Olympic Weightlifting + Nike Power Lux Tight & Breathe Cool Short Sleeve Test Run

by Cristina

I was really looking forward to testing out my new Nike Breathe Cool Short Sleeve Top, and tights  today at oly lifting because we have moved into a warm weather streak in Vancouver and this top seems to be made for this weather. I actually purchased it in mind for an up coming Las Vegas trip. I also wanted to test how warm these tights where going to be. The top is very  light and gauzy, and it’s made of a recycled polyester material. It’s incredibly lightweight  and feels as light as a thin grocery bag. It actually reminds me a lot of silk, but without being high maintenance.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt a tee or tank as light as this. It’s really nice because it’s got an irregular loose and open weave so the air breezes right through it, but I don’t feel exposed at all. I am slightly worried that it’s so delicate that it will snag, but I’ve put it through the test a bit with some rough surfaces at crossfit, stretched the material, dragged my nails across it and it’s not snagged so far. I think velcro would probably be the thing to snag it. Time will tell. I was told I could exchange it if it did snag but I’d rather it last because I really love this shirt.  I was extremely impressed by these tights also. Typically, even with my favourite run crops and high waisted tights I’m constantly pulling them up and readjusting during workouts but these stayed firmly in place the entire workout. I don’t know if it’s because the hip and upper thigh area is tighter, or maybe it’s a combination of tighter hip/waste area and looser quad area…. I don’t know but they stayed in place perfectly. As for warmth, I’d say these are as cool as my pace rivals but slightly warmer than my fast and frees.

Nike Power Epic Lux TightNike Power Epic Lux Tight

We did more jerk drills today with the bar behind the neck. This is a light weight for me for clean and jerks but actually pretty heavy for the behind the neck portion of the drill. I went up 15lbs each side from this same drill on Tuesday.

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LULULOVE May 23, 2017 - 2:30 pm

Wow! You look great in these items. Its really flattering. Nike do leggings quite well. Just for referance. How tall are you? I use xl in Nike legendary, and Im thinking about buying this pair, but Im not sure about the length for me. Thanks.

lulumum May 23, 2017 - 3:50 pm

I’m 5’4, but short legs. I really love the length of these. They aren’t too long.

LULULOVE May 23, 2017 - 2:31 pm

I love you site and reviews by the way. You do it very well.

lulumum May 23, 2017 - 3:49 pm

Thank you!


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