Tuesday, January 14, 2025

New In Store! Lululemon Accessories and Front And Centre Jacket

by Cristina

I mentioned to you guys in the first week of September that Lululemon has huge giftable accessories drop for the holidays planned and it’s here! I had told you guys to expect Lululemon wallets, key chains, candles, notebooks and more and this week the stores have gotten the key chains, wallets, pouches, and candles. The Double Up Pouch is pretty cute and although I wouldn’t use it as my everyday wallet, I’d keep something like this in my gym bag so I can stash some cash, keys and my rings when I go to the gym. Huge thanks to Ms. K for sharing her store photos from today. This is from a Canadian store. We can also expect to see some cashmere accessories soon!

Lululemon Key Chain Lululemon Key Chain Lululemon Motivation In Key Chain Lululemon Wallet Lululemon Wallet Lululemon Wallet

Notice the candles at the top of this next picture. I’m a candle junkie so my bar is set pretty high for candles but this is a really cute gift idea for the lululemon loving girlfriends in your life.

Lululemon Wool Ear Warmers Front And Centre Jacket Lululemon Front And Centre Jacket

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Alanna October 31, 2017 - 10:36 am

Will these be online tonight?

Alexis October 31, 2017 - 11:10 am

Any idea of there will be another upload tonight or later this week? Also, when does Lulu usually start the twice weekly uploads? Happy Halloween!

sb October 31, 2017 - 1:55 pm

Does anyone know if the ready to rulu pants are shorter this year? They seem to be but can’t tell bc maybe my old ones stretched? TIA if anyone else thinks they are shorter…!
Loving this Blog and all that you do Cristina!

Mrs. O October 31, 2017 - 4:41 pm

Definitely shorter. They were perfect for me without much bunching in the calves. Usually joggers bunch on me.

sb November 4, 2017 - 4:30 am

Thanks Mrs. O! Sadly these won’t work on my daughter’s 6 foot frame 🙁
I was hoping to prevent her from taking mine to college…

Looloo November 2, 2017 - 12:55 pm

Well as much as i love lulu i just cant see paying 48 for a plastic pouch with a lulu symbol on it. And a keychain that wont be seen not to mention get dirty. I can get similar for much less. Not to be a downer…… Hopefully tuesday upload has some cute prints and colours.


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