The Upload!

by Cristina

The Upload Intro

The Lululemon Upload is live! Where on earth are all the camouflage items we’ve been waiting for? The Scuba Hoodie, the jacket. Where are the Tuck & Flow LS? I am eying up the Pack It Up Jacket in the stunning floral print. I love that it reads like splatter print from afar (which is a theme I love) but up close it’s floral. The metallic foil Moment To Movement Tight is pretty wild. Are any of you getting those tights? They are online only so I’m sure we’d all love to know your thoughts. 

Pack It Up Jacket

Pack It Up Jacket
Flowerescent Multi
Pack It Up Jacket
Smokey Blush
Pack It Up Jacket
Camo Green

Moment To Movement Tight

*Online Only*

Moment TO Movement Tight
Crinkle Heather Brindle High Shine Foil

Front Of The Pack 1/2 Zip

Front Of The Pack 1/2 Zip

Melodic Movement 7/8 Tight

Melodic Movement Tight
Slate Blue
Melodic Movement Tight

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Dance Studio Jacket III

Dance Studio Jacket III
Dance Studio Jacket

Selling my Dance Studio Jacket, Size 12, Wren over here

Define Jacket Nulux

Define Jacket Nulux
Vintage Grape

Swiftly Tech LS Crew

Swiftly Tech LS Dark Olive Camo
Dark Olive/Brave Olive

Scuba Hoodie *Light

Scuba Hoodie Light
Heathered Silver Lake Slub

Start Anew Skirt

Start Anew Skirt
Start Anew Skirt

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Knot Gonna Flue Tee Hood

Knot Gonna Fly Hooded Tee

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On The Fly Short

Camo Green

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Final Count Tank

Final Count Tank

Ebb To Street Tank II

Ebb To Street Tank II
Opal Green

Swiftly Tech Racerback

Swiftly Tech Racerback Dark Olive
Dark Olive

Festival Bag II

Festival Bag II
Roman Red
Festival Bag II
Motif Grey

Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve (Breeze)

Swiftly Tech SS Breeze, Enchanted Iris
Enchanted Iris

Run Times Short II

Dark Chrome Run Times Short II, Lululemon
Dark Chrome

Cool Racerback II Nulu

Fast & Free Crop II

Fast & Free Crop II, Twillines Ice Grey Black
Twillines Ice Grey Black

Wunder Under Hi-Rise

Wunder Under Pant Hi-Rise

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Swiftly Tech SS Crew

Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve Crew
Slate Blue

Full Freedom Bodysuit

Full Freedom Bodysuit
Smokey Blush

Shop The Lululemon Stylists Shoe Picks

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Anon August 14, 2018 - 2:17 pm

Where’s the camo Scuba?

kim August 14, 2018 - 2:27 pm

What are they waiting for in bringing back the Tuck N Flow? 🙁 🙁 🙁

Amy Carlson August 14, 2018 - 2:59 pm

I know! Exactly!

Mrs. P August 14, 2018 - 2:38 pm

To echo previous commenters:
Where are the onyx jacquard tights pictured with the matching energy bra?

So much teasing going on here…

Reign August 14, 2018 - 2:57 pm

Why aren’t some of the models ‘selling’ the clothes?? They look like they don’t want to wear them.

Jenn August 14, 2018 - 5:24 pm

Agree. Some models just shouldn’t model clothing at all. Or they’re asked to model this way? The girl’s face on the first picture of the Pack It Up Jacket in Smoky Blush is so displeased.

Cristina August 14, 2018 - 10:03 pm

yah some of them look like they have prison glare going on.

Sara August 15, 2018 - 4:56 am

And the girl with the red half zip almost always has a massive camel toe. Why does she pose like that? It makes pants look terrible.

anonymous August 16, 2018 - 9:53 am

That looks totally photoshopped though to give that thigh gap look *commence eye roll* I wonder if the photoshop makes it look worse than it really is.

LittleMissG August 14, 2018 - 3:26 pm

Straight away bought the Bali Breeze CRB II even though I don’t *need* it but it’s my favorite color. I missed out on Toothpaste and have never gotten over it. This is despite the fact that I just bought the lovely green Rally Your Heart tank yesterday. I officially have a problem.

