Fit Review Enlite Bra

by Cristina

Behold! Mom-bod. Losing all ego here and posting these photos to give you a proper fit review of the new Enlite Bra. My credentials as a bra reviewer are not as a large busted female. I am a 34D/DD and have never had problems finding a supportive enough bra like many of you have. I do need support and coverage, but not heavy duty support, and I’m not in outlier sizes. Keep that in mind, but also know that I love bras and am a little bit of a bra-fit nerd. I know my stuff! I’m going to be absolutely brutal in this review but the caveat is that I actually really like this bra and have ordered my correct size online to try out for a workout. There are major flaws in the design though and I do hope there is a second version with improvements in it.

As I mentioned above, I’ve been properly sized as a 34D/DD in standard bra brands so I was very curious to see what size I was fit in for this lululemon sports bra. My measurement was taken in between my breast for depth (bra on, base of sternum to outer edge of bra cup) which is the centre gore, and around my ribcage. This is different to how I’ve been bra measured in the past. On the lululemon chart this put me at 32E, and its alternative size was 34D. My store did not have 32 E in stock in any of the colors so I was not able to try that size on for accuracy, but they did have both 34D and 34DD. 34DD fit me best. I’ve ordered the 32E but I expect that I will prefer the 34DD as the band was quite tight and hard to get on in that size.

This bra is a PAIN in the ass to put on and I’m really shocked that this wasn’t a major issue for them in the production stages, or with their pool of 80 testers. I am extremely flexible and strong in the shoulders (naturally, and thanks to olympic lifting) and so I never have a problem clasping a bra from behind. This is how I’ve always clasped my bras my entire life while at least half of women clasp their bras in the front and then spin them to the back and pull their arms through the straps. The design of this bra prevents you from strapping it on in this way at all because you have to pull it on overhead. That actually creates two excluding mobility issues – the pulling it on overhead movement, and the reaching to the back and clasping a very tight band. If you have any mobility issues in your shoulders (which many athletes do), you will not be able to get this bra on on your own. As I said, I am extremely flexible and I could not clasp this bra together because there was just so much tension in the band. The tension is great because the majority of the support in this bra comes from the band, and actually once it’s on it doesn’t feel super tight, it just feel supportive. I actually had to have an educator come in and clasp it for me, as did the other women trying this bra on at the same time as me. When the bra was secured, it didn’t feel tight anywhere and there was no pulling. The bra gave a nice shape and silhouette to the bust and nice lift, even under a tee shirt. I was worried about this because the bra cups are ‘formed cups’ and I have shallow breast tissue so I don’t always fill this style of bra up even though I’m a 34D.

Enlite Bra

I was impressed that there is some really nice lift from the bottom of the breast. The straps on my shoulders didn’t feel tight at all and there was no pulling at the neck.

enlite bra

enlite bra

You definitely get two encapsulated and lifted breasts.

enlite bra

Besides the horrible time getting this bra actually on, the second issue with this bra is its seamless design. The hook and eye closure in the back is under way too much tension with such a tight band to not have a tightly stitched hook and eye closure. While pulling the straps together there is so much strain on the little hook and eye closures and they don’t seem to be firmly stitched in.  This is the biggest flaw of this bra and one they will potentially have problems with in terms of ‘defective’ returns. In order for them to claim ‘seamless design’ which is an unnecessary and overrated feature in my opinion, they’ve sacrificed a major component of this bra so that it will function properly. While trying on the 34D and attempting to hook the two ends together, the ‘eye’ popped out of the bra!!! A good bra gets a large portion of it’s support and structure from it’s seams! I don’t think the Ta Ta Tamer was ever avoided or negatively reviewed because of it’s seams.  I think they could have had some areas of the bra as seamless, and created beautifully tailored seams at the gore and at the clasp area. To be honestly though I’m not crazy about the laser cut edges either. Those unfinished laser cut edges all seem to look a bit frayed. If they married the wonderful seam detailing and finishing of the Ta Ta Tamer with this Enlite Bra, you would have the most amazing sports bra ever. As far as supportiveness I definitely felt very supported with little movement, but total comfort. I’d love to see this bra with a lower cut front, and regular bra straps in the back. The width and spread of the back straps really pushed out my underarm fat and I didn’t feel like I was getting all that much support from the extra straps. Despite cutting in to the lats area and causing bulging out, I didn’t actually feel the straps cutting in.

This bra, being that it is a ‘heavy duty supportive sports bra’ needed to come in in a wider size range. I can see how that would be very challenging to create for it’s risky first run, but hopefully in future versions of this bra there will be a wider range of sizes.

