go back once times are less ‘strange’. SoulCycle has just announced they are closing down all Canadian locations until 2021
covid fitness purchases
Second wave and covid fitness purchases. Crazy at the time. Makes perfect sense now. I’ve been loving my covid inspired fitness purchases, especially my Peloton. I’m really happy with it now that the second wave of covid is here causing new lockdown measures. When I first got the bike my husband thought I was insane for buying a piece of fitness equipment that he thought for sure would be a clothing rack. I insisted because we had purchased a few weights and things and created a small at home gym, and I had been wanting the Peloton for years. Now he’s probably using my Peloton more than I am. We’ve already had the argument about putting the seat back down to my settings so that it still feels like it’s my bike.
I’m still waiting on the Lululemon – Mirror availability for Canada but once it’s available here I for sure want to get it.
The thing I love most about my Peloton is the constant stream of new content. There are thousands of classes available on demand, and new classes added every day. If you are mildly ADD like I am and you need fresh content to keep your attention, you will love the Peloton app. There are always themed rides available and the Peloton trainers each have their own styles, personalities and playlists. I tend to stick to my favourites (Tunde and Alex Toussaint) but I also venture to other trainers because they have interesting content, or a class intensity/style I’m searching for.
Beyoncé and Peloton have just announced a multi-year partnership. The partnership will see Beyoncé’s help curate class soundtracks using her music for cycling, running, strength, bootcamp, yoga and meditation. Beyoncé’s curated workouts are in honor of Historically Black Colleges and Universities’ homecoming season, and having to adapt to homecoming virtually. Beyoncé is the most requested artist to feature in Peloton’s playlists.
I took one of Beyoncé’s classes the other day with my two favourite Peloton trainers and really enjoyed it. Honestly I enjoyed it mostly because it was my two favourite trainers together. Both Tunde and Alex Toussaint are my go-toos and are probably a good 90% of my workouts.

A few new lululemon items this week. I picked up the Chambray Radiant Jacket after loving it in Submarine. The color is a touch more grey compared to the online picture, and compared to other chambray items, but I don’t care. I love it! Another love is the Sleek City Jacket. It’s by no means a heavy duty winter jacket, but it’s a great mild winter or fall jacket option. Size up in this! It’s slightly cropped, but fairly fitted if you have boobs or shoulders.

The holidays have exploded into my home… my husband really loves decorating for the holidays. He collects Santas, and various other festive statues. He delights in staging the house for Christmas, and sharing pictures with his family because they all also love Christmas. They all send photos back and forth of their holiday decor. I step back and let it unfold because although I do love Christmas, I’m kind of lazy about ‘traditions’. This just perfectly reflects the differences in how we both grew up. My parents usually threw up some lights, picked up a small tree from the Ikea parking lot and called it a day. Christmas dinner rarely involved a turkey. His family always went all out, and continued this even after kids moved out and grandkids where born. This tree and peg Santa are my contributions this year.
What are your holiday traditions? For Diwali, Hanukkah, Eid Al-Fitr or Christmas? Do you decorate all out?

This week was fall premier week for primetime TV shows and almost every single TV show had some version of covid as the storyline, although some just had it as background context and didn’t delve headlong into it. I think I preferred the gentle context reminders. Grey’s and This Is US where shows that covered it in depth. I thought This Is Us was more nuanced, but definitely more heavy. Grey’s was a tribute to healthcare workers which I definitely appreciated. I did like both episodes a lot, but it wasn’t that relaxing escape I like in a TV show. I’m really looking forward to watching The Crown which premiers on Netflix tomorrow.
What have you been watching? Did you feel one way or another about the covid storylines?

I haven’t been to the gym since early March and have since cancelled my membership. I’m in Texas, so we never really saw the end of the first wave, and since my husband is a lung transplant recipient, there’s no way I’m risking it. His docs just sent a note out saying 40% of their patients who contract COVID, die. Hopefully I can get back sometime next year, but for now my modest home gym will do the trick. I’ve lost strength for sure, but 5 years of heavy lifting in the gym set me up with a pretty decent foundation. Wishing you and yours well!
Wow those are insane numbers. in BC our deaths had been pretty limited to care homes (which is very sad) but the demographics have taken a turn now during this second wave. We got the flu shots immediately this year and where so happy to learn the flu mist was available for kids.
I too have lost strength and I notice that in my upper back. Definitely a lot more aches and pains and postural issues.
Wishing you well too!
I finally broke down and ordered a Peloton Bike +! So looking forward to it. It’s “supposed” to arrive Monday. Fingers crossed the delivery isn’t changed. I can’t wait to check out Tunde and Alex! Yep, the second wave is going to be brutal. Cold weather pushing everyone indoors…holiday/family gatherings being planned business as usual. So watch for spikes after Thanksgiving and Christmas. 🙁
Stay health and be safe!
Had to laugh at your Christmas contributions! I’m not into holiday decorations either. It’s great that your husband is because I’m sure your girls enjoy it.
I don’t miss going to the gym. We’ve managed to add some equipment during 2020 and I absolutely love working out at home.
I stopped going in March, but then started again a bit during the summer when numbers in my city were extremely low. My biggest problem was having to make a-hour appointments in advance, and it was hard to know if I’d be able to go since my schedule is a bit fluid these days. I put my membership on old because it wasn’t worth the money. Now my province is skyrocketing with Covid infections, so I doubt I’ll be back at the gym before next summer. I have a rowing machine and I bought a set of weights, but lately I’ve been feeling inconsistent. I need to get back on the horse!