
by Cristina

Well this was an experience of an upload day for me! My new site went live about an hour before the upload so I had to very quickly learn the ropes of this new platform so that I could get my upload post up in the format that I like. How are you liking it so far? It’s still ‘uploading’ all the information from my old site so it will take up to 48 hours before all the information is properly cached so that the images load optimally. I know the old blog comments are still being downloaded so that takes time too.

In the meantime, some stress shopping (and snacking) was in order. I ordered the Black Currant Swiftly LS and SS (not sure which one I’ll keep. And because I’m curious about the color and feeling splurgy, I ordered the Quicksand Define Jacket. The ‘Naked’ Energy Bra that the US is also interesting, and the Dark Forest Go Lightly Bag. I decided not to try the Anew Tank because I think it may look odd on me in the back where it flares, and I am curious about the Anew Short Sleeve Tee but I want to try that on in person.

Did you order anything today?

Energy Bra

Energy Bra

Free To Be Serene Bra

Free To Be Serene Bra

Cardero Long Sleeve

Cardero Long Sleeve Cardero Long Sleeve Cardero Long Sleeve

Go Lightly Shoulder Bag

Go Lightly Shoulder BagInvigorate 7/8 Tight

Invigorate 7/8 Tight Black Swan

Swiftly Tech SS Crew Black Currant

Swiftly Tech SS Crew Black Currant

Swiftly Tech LS Crew Black Currant

I want dis.

Swiftly Tech LS Crew Black CurrantWunder Under Hi Rise Embossed

Wunder Under Hi Rise Embossed Wunder Under Hi Rise Embossed

Anew Singlet

Anew Singlet

http://rstyle.me/n/cmyaenbhjk7Anew Singlet

Anew Bra

Anew Bra Anew Bra Anew Bra Anew Bra

Anew Tight

Anew TightAnew TightAnew Tight

Anew Tight

Anew Short Sleeve

Anew Short Sleeve Anew Short Sleeve Anew Short Sleeve

Run With It Jacket

Run With It Jacket Run With It Jacket

Define Jacket Quicksand

Cool Racerback II Black Swan

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LW April 25, 2017 - 8:17 pm

Got the new WUs. First time in forever that I’ve actually had a reason to check the upload.

Sarah April 25, 2017 - 8:27 pm

are they the old lower waist band?

susie April 25, 2017 - 8:27 pm

I splurged! I got pretty much everything in the quicksand color (Define, Anew Tank, Shorts & Bra, Hotty Hot Shorts) I also picked up the embossed WUP, Hot Like Agni Singlet & Black Currant Aligns.. Whew! It was a pricy day. BUT I love the quicksand color and I have serious buyers remorse when Dusty Mauve came out last year and I didn’t buy a single thing.

Celia April 25, 2017 - 8:30 pm

Got the embossed WUs.
First time in a looooooooonnng time for me too to have a reason to check the upload!

Tricia April 25, 2017 - 8:34 pm

How close is quicksand to dusty mauve? I have the dusty mauve define and love it. Tempted by the quicksand one but not sure if it’s too similar.

susie April 26, 2017 - 1:38 pm

Dusty Mauve is definitely more on the purple scale with Quicksand being on the pink scale. Both beautiful & muted – which I love.

LW April 25, 2017 - 8:41 pm

Has anyone tried the Anew singlet? Looks like it’s going to be very short.

SH April 26, 2017 - 2:42 pm

I tried the Anew singlet yesterday and I had to size down as it is quite flowy and a bit oversized. I found that the straps in the back were still too loose as I am fairly small chested so perhaps it would fit better on someone with more in the front than me. Overall it wasn’t terrible, but wasn’t great either. I can see it going to mark down fairly fast though.

CT April 25, 2017 - 8:50 pm

Thrilled to see the Black Current Swiftlies so I bought both s/s and l/s. Would love the Run With It Jacket if it came in Quicksand or Black Current.

lulumum April 25, 2017 - 8:51 pm

Me too! I just checked out with both the long and short sleeve.

Sarah Gordon April 25, 2017 - 8:56 pm

I ordered the naked color energy bra to try under my white tanks. It’s on the US side but hadn’t seen it before. I might like some of the colors in wunder under crops NOT pants – it’s nearly May in Georgia and pants are unbearable. Still feels a lot like fall vs spring to me…

derrrrrwan April 25, 2017 - 9:07 pm

fifty shades of purple. m getting sick…..

Amber April 25, 2017 - 9:25 pm

Is the invigorate tight replacing the inspire tights?? meh.

Mrs. O April 26, 2017 - 6:37 am

Yes, that’s what the eds told me, which is strange because a new print came out in the Inspire Tight II. But LLL is telling the eds that the Inspire Tights will be discontinued. The Invigorate Tight is meh for me too. I don’t like the pockets and where the mesh is placed.

Klo April 25, 2017 - 9:25 pm

Also ordered the embossed wunder unders. 28 inches will hit my ankle and I like that length. I was tempted by the naked energy but am holding out to see if it comes that color will hit the free to be bra. Also tempted by the jacket. New site looks great! Thank you for all your hard work!!!