**Update, the recommended size 32E just arrived and it is way too small. The two straps are not even close to being close enough to join together. For me, the correct sizing is same band I normally take in a bra, but one cup size larger. **

the popped out hook and eye closure.

enlite braenlite bra

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danika May 2, 2017 - 7:32 pm

looks like a spandex bra. probably that one is easier to put on tho.

danika May 2, 2017 - 7:32 pm

forgot to say thank you for such an amazing and comprehensive review, LLM!!

Katherine May 2, 2017 - 7:45 pm

This is sooo helpful, thank you!!!

Ella May 2, 2017 - 7:52 pm

Thanks for your review! I’m not large busted so it’s really none if my business lol but I personally HATE the look of those molded cups. I don’t like that you can see a round outline and to me it comes off like it’s stuffed with a cutlet rather than it looking like natural breasts. It does look nice with a top over it though-gives you nice shape. I think that hook and eye closure issue is really going to be a headache for them.

LuluAddict May 2, 2017 - 9:04 pm

Great review!! I have to spin the Ta Ta Tamer around to get it on so it’s doubtful I could get this one on.

LW May 2, 2017 - 9:12 pm

Too many potential quality issues with this bra to make it worth trying for $98 for me. I’m also not loving that the sizing is apparently off, and I’m personally not that interested in getting fit by the employees of my local LLL stores. I’m a 32DD/E and like you, LLM, I haven’t had particular issue finding supportive bras for high impact activities (although they’re rarely from LLL and always cheaper than $98), so I’m not worried about missing out on this. The LLL name isn’t worth enough to make up for the other apparent and potential shortcomings in this bra for me. I think Lululemon is becoming too reliant on using their customers at large as beta testers for their products.

CT May 2, 2017 - 9:53 pm

Excellent fit review LLM. I think the bra looks good on you and gives a smooth look under the top but that’s where the good ends and the bad begins. Who wants a bra that is difficult to put on and the laser cut edges look like they are fraying already and I agree with you LLM that adding seams where it will make it more durable would make sense instead of creating a seamless bra that will not hold up. For the steep price tag this bra just doesn’t measure up. I have had molded cup workout bras before and found that over time with all the sweating and washings that the cups kind of crinkle and wrinkle and gone was the smooth cup so I now stay away from them.

Mrs. O May 2, 2017 - 11:13 pm

Thanks for the very comprehensive fit review. I too never have a support issue but I have many friends who do. But I don’t know many who could clasp the bra from the back. My shoulder mobility has greatly decreased and unless I’m willing to have someone help me all the time, this bra wouldn’t be practical for me. (I miss the days when my shoulders were like gumby.) The concept behind the bra is great. I hope the second and third iterations will solve the problems you noticed. The cups do make the breast shape nice and feminine. Definite pro.

And btw, you have an awesome mom bod!!! I think all mom bods are beautiful because that body created a life.

Sarah Gordon May 3, 2017 - 1:25 am

Thank you for the great review. I wonder how concerned the educators are if they have to help everyone put on the bra? How would you get it on without someone? I was in the store today and was told they spent 3 years designing the bra – if so wouldn’t they notice with all those testers that women couldn’t hook it themselves? But I applaud the effort to design a high support bra for the D+ crowd – it’s a woefully under-served group.

Shadowy_lady May 3, 2017 - 1:37 am

Thank you for the detailed review. I’m a 32F and was thinking I could possibly squeeze myself in a smaller cup but based on your review it does not sound like it. I’ll stick to Panach sports bras.

D.C. May 3, 2017 - 2:05 am

While I appreciate your thorough review, I think it might be more helpful to have reviewed it after actually working out in it. It’s been designed to be an excellent sports bra so I can’t really tell based off your review how it actually functions (which is the most important part and what they seemed to have focused on most while designing it). But good to know about the eye hooks! I’ll have to see how it feels during a workout.

lulumum May 3, 2017 - 6:39 pm

A bra that doesn’t fly open due to the clasps is a pretty integral performance detail, wouldn’t you say? Believe me, I have everything to gain by writing a glowing positive review.

Amanda May 3, 2017 - 3:58 am

Thank you so much for the review! I wasn’t interested at all in the bra as I have nothing but pancakes left after nursing 7 babies….but I’m a little tempted now to at least try it on.
And btw…you have a rockin mom bod!! Beautiful! Thank you for baring yourself to give us a look at the fit of this bra!
If they really spent that long designing this bra I’m laughing at the fact no one noticed in r and d that it’s a 2 person job to get it on. That’s unacceptable imo..kind of a joke, especially considering the price tag. You’d think they’d iron out the glitches before sending it into production, but it’s not the first time I’ve said this about lululemon. #eyeroll

K May 3, 2017 - 5:18 am

My editor eye is twitching – double check your usage of it’s 🙂

lulumum May 3, 2017 - 5:23 am

Thanks for the editing. I think I found it 🙂

Angie May 3, 2017 - 3:27 pm


Lisa May 3, 2017 - 3:41 pm

Thanks for this review-very thorough!

