Lululemon Cyber Monday Upload

by Cristina

The North American Lululemon Cyber Monday Upload is up! I’m working on this post as we speak but so far I’m in a fit of rage over there not being metallic leggings and bras. or reflective anything. So no reflective items tonight but I’m going to keep vigil over the site over the next two days for you guys just in case. If you want the first heads up of any upload movement, sign up to my email. I don’t really send out ‘newsletters’ or valuable content, but I do shoot out the exact same heads-up email whenever the uploads happen before I place my own order, and before I start to construct the post for the upload. Sign up here for the email alert or go to the nav bar and sign up under ‘Follow’ and then ‘Get The Email’

So far I’m really in to the updated look of the Sit In Lotus Wrap II. I ordered it in black, but wouldn’t it be so stunning in camel? Why doesn’t Lululemon ever do a camel coloured sweater? The black, black cherry and heathered starlight are all really lovely but camel would be a staple color that isn’t boring black/grey. I was actually hunting for camel cashmere and merino wool sweaters on shopbop tonight as the upload happened. Just look at all these camel coloured cashmere sweaters on Nordstrom on sale right now!!

Do the double pose product shots confuse you? I keep thinking I’m seeing multi packs for items (like three WU tights for $98), but then I click on the image and it’s a completely different item for $98. A few weeks ago they where doing multi packs for items so…the weird Duggar side hugs aren’t weirding me out at all, but not getting three items for the price of one certainly is.


Did you order anything for Black Friday or Cyber Monday? let me know in the comments, Lulu score or otherwise what you purchased this weekend.

Speed Wunder Tight Electrobeam Energy Bra Multi

Sit In Lotus Sweater

Sit In Lotus Sweater Sit In Lotus Sweater Sit In Lotus Sweater


Warm & Restore Sweater

Warm & Restore Sweater

Get Going Jogger

Get Going Jogger

Define Jacket

Train Times 7/8 Tights


Wunder Under effervescence wunder under pant hi-rise 50g multi

This is a really cute Christmas gift for someone you know that has started meditation (or like me, has been saying they where going to start for the past 2 years). Isn’t it a bit odd to have kit for the least consumer dependent activity? You literally don’t need anything. You don’t even need an app to meditate. I guess if you are like me and you rage over the lack of metallic tights available on the upload, you can use a cute kit for meditation to centre yourself. PS. my Tweet Tweet On The Street intel about the journal and candles came true!

Meditation Kit


Get Set Belt Bag, or maybe… Gucci GG Marmont Belt Bag instead!

Double Up Pouch

Lululemon Double Up Pouch

Rain Rival Jacket

Rain Rival Jacket

Rest Less Pullover

Rest Less Pullover

Wunder Under Low Rise Antiqued Alpine White Multi

Wunder Under Low Rise Antiqued Alpine White Multi

Well this Aero Blue Swiftly took ages to get to North America! I really love it and have been coveting it but I’m going to hold off. I ordered the Sit In Lotus Sweater Today and am needing those metallic leggings and bra we saw earlier today.

Swiftly Tech SS Crew Aero Blue

Swiftly Tech SS Crew

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Dawn November 26, 2017 - 10:00 pm

Don’t be in a rage…. that ‘birdie’ is typically wrong anyhow. ?

Cristina November 26, 2017 - 10:02 pm

? I’m more in a rage about metallic pants. Metallic pants are clearly more practical than reflective pants anyways.

Sarah November 26, 2017 - 10:56 pm

We just got metallic wunder under crops and train times in the NZ AU upload so I’m sure they’ll turn up up your way soon

Anonymous November 26, 2017 - 10:26 pm

I’m so so so disappointed that none of the metalics are in the upload. I couldn’t even bother with the rest, too boring. I certsinnhear you about the rage!

Looloo November 27, 2017 - 3:05 am

Lol. Wow someone totally misinformed the Vancouver insider … Who in turn got everyone hot over reflective. I held back my spending waiting on reflectives….didnt work out so great for lulu if lots of others did same thing. Maybe silver metallic pieces are what they meant? I love the colourful explode pattern. I think the antiqued alpine looks close to summer haze….easy pass for me. I will get evervesence as i have been waiting. I find the platinum liquid print too similar to other recent black white prints.
The aero blue ss swiftly is so similar to hydrangea blue…..not sure i can justify both.

CT November 27, 2017 - 5:25 am

This is Lululemon’s Cyber Monday??? No mention of it on their website but I guess when their WMTM items are still sitting at prices from months ago you can’t really promote a new sale when there isn’t one. Nor is it a new sale when you take away items from WMTM only to bring the same items back a few days later at the same price. Why doesn’t this company take advantage of what is supposed to be the biggest online shopping day and slash WMTM prices and give a discount on new product? I guess they feel the 8% ebates discount is sufficient but I can’t believe all lululemon customers are aware of this and I am not aware that LLL advertises or promotes ebates.

Cristina did you not get a bright blue Swiftly earlier this year that is similar to the Areo? Also Cristina, does this Monday drop take the place of Tuesday and will there be a second drop on Thursday? I bought the Hydrangea Swiftly and that colour has more of a violet hue so it is a different colour all together from the Areo.

I ordered the Rest and Restore Sweater in navy and the To You Tunic in submarine using ebates. On the Cdn. site it states the fabric for the To You Tunic is cotton terry but on the UK site is says this top is stretch french terry which is why I wanted to buy it. I am hoping the Cdn. site made a mistake because there is a world of difference in the two fabrics and I much prefer stretch french terry over cotton terry. I was hoping to see the Runderful pullover in Stony Grape that Hong Kong got last week.

