Free People Mark Downs From My Wish List

by Cristina

After making my first Free People purchase this year, and falling in love with both my new Free People Ottoman Slouchy Tunic sweaters (black and pink) and wearing them on repeat since I got them,  I started a wish list of items I wanted to try. I just made the fatal mistake of checking in and noticed every single one of the items I’ve been wanting to try is on serious markdown up to 40%!!! If you are after the Ottoman Slouchy Tunic, keep checking. It’s been popping off an on the site so bookmark this link.

Free People Markdowns

Top of my list is the All Mine Sweater. I am completely indecisive on raspberry or ivory. My local Norstrom hasn’t gotten this one in yet for me to try on but I may just order it online and take a chance.

All Mine Sweater All Mine Sweater


Begin Again Mock Neck Sweater

I love this Lemon Drop Hooded Cardigan. I see this as being more versatile going into spring. Although my Ottoman Sweaters aren’t too hot considering how thick they are.

Lemon Drop Hooded Cardigan


Free People Heart It Laces Sweater

This is another one I love. My store does have this Lofty V-Neck Sweater and I’ve picked it up so many times, but didn’t let myself try it on because of the price tag. It’s so soft though and I love the teal so much.

Free People Lofty V-Neck Sweater

This Lover Rib Split-Back Pullover is a great price at $40 and another perfect for spring, lightweight option.

Free People Lover Rib Split Back Pullover


This Oh So Cozy Pullover is not on sale, but I’ve been seeing this teddy bear style sweater everywhere lately.

Oh So Cozy Pullover

Shop the Free People Markdowns!

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Lizzie January 10, 2018 - 6:29 am

To each her own, of course, but Free People isn’t appealing to me. Glad it works for you and hope you do get your choices at sale prices!

Cristina January 10, 2018 - 8:20 am

Thanks! Ya I hear you. I’m not into their boho style or most of their peasant lacy tops but their sweaters are really great for me. I love the oversized sweater look.

Lulubell January 10, 2018 - 1:57 pm

They have a couple of great sweaters right now. I love Free People and consider their store a dangerous place! I made the mistake of going in there the other day and ended up buying the Laguna Thermal top. I also own a lot of their dresses.

Mrs. O January 10, 2018 - 4:52 pm

That’s a hard decision between the raspberry and ivory. I think I’d pick the ivory. You have a pink and black ottoman slouchy tunic, so maybe ivory would be a nice addition.

I’ve been seeing the teddy bear style sweaters and jackets everywhere. My Costco had a teddy bear jacket and I missed out on it. For the price (under $20) it was worth taking a chance on it. Hopefully, it will pop up again.

I’m liking the Free People Brentwood Cotton Cardigan on markdown.

mary January 15, 2018 - 7:16 am

those teddy bear jackets are THE THING right now. I’ve been trying to find one that doesn’t look TOO frumpy as some of them just look like old lumpy brown nightmares. If you get this one please do a fit review 🙂


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