So…. i am probably in the minority, but i always clasp my bra and then pull it over my head! lol
i just force the thing on. my shoulder mobility isn’t what it used to be, so ive given up ever clasping anything behind me.

i have a couple of ta-ta tamers and i always wrestle them on! haha– i even have the straps crossed in the back so that they hide better!!! Its a painful process but i refuse to have a bra that I need help getting into.

and the price point of this one makes me so sad. $100 for a bra?! noooooo!!!

lulumum May 3, 2017 - 3:47 pm

I’m told this is the method of putting them on used by eds at one store because they can’t get it on the usual way.

Mrs. O May 3, 2017 - 3:55 pm

I tried that once but the band was so tight I couldn’t pull it down. More power to you that you can do it! I’ll have to try again. I really love the bra I have because it’s great for running and comfortable. It’s just the hassle of getting it on and needing help.

Danielle May 3, 2017 - 8:26 pm

I wear a 32 c… professionally fitted. The educator did the same measurement for me and said I was a 36 D. My measurement was 32 band and 9.5 inches from mid-sternum to side. It fits great! I tried on a 34 band in the store and had the same issues as you did getting it on… However when I sized up to a 36 I had no issues and still plenty of support!

lulumum May 3, 2017 - 8:46 pm

That’s interesting that they sized you up in the band, but sized me down in the band. I’m a 34 but their charts had me in a 32. I went back today to exchange the 32 for the 34DD and I am able to do up the 34DD, but with difficulty. So it seems my regular bra size is correct, but the chart sizing was wrong for me which contributed to the inability to do it up + the hook and eye coming out.

Jill May 5, 2017 - 3:13 am

I’m normally a 32 D ( underbust measurement 32). Their chart put me at a 36D which was too big in both the band and cup but the 34D was perfect. I had to do some horrible wrestling to get them on in store by myself but I managed to clasp it myself tonight. Wore for a 3 k sprint chasing kids on bikes and it was VERY comfy

Danielle May 5, 2017 - 12:15 pm

I just noticed that there is a sizing chart on the lululemon website when you click on the bra…. I plugged in my measurements and they came back with the same result as the educator… I wear a 32 C in normal bras but a 36 D in this bra. I would be curious to see what the website puts you in, LLM… It sized me up 2 band sizes.

Danielle May 5, 2017 - 12:16 pm

I just noticed that there is a sizing chart on the lululemon website when you click on the bra…. I plugged in my measurements and they came back with the same result as the educator… I wear a 32 C in normal bras but a 36 D in this bra. I would be curious to see what the website puts you in, LLM… It sized me up 2 band sizes.

Chris May 4, 2017 - 8:09 pm

Lululemon has not posted my review for this bra on their site (probably because its not favorable…) so I thought I would share here. Its suspicious that they only have 5 star reviews on the site for this bra since its really not all that at all:
I tried this sports bra yesterday at my local store after all the hype surrounding it. Here are some of my thoughts:
-terrible to put on: all the ladies, including myself, that were trying this bra on had to have someone assist them in actually getting this thing on. Additionally, for those who have shoulder mobility issues, I do not recommend this at all as it takes A LOT of effort to put on and you will most likely not be able to get into this piece of clothing on your own (in other words, it will require assistance and about 20 minutes of your time)
-raw edges: the sales girl at the store tried to make this a selling point for the bra, but raw edges lead to wear and this was apparent in almost every bra they had in stock – a see of frayed edges everywhere!
-Weak hooks: I cant believe Lululemon thought it was a good idea to have these small hooks hold together such a tight-fitting bra. The hook actually came off the bra i tried on in the store (I have a picture but lululemon doesnt allow for photo uploads anymore). To me, this seems like a mortal flaw for this bra

hope my review helps – lululemon definitely missed the mark on this, and for the price, I would definitely skip

lulumum May 4, 2017 - 8:16 pm

Thank you so much for sharing your review with us!! I really appreciate it, especially since there are so many native ads with this bra. Would you be willing to send me the photo of the broken hook?

Anonymous May 5, 2017 - 1:56 am

I saw this review on the site when I was reading about this bra, so know that it’s up (most companies have a processing time for reviews to go up to make sure spam, offensive language, etc don’t go up). Too bad neither of you actually got to physically try out the bra before making your final judgement, would have helped to hear your thought on how it performs vs just the fit experience.

CT May 5, 2017 - 12:04 pm

This thread is called a FIT REVIEW and that is exactly what we got, a very thorough fit review with great photos, thanks LLM.