Shadowy_lady August 14, 2018 - 4:50 pm

I like the bodysuit but nothing else. I am also not a cameo fan but I was hoping to see the Tuck n Flow’s.

Am I alone in not liking shorts been styled with booties? Either it’s cold and one wear boots or it’s warm and so we wear shorts. I don’t know I may be too Canadian. No way in hell I wear my booties in the summer.

Isn’t lulu’s 20th anniversary this month?

Anna August 14, 2018 - 6:16 pm

I also do not like the booties with the athletic shorts.

Reminds me of the trend from several years back of girls wearing their Nike running short with knee high Ugg boots. Just looks like a homeless person who is wearing whatever they have been able to scrounge up.

anonymous August 16, 2018 - 9:55 am

I don’t like any of the shoes they have on these models. I think they’re all ugly but yes, the booties with the shorts is just bad. Those booties are for regular clothing, NOT athletic or athleisure IMO.

anonymous August 16, 2018 - 9:58 am

The shoes Lulu has been using are all ugly IMO. The booties with the shorts are terrible though. That’s not footwear for “athletic” gear nor does it really go with athleisure either IMO.

Fwiw: Having problems with comments. Tells me “It looks like you said that already”. No, no, this would be the first time.

anonymous August 16, 2018 - 10:00 am

Cristina – and now it posted both comments for some reason after it told me that and I reworded it (after several tries). Sorry.

Cristina August 16, 2018 - 12:14 pm

So sorry! It’s glitchy on my end too when I leave a comment. It probably just has to do with program updates on the back end and will settle down in a few days.

Ecop August 14, 2018 - 5:00 pm

The shorts with booties remind me of Steve Irwin or Crocodile Dundee or something like that. Probably not the best look unless you’re in the Aussie outback with a six pack (of beers) 😀

I agree with Reign at 2:57 – it looks like the the models don’t want to wear the clothes. If you look at the girls’ section, most of the girls modeling the clothes also look grumpy so it’s probably some conscious styling decision (not sure why you’d want the models to look upset to wear the clothes?)

And that photo of the red Front of the Pack 1/2 Zip is not flattering. I’m not sure why they wouldn’t just not shoot it from below to preserve the lady’s dignity.

P.S. I kept trying to submit my comment but was told it was “spam” several times… o_o

Anonymous August 14, 2018 - 5:54 pm

Wow… that’s some serious camel toe. Don’t they pay someone to look over the photos and fix something like that? And I agree about the models. It would be nice to see some smiles.

Cristina August 14, 2018 - 8:28 pm

That’s really strange! I just had a look in the spam filter and nothing of yours in there. I’ll keep a look out and make sure nothing gets added there that doesn’t belong.

Ecop August 14, 2018 - 9:14 pm

Thanks! Hopefully it wasn’t filtered just because I was bringing up “dignity” 😀

Cristina August 14, 2018 - 9:40 pm

bahaha! no, not from me. I don’t have any filters set up myself but I think the automatic spam filters out anything that looks like ‘my neighbor works from home and earns $6000 a day from the internet’ type of links.

Cristina August 14, 2018 - 10:04 pm

? Steve Irwin wore it better. haha!
I do hate the look overall but I find the variety of shoes being shown visually appealing. It gives the clothes more context (the wrong context, but still).

Sara August 15, 2018 - 5:04 am

That girl has camel toe constantly. It’s not the first time I’ve seen it on her. It’s the way she poses with her legs spread so far apart and she probably hikes up her pants way too much. It’s annoyed me ever since she started modeling for LLL. The only model I can stomach nowadays is the one wearing the green swiftly LS. She looks fit and muscular and always has somewhat of a smile.

Anonymous August 15, 2018 - 9:38 am

Aaagghhhh!! I didn’t notice the camel toe before and now that’s all I see! ??

Anonymous August 15, 2018 - 9:41 am

I also like the model who looks like she actually works out. She is fit, has some muscle, and doesn’t look perturbed or bored in her photos. ?

