Lululemon Cyber Monday Upload (UK)

by Cristina

The UK Lululemon Cyber Monday upload is up! Surprisingly no rainbow reflective items as has been rumored in the Lululemon groups. The men’s line for North America did get reflective pieces uploaded on Friday, so I wonder if the rumor referred to that, or if we still may see reflective items tomorrow. In the meantime, the UK did get these awesome foil print pieces. I think I’d love a bra in this, and maybe I will be brave and get the Train Times as well. Seems perfect for a New Years Eve WOD.

As far as Cyber Monday sales go, check back on my Black Friday post because many of the retailers listed there have started to switch over to their Cyber Monday deals, Carbon38, for example, is now 40% off with CYBER38 code.

Invigorate Bra Luminosity Foil Print Black Silver Train Times Crops Luminosity Foil Print Black Silver Train Times Crops Luminosity Foil Print Black Silver Lululemon Cyber Monday Free To Be Serene Bra Luminosity Foil Print Black Silver Back Free To Be Serene Bra Luminosity Foil Print Black Silver Speed Wunder Tight Electrobeam Energy Bra Multi Speed Wunder Tight Electrobeam Energy Bra Multi Wunder Under effervescence wunder under pant hi-rise 50g multi Wunder Under effervescence wunder under pant hi-rise 50g multi To You Tunic


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gymmie November 26, 2017 - 4:56 pm

I wonder if there will be a difference in the vibrancy of colour in those everesence print wup – luxtreme and nulux. I prefer luxtreme for price and staying up – but with the frozen flourish, the print was not as vibrant on the luxtreme. I love the colourful print – speed wonder and bra – wore to gym that night. Love the print, not sure why some posts are up hating on that print. I don’t love every print I see, but never comment on them to say I don’t like when many others are swooning over a print – however I do think that when the price of the speed wonders goes down to $79 everyone will love the print then…same thing happened with florence lace — so much drama – and then price dropped and they sold out instantly. LOL. Not sure why people feel need to bring others down — if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say it at all. If it is a technical issue with item, then by all means speak up.
Thx for your blog – love looking at the try-ons and upcoming items!

JJ November 27, 2017 - 10:43 am

I like hearing differing opinions on items. Good or bad. I buy most of my items online using the website photos. It helps to also see the opinion of others on the prints I’m on the fence about especially if they may have seen them in person. Its nice to hear a few different perspectives. I don’t think people are being mean or trying to bring others down by stating they dislike an item and the reason why. I really would like to see more people state their opinions especially if they strongly like or dislike something. Ultimately, I will make my own decision on if I like something but if there is something I can’t see in the store photo that someone else points out I would like to know. That shouldn’t have an effect on you if you truly like the item. We all have different preferences and it’s perfectly fine to state them respectfully.

Anonymous November 26, 2017 - 6:52 pm

Does anyone have reviews of the extra mile quarter zip vs the long sleeve?

I just got them all! And I wonder if they are going to be a good insulator

Anonymous November 27, 2017 - 4:38 pm

I have 3 extra mile LS, and I really like them! I bought black, hero blue and heathered grey reflective. The black and hero blue are super soft. The full reflective one, not so much. The fit is very flattering. For me, I found the fit the same for both the zip and the ls. I only chose the ls version because it was slightly cheaper and I bought a couple of older half zips off ebay a few months ago. As far as warmth, I find them pretty cozy, but full disclosure– I’m in California where 55 is cold for us. If you live somewhere with freezing temps, I’m not sure how these compare.

Anonymous November 27, 2017 - 5:29 pm

Wow! Thanks that helps! Have a good day!

Anonymous November 26, 2017 - 8:00 pm

the sit in lotus wrap ii is on the UK site as well. Love mine from last year. I will definitely want to pick it up in the black cherry and heathered starlight. I was surprised to see how short the warm and restore sweater was online. It looked so much longer on Ms. K. Oh well. The two wraps will set me back enough!


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