Anonymous May 5, 2017 - 4:06 pm

Yes AND it would be great to have the full picture if others are looking to buy this bra. No need to get defensive, simply just adding a suggestion.

lulumum May 5, 2017 - 4:09 pm

If you are ever interested in providing a fit review, feel free to email me. I love having guest fit reviewers on the blog. Check out Mrs.O’s posts for examples.

CT May 5, 2017 - 5:42 pm

My comment was not in the least defensive because I have nothing to be defensive about. I just pointed out what this tread is, nothing more nothing less but a FIT REVIEW. Your “suggestion” came with a big side dish of judgmental criticism. My suggestion would be If you want a workout review on this bra than look for reviews that are not titled FIT REVIEWS.

Anonymous May 9, 2017 - 5:24 pm

If you’re considering this bra at all, I’d encourage you to try it if you have the chance. I’m obviously in the minority, but didn’t find it at all difficult to put on. I always do up my bras in the back, so there is that, but if you can manage that move, I personally found it no more difficult than regular and didn’t need any help 🙂
I was also true to size (34E), and wore it running and was supportive and comfy. As far as cost goes, it is on par with what I always have to pay (in other brands – this is the first lulu that has ever worked for me) in order to find a bra that fits properly and supports for running/jumping etc.
From reading the reviews above, it seems like more people hate it than love it, but since I love it wanted to add my two cents if anyone is considering. Especially if you’ve not had luck with other bras.

Anonymous May 10, 2017 - 7:22 pm

Disclaimer: I DO work for lululemon (ivivva, so a bit removed). I am in no way compensated or encouraged to leave any positive reviews for anything. In fact, I am usually too lazy/jaded to do so. However, my 38G chest has been the bane of my lululemon existence. Damn coworkers with their itty bitty titties and fancy straps, while I look like a hooker strapped into a B cup when you have a G cup.

Holy f***, shut up and try this bra. The 38DD worked!!!! I didn’t think it would, but we tried it anyway. I always give my feedback. Every higher-coverage bra catches my eye, tits don’t fit. High-support ta-ta tamer III, lol ok good try, medium support at BEST. Nothing has worked. Built-in bra tanks have NEVER worked for me. Try this one. Seamless + wide strap combo makes a big comfort difference for me, it makes this bra easy to wear all day. I can only wear double sports bras, and probably not lululemon.

I’ve been waiting for this since day 1, 4 years ago. If you’re chesty, it seriously might be worth it. I’d pay the $98 full price, twice. They’d keep telling us they were “working on something big” for bras, and then the ta ta tamer 3 came out, I was like “that’s IT?!” … glad I waited. Give it a shot.

PS putting it on was easy for me once I pulled it over my head, scooped by breasts into their spots, THEN clasped it. Not any more difficult than any other bra in my opinion. Have worn it for 3 days straight, walked, ran, no issues with the clasps for me so far, and I mean … they’re holding a lot of boob weight, haha

lulumum May 10, 2017 - 7:26 pm

? I love this review so hard, it’s awesome. Thanks for stepping up and including your review!

Anonymous May 12, 2017 - 2:50 am

Haha well I have recently discovered that I HAVE A WAIST so I kinda feel like shouting from mountain tops about it. Just bought my 2nd one today ~ I can’t imagine anyone who has boobs that fit into things like normal sports bras being very excited (yeah, the straps are “hideous”……….if you can fit into a Free to Be. Or even an Energy Bra. F, literally any lululemon sports bra.) — but I am SO EXCITED

lulumum May 12, 2017 - 3:24 am

yah I don’t find the straps hideous at all, and I am not at all offended by the price. For me it was a matter of how difficult it was to do up, the hook and eye closure issue, and the finicky sizing. Definitely not discounting this bra or ruling it out, just not for me right at this moment. Love that it’s such an awesome bra for women that have had bra-fit issues up till now. That in and of itself is amazing!

sleyrus November 15, 2017 - 5:26 pm

I’m on my second of this style and I’m a huge fan – fit is amazing, and it’s the only bra I feel comfortable wearing without a top and know that everything is in place and not so bouncy! However, the hook and eye closure is a big issue. 1)It hurts when doing sit ups, leaving a bruise on my back, and 2)I’ve already returned one and am now having the same issue – the hooks are attached to a piece of fabric inside the bra fabric, and that fabric has come loose and is pulling through the hole. The hook itself is secure, but moves due to that fabric. I’m going to return it and get another one, because the bra itself is a dream come true, but they have to do something about the hooks!

Sophie October 18, 2020 - 4:15 pm

Like you I LOVE this bra. Except for the hooks – I’m having to return my second bra because the hook has ripped out of the bra.
3 years after your review and they haven’t fixed this issue?!
I’m going to give it one more chance because I LOVE the bra – so comfortable, and perfect for wearing under regular clothes as well as exercising. But so defective.


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