New! Carbon38 Sayang Collection in White

by Cristina

A new activewear upload today ahead of the Lululemon new product uploads! Many of you love the Sayang Collection from Carbon38 and they just released the collection in white, just in time for summer! I think I’m partial to the red collection though. I’m looking forward to checking out Carbon38 in New York this summer! It was really fun to see the Bandier store in Dallas but I was unfortunately extremely short on time and only got to circle the store and then I had to get my Lyft ride back to the conference. Mrs. L did a fit review of the Carbon38 Sayang collection! Those of you that have purchased pieces, let us know your fit review in the comments.

Sayang Collection Carbon38

Shop the new Carbon38 Sayang Collection

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Tanjung Legging Carbon38 Sayang Collection
Lovina Tank Carbon38 Sayang Collection
Gili Hoodie Carbon38 Sayang CollectionSeminyak Bra Carbon38 Sayang Collection

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