Runrunyogi August 15, 2018 - 2:44 pm

? I’ll never be able to unsee that! ?

Anonymous August 14, 2018 - 5:59 pm

No purchases for me this week. I am interested in the shiny foil print, but I’m not into the whole “stirrup” design.

Susie August 15, 2018 - 3:39 am

Purchased the flamenco red long sleeve swiftly. I have been waiting years for a true red that is not cranberry or tomato red. I am so happy! Also the on the fly pant wide leg, which was not new this week.

Anonymous August 15, 2018 - 6:03 am

I was speaking with a LLL employee the other day about their 20th anniversary which is August 24th. He said each store was getting $$$ to hold events that day and that there will be 20th anniversary product hitting the stores too. I plan to go into a store on that day just in case they have a 20% discount to celebrate. It looks like we are starting to see snippets of oldies making a return which may just be the beginning of more to come for their 20th anniversary. I absolutely love the Groove Pants boot cut I bought last week in black and heathered black. I tried on the flare cut in moonphase yesterday and had to hold myself back from puchasing those. The fit of these pants is amazing and I can’t wait for cooler temps to wear them. The Dance Studio Line is making a return with the Jacket but it would have been nice to see these in newer colours. The new Dance Studio Crop is disappointing, lacking all the original details and design. I just don’t know why they bring this crop back in different versions when the originals were such a hit. I am really looking forward to see what else makes a return in the coming months.

Good eye Cristina on the Pack It Up Jacket, I thought the print was splatter, which I am not a of, but I want to see this print in person. I didn’t purchase anything from this drop but I am probably going to buy the Slate Blue Swiftly. I am waiting for the Tuck and Flow as well and hope we see it in some great Fall colours.

Anyone else noticing how a lot of the models are being styled in a very “urban street look” vibe. I am getting a feeling we are going to see this look dominate the upcoming season. I am not a fan of this look because my body type suits the more fitted tailored look and I personally like a bit more detail and colour. As for the model wearing the red jacket accessorized with a camel toe, I think that is photoshopping gone bad, really bad!

shadowy_lady August 16, 2018 - 5:54 am

yea I thought their anniversary was coming up too (see my comment above). I shall go to a store on the day as well in case there are events.

Thank you for the review of the new Groove pants. I have two pairs from many moons ago (I think 10 years or so). Glad to hear the fit is still good. I will purchase a flare version.

Dayna August 15, 2018 - 6:19 am

Wouldn’t that be amazing if some true “oldies” made a comeback??? I’d die if the Tuck and Flow actually showed up OR they re-released a few gems….ie: Quiet Stripes WUs! Wouldn’t that be crazy?

Klo August 15, 2018 - 9:50 am

How about the dsp’s rolled up with the ankle boots. LOL

Dre L August 15, 2018 - 1:51 pm

Another week, another low point. #lululemon #lowpoint Well said Cristina, where are they?! Crossing the ocean takes time, I suppose.

Anyway, thanks for the show hunting it is great.

The modelling have been down for quite some time, it’s like looking at a Zara catalogue with athletic vibes. #fail

Dre L August 15, 2018 - 1:52 pm

SHOES autocorrect fail hi hi hi!

Ling August 15, 2018 - 3:45 pm

Gosh I miss some of the old models. The newer models are too edgy for LLL. Something is not quite right.

LS August 16, 2018 - 10:55 am

Personally, I feel like they’ve been having a brand identity issues for several years now.

Cristina August 16, 2018 - 12:17 pm

100%. Sometime after 2015 it started. I think laying off a lot of their longtime head office staff, and then the morale issues that came with Laurent Potdevin had a huge impact on the brand identity. I was aware of major morale issues trickling down to store level two years before LP got fired.

anonymous August 16, 2018 - 5:10 pm

Christine Day looks like a genius compared to what’s happened since she left. She wasn’t great but she was a heck of a lot better than what we’re seeing now. I didn’t pay attention to that stuff until the see-through pants debacle and Day stepping down because I didn’t need to – the clothing was technical, cute, fun and happy and I loved everything. Now I love nothing.