I like the new colours for the Get Going Jogger but I tried this jogger when they first came out and didn’t like them. The waistband and ankle cuffs are stiff and they are difficult to get on and off. I want comfort from my joggers and these just didn’t have it. As for the new Rain Rival Jacket wow $198. for a jacket that lacks in design and detail. I have not been impressed with their rain jackets this year. I do really like the look of the Sit In Lotus Sweater and will probably head to a store in a few days to try it on.

Anonymous November 27, 2017 - 9:06 am

I ordered the embroidered version of the To You Tunic. The length was great and it was slimming but I found the fabric did not have much give at all. If I lifted my arms at all the entire top would rise up and not stay around my hips and I would have to pull it down into place. I also noticed that the armholes were a bit too long meaning the shirt did not fit against my armpit but hung down lower which felt restricting as the fabric had not stretch. The length of the tunic was really good for me. ( I am 5’6″) but I ended returning it for a knit. I would have kept it for sure if it was the stretch fabric. Hopefully the coloured one you ordered is the stretch fabric as I think the fit would be much more comfortable to wear . I have 2 of the Sit in Lotus Wraps from last year and ordered 2 more this year. It is very versatile and mine has worn very well. It is a great length and a very nice weight.

CT November 28, 2017 - 5:14 am

I haven’t been happy with the cotton terry pullovers so far this Fall, like you said there is no give and quite restrictive which is why I opt for stretch french terry, especially for pullovers, so much easier to get on and off. I would think the only reason they would use cotton terry instead of stretch french terry for the embroidered one is due to the stitching. I am quite confident the non-embroidered ones are stretch french terry and will find out for sure in a couple of days.

emily November 27, 2017 - 11:17 am

I’m waiting for the metallic as well. I’m not purchasing anything until it’s released.

Joanna November 27, 2017 - 12:40 pm

The only thing I am liking is the sit in lotus wrap, BUT I am not in love with the colour selection. I’d buy if they made that in submarine or a beige though. Still really liking the look of the forever warm pullover. I saved and sold and finally got my bike (YAY!) – so now I am being a little more open to things…keeping in mind i still have to buy presents for my 3 kids. I did indulge in a xmas party dress + some shoes from the Bay deeply discounted for Cyber Monday, a LYM pom beanie( free ship to Canada today!), and I got a bike jersey that was 50 percent off that I can wear both off and on the trail. Now I need to stop lol!

Frannie November 27, 2017 - 4:14 pm

Hi is tha a boysenberry define? Did it upload? TIA!!

Anonymous November 27, 2017 - 6:19 pm

I got Firever Warm jacket in gray and Antiqied alpine 7/8 pants

Runrunyogi November 27, 2017 - 10:41 pm

I really like some of the new prints! But gosh, I’ve been naughty these last four-five days. I love the Pushing Limits Tights and even though I’m sad they’re being discontinued, happy to buy them on sale (I think I purchased 6 pairs total since the price dropped).

Today I purchased the Meditation Kit (men’s version because the candle is different and more to my liking), Align Pant (Dark Shadow), two Lift and Lengthen Blocks (black/white) and the Run it Out Neck Warmer (space dye camo).

Combine that with tracking down the Emerald LS I wanted, the Rip Wave Emboss Black Wunder Unders, a pair of Box It Out tights in my size (grey), Athleta’s sale and a new Suunto….. I’m spent.

LB November 28, 2017 - 12:23 pm

Have the cocopique WUP/WUC/Pant of any kind uploaded?

Anon November 29, 2017 - 3:46 pm

Does anyone have any info on the sit in lotus sweater sizing? TTS for their usual sweater sizing?

Jenny November 30, 2017 - 12:59 pm

I ordered my TTS and will receive tomorrow. I’ll let you know!

jenny December 1, 2017 - 7:50 pm

I got my Sit in Lotus wrap and love it. The arms are fitted but comfortable, the body is quite boxy, but i like my sweater wraps little bigger, so this is perfect. I got the Heathered Starlight and it has a beautiful grey color to it – nice and neutral. I stuck with my TTS 4 and glad i did. The shoulders and arms are flattering but fitted, so if you don’t like fitted arms, you may want to size up. 🙂

CT December 1, 2017 - 5:14 am

I received the To You Tunic p/o and sad to say that it is not stretch french terry as described on U.K. site. I was hoping the Cdn. site made a mistake describing it as cotton terry. I agree with a review written online about this p/o that it is extremely hard to get on and a nightmare getting off. Don’t bother doing your hair or putting make up on prior to putting this baby on. I am returning this and hope sometime this winter we will see some stretch french terry tops. I tried on the wool Swiftly and really really liked it. I love the feel of it and I found it slightly thicker than the regular Swiftly and not quite as snug. Some people are saying the sleeves are longer but I didn’t think so but I didn’t measure both Swiftlies together to see. I also think the sleeves are not quite as tight as the regular ones. The length is shorter and this may be an issue for taller women but for my 5’2″ frame the length is fine but only just. I also like the knit finish at the bottom that may stay in place and not ride up as much as the regular ones do. I would definitely reach for this wool Swiftly over the regular one but have to put off buying The Dark Cherry one for now. I just bought two Warm and Restore p/o in dark navy and dark olive. When I realized the To You Tunic was going back I got the dark oliver W&R p/o to add a colour to my winter wardrobe that wasn’t navy, black or grey. I love the fit of this sweater and looking forward to getting lots of wear from both of them. I also bought the Inkwell DFAR jacket, I LOVE INKWELL. I had bought this jacket in Dark Cherry but returned it. I was really on the fence about this jacket but seeing it online yesterday in Inkwell was enough to make me order it again.


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