Fit Review: Down For A Run Jacket II Black Cherry, Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tight

by Cristina

Woo! Great product drop week at Lululemon. I received the Down For A Run Jacket from my Tuesday upload order,  and then picked up the Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tights at Lululemon this morning.

Lululemon Black Cherry Down For A Run Jacket and Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tights Lululemon Black Cherry Down For A Run Jacket and Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tights Lululemon Black Cherry Down For A Run Jacket and Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tights Lululemon Black Cherry Down For A Run Jacket and Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tights

Down For A Run Jacket II Black Grape, Peony Fast & Free 7/8 Tights

I have the Down For A Run Jacket from a few years ago and I’ve worn it tons. I have the original in my TTS 10  and I like the fit of it fine. I find I wear my TTS  more as a run jacket that I wear with leggings and a thin top vs. wearing it casually with a pair of jeans, and a hoodie. Because of that, I opted to size up in this version so that I could layer anything under it and wear it outside of to/from the gym. I find the difference in fit so minimal. It’s mostly larger in the chest area and the arms and arm length but otherwise this is still a nicely contoured jacket and you don’t get boxiness from sizing up in it.  I am not someone that takes tags off items right away, even when I know for sure I’m keeping an item, but this one I took the tags off immediately and I’ve been wearing it ever since. This is such a nice product release and although it’s not a new design, I’m so happy they brought it out in such a beautiful color. Black Cherry is definitely a blackish plum, not so much a dark brown.

I’m not sure the name of this new print but I do know that the word ‘peony’ is in it. I adore peonies; they were my wedding flowers 15 years ago before they became the basic instagrammer prop. I love that although this is a classic floral print they’ve distressed the print and washed it out a bit so that it’s a little quieter. The distressing has some staggered horizontal striation lines throughout the print. This print is going to be hard to pair with colors, but I don’t care. I will wear this with pelt, black cherry, black and white. I have always regretted not getting the Secret Garden Inspire Crops which is a bit silly because I probably would have shied away from wearing such a bold print very often, but that print is stunning and makes me happy. This print is backed in white but I didn’t’ see any stretching or fading out in the thigh or knees, and they were opaque in a squat.

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Kate November 10, 2017 - 1:18 pm

Yup they look great on you .. nice pairing!

Joanna November 10, 2017 - 2:45 pm

They look good together! This print is 100 percent not me. I have never warmed to Secret Garden either so I guess I just don’t like wearing my florals. The jacket is a gorgeous colour.

Anon November 10, 2017 - 2:51 pm

The bottoms are very nice, hope it comes out In another style though. The Black cherry jacket is nice but I much prefer my black grape one from 2 years ago…

Looloo November 10, 2017 - 3:12 pm

Oh my i was hoping not to spend next upload but those peony pants are actually cute. I thought they had a vintage brownish tinge to them and since i dont like brown and earth tones i thought it was a no go. But they look brighter…. I may exchange my embroidered half zip for these.

Mrs. O November 10, 2017 - 3:44 pm

Oooh, I love both on you! Peonies were my wedding flowers too! The F&Fs look great on you and I the print is appealing but I know I would never wear it. The jacket is nice but I can’t justify another cold weather jacket in mild LA weather. But I wish I could get the Black Cherry color.

I’m like you. I never take tags off until the day I wear it even though I know I’m going to keep it when I buy it.

I checked all the sites for that Free People sweater and it’s all sold out except for black and mink. I guess today is my lucky day so that I didn’t make an impulse purchase. I’ve been obsessing over Rails plaid shirts ever since you wrote about it during the Nordstom sale. I didn’t pull the trigger but I found a few on sale and have been hemming and hawing as to whether I just buy it.

You’re a very bad influence! Haha! xoxo

Anonymous November 10, 2017 - 6:02 pm

Looks very cute on you ! I like Black cherry, just wish it was a different jacket. I’m not into florals so looks like I might safe some $$ On Tuesday yay!

Dlaudy November 10, 2017 - 6:46 pm

Is the jacket warm with the side panels? Love the color and must have that print. The fast and free don’t look good on me hoping for another pant in that print

LittleMissG November 11, 2017 - 7:53 am

I am SO so hoping they release that beautiful peony floral in a tank – preferably a CRB II. I am just not able to wear bold prints in pants – I feel more comfortable in a solid. They haven’t released a good print in a basic top in what seems like forever – and I’ve got about twenty or so bras and really don’t want any more.

Violet November 11, 2017 - 8:36 am

I wish they would revisit the inspire crops with contrasting swooshes. Imagine how gorgeous a pair of black crops with peony swooshes and a peony/black cherry waistband would be.

kate November 11, 2017 - 5:08 pm

I agree with you 100%, Littlemissg. I also love floral tops. I don’t wear my Secret Garden CRB that often, but when I do, I am happy. (And, I tend to get compliments on it.)

I am not sanguine our wishes will be fulfilled. Not one print I’ve liked from lulu lately has been released in anything but tights and bras.

Violet November 11, 2017 - 8:14 am

I loved Secret Garden as well as the other florals that came out around the same time. I bought quite a few tanks – a crb and something else in the secret garden, and two scoop neck tanks in a black/white and black/grey version of another big floral. I really don’t have the confidence to pull off florals over my bootylicious backside, so I really wish Lululemon would make more tanks in the prints. I have settled for an energy bra in the Peony print. I actually think it will pair with many of the pinks and plums that I have, as well as olive/khaki tones.

LittleMissG November 11, 2017 - 8:49 am

Wearing my Secret Garden scuba today! 🙂

j November 11, 2017 - 3:45 pm

Those look great on you!
Thank you for the heads up, I called my local store & picked up a pair today. Love them 🙂

Anonymous November 11, 2017 - 7:22 pm

My secret garden speed shorts are my all time favorite speeds. I wish the peony would come in a crop though; I feel like that’s a pattern I would reach for during the warmer months. Btw, me 3 for peonies at my wedding in 2004 🙂

CT November 12, 2017 - 6:42 am

I think the F&F look great on you and it’s not a bad thing to only have a few colours for tops that will work. It makes me reach for my black Swiftly more than I would otherwise. You didn’t mention wearing a pink with them, would a light pink work? Maybe they plan on coming out with a pink to go with this print. It would be nice to see a light/med. pink in a rulu or stretch french terry in a l/s top this winter. The DFAR jacket looks good on you and although I would have preferred Black Grape/Swan I bought the Black Cherry too. What are your thoughts on the stretch fabric of this version versus the older one?

Jenny November 12, 2017 - 3:02 pm

I love your outfit Lulumum! Very flattering!!

Ani November 13, 2017 - 10:45 am

love the fast and frees on you! I don’t own a pair and am considering either fast and free or all the right places pant. Just wondering if anyone can comment on the fit of both and if they prefer one pair over the other. thanks

Anonymous November 15, 2017 - 12:21 pm

The whole outfit looks great on you. Did you find that the sleeve length was ok with the size up? I had ordered both, tts and size down, because the reviews are saying that it runs a bit big. So on me tts was huge, with sleeves being way too long, where is size down was fitted in the body and sleeve length where it supposed to be.

Cristina November 15, 2017 - 6:33 pm

I do definitely find the arms roomy and long but that was something I preferred as an ‘outerwear’ type of jacket vs. wearing it as it’s intended run jacket. It’s roomy enough sized up (and probably TTS for some) to layer over a bulky sweater like a scuba hoodie. I’d never need that much space if I was wearing this as a run jacket but because I wanted the black cherry to wear out, I wanted the extra space. Hope that helps!


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