JP August 15, 2018 - 4:25 pm

I actually got excited to see the DSP joggers as they looked really cute and actually have some of the old rushing to them. ( the dance studio crops and jacket I just rolled my eyes at. (Fail, fail) why change a great thing into something not great? Anyways, I tried the joggers on in store in my usual size 4 and they were a no go. They pulled up between the butt cheeks and while no dreaded camel toe, it looked like my ass ate them. I was so disappointed as the rest of the fit on the legs was so cute. I sized up out of desperation as I liked them that much but then they swamped me. I ordered the anew skirt to try as I usually like skirts in French terry. Am waiting to for the tuck and flow. From what we have seen in limited pictures it doesn’t look like they ruined another favorite so keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous August 15, 2018 - 4:58 pm

I laughed out loud at this. It’s never good when it looks like your ass ate your pants. ?

Anonymous August 16, 2018 - 7:04 am

Thanks for the 411 on the fit of the Dance Studio Joggers. I am not surprised to hear the fit is all wrong. I tried on the new version of the DSC and they looked like my ass ate them too. I looked like Steve Urkel from that tv show Family Matters with his pants pulled up to his chest. When I placed the waistband lower then the butt fabric sagged. I should have known better than to order them as they don’t have the seam down the back which is what makes the originals so awesome. I just don’t get why they won’t bring back the originals instead of coming out with new versions that have nothing in common with the originals. They shouldn’t even call them DSC. I would say these joggers should be called Street To Studio Joggers as they have the seam down the front but not the back. The Dance Studio Pant and Crop are all about the seams in back and without that detail they are not Dance Studio IMO. Why LLL can’t figure that out is mind boggling.

Erin August 15, 2018 - 9:02 pm

Ladies, ladies. That is not camel toe. That is a combo of thigh gap and butt droop.

Yes, the stiff, shiny leather bootie styling is totally jarring paired with activewear.

Yes, the models’ facial expressions are also disconcerting. I have a hunch they were told to be edgy but couldn’t pull it off. It really bothers me that the girls are directed to look the same way. Not only do they not pull it off, it’s too mature and comes off as inappropriate, like when child actors’ roles are written with adult personalities. Creepy.

Jennifer August 16, 2018 - 3:22 am

I want to see joy when I am looking at athletic clothes. I do not want to see slouching and a I don’t care attitude. It is very unappealing to see athletic clothes posed this way. I WANT fun!

Anonymous August 16, 2018 - 5:45 am

Thigh gap + Droopy butt = Faux camel toe? I had no idea that was even possible. ?

Klo August 16, 2018 - 2:10 pm

Faux toe ?

susie August 16, 2018 - 1:11 pm

Definitely a thigh gap/droopy glutes. You can really notice it in the All the Right Places Pant in ‘True Navy’.

Klo August 16, 2018 - 2:09 pm

Agree on the butt droop. Hahahah. I think it’s all bad photo shopping. Who really has a four inch gap between their thighs

Joanna August 16, 2018 - 10:01 am

Nothing for me. I really want to see the price point in the new fully waterproof seamed camo jacket that came out in Asia. Probably pricey. Hopefully it comes here so I can check it out.

Jonnie August 20, 2018 - 1:33 pm

Thought the asian model in red in front of the pack half zip jacket look at her backside you can notice the similar curves to her bottom. Noticed the white leggings same model from the aries coloured zip to white her front droop isn’t as pronounced but yet exists while her bottom is shapely in both the black leggings and white..
Have to say the styling of certain pictures often is boring and uninteresting complimented only with simple black, grey, white. top, pant or sneaker. Lulu selling colours to compliment outfits why not accessorize models in them, unless they have no colours to choose from. Understand they don’t want the customer to be distracted by colourful top while selling certain leggings.
One suggestion i have is when browsing the photos of models wearing leggings why not have a link to there top or bra they wear to easily pick or choose a complimentary colour rather searching in vain from discontinued style or later to be introduced.
Agree with models should be enthusiastic in there demeanour or very least to some degree. Not every model got to be smiling but at least happy to wear a sexy gym outfit like we often purchase. My favourite model is the one wearing the ebb to street tank in opal green.


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