Del April 25, 2017 - 9:33 pm

Wondering if anyone can share insight into how black currant and black grape compare in person? TIA

Mrs. O April 26, 2017 - 6:40 am

Black Grape is a deeper, richer purple. Black Current is a shade lighter and has more pink in it.

Chelsi April 25, 2017 - 9:50 pm

Love the new site!! I purchased the new WU!! Sooo excited!!

Sara April 25, 2017 - 10:04 pm

Hey! I tried to post a comment yesterday but it didn’t go through. Assumed it was me but maybe the new formatting? In any case, posting again as need some help. Please forgive if am repeating myself 🙂
Can anyone explain the difference between Luxtreme and Fullux? I bought the WU “bit point ice grey black”: they are Fullux (on the tag it says: interlock construction. which makes me think its more knit than regular Luxtreme? – which have only tried on, never bought) They feel great on & are smoothing of my “imperfections”. But I worry that they will slip down. Anyone buy these? (I know, they’re the ubiquitous grey palette so maybe no-one did buy them 😉
Then, what is the difference between Nulux & Nulu? (Do I have that correct?!?) Back in November, I got a pair of the feather printed Nulux but there was too much slippage for the price & thus returned them.
The bit point ice Fullux reminds me a bit of the Nulux – BUT they are not the same fabric, correct???
I have not bought any LLL bottoms since 2015 so have no idea whats what anymore. I just need a few pairs of crops for warm weather. Am waiting on an order that has the Anew Crops & Free to Flow crops to try. Was thinking of the F&F but bit pricey. And am not running so….
Any fabric content explanations & guidance is greatly appreciated. TIA!

Mrs. O April 26, 2017 - 7:10 am

Awhile back I asked the eds to explain to me the difference between luon, luxtreme and full on luxtreme. From what I can remember, this is the difference. Luon is a nylon/spandex mix that feels cotton-y. It’s for non-friction activity like yoga. It wouldn’t be good for running because it will pill. Luon also feels hotter.

Luxtreme is a lighter fabric which was designed for runners. It feels smoother compared to Luon and can withstand high friction without pilling. Full on Luxtreme is interlocked Luxtreme; so, it’s a bit thicker but still feels lightweight.

Nulu is an even lighter fabric than Luxtreme. It is good for high friction activity. Nulux is the newest technical fabric for running. It is similar to Nulu but feels even lighter than Nulu. It literally feels like nothing.

The F&F tights/crops in Nulux is great because of the construction of the waistband (so no slippage). I found that the Nulux in WU tights can slip a bit because the waistband is not the same as F&F.

Here’s a link to LLL’s fabric explanations: http://shop.lululemon.com/designs/fabrics

Hope that helps. And I hope I remembered everything correctly.

Carol April 26, 2017 - 8:05 am

Highly recommend you check out this video for fabric explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmNycXf2glA

Amy C. April 25, 2017 - 10:32 pm

Oh no (for my wallet)! I see so many things this time, yay!

I just want to say how much I love your new site. Now the underlying structure works with the new design so well.

Klo April 25, 2017 - 10:36 pm

Has anyone tried the embossed Wu’s. Hoping they don’t run small

Jackie April 25, 2017 - 11:17 pm

I stayed tts.

Ella April 26, 2017 - 12:35 am

So weird – as of 8:30pm EST the anew bra in quicksand has been removed from the site. Now there’s white in its place. I actually ordered it to try so now I wonder if it’ll be cancelled. I hope there will be more options in quicksand in terms of tops. The cut of the anew singlet looks too problematic for me to order (too short, side slits too high). I do like the magnum color as well.

Mrs. O April 26, 2017 - 7:20 am

That is right. I bought the Black Grape in store but because the store didn’t have it in Quicksand, I tried to order it online and it’s gone. I hope it didn’t sell out.

Ashleigh April 26, 2017 - 1:31 am

Did the go lightly bag come in black? I like the colour posted today but a black one would go with more for me.

Kat April 26, 2017 - 2:53 am

It did but it sold out super fast with the navy and magnum colours

Ashleigh April 26, 2017 - 4:05 am

Ah shoot! Thanks!

Helen April 26, 2017 - 2:34 pm

They all got restocked today

Heather April 26, 2017 - 1:36 am

Obsessed with Quicksand! I didn’t get the bra because it wasn’t uploaded in the US, but I definitely want the Define jacket. The color is gorgeous! I want it in a Power Y too. Has anyone tried those new B/C tanks that look like the Power Y?

Partial to Pink

Mrs. O April 26, 2017 - 7:26 am

Yes, I did (if you’re talking about the sun setter tank). For me, it’s cut to narrow across the chest ( I have broad shoulders). The Power Y is cut wider. Usually, that type of cut works well for me but for some reason the sun setter tank was narrower and it stayed narrow further down the tank than the power y.

Kaisha April 26, 2017 - 1:44 am

Naked Energy Bra, LOVE!

Kat April 26, 2017 - 2:52 am

I can’t believe the go lightly shoulder bag in dark forest sold out already in canada. It didn’t even say which stores got them.. if they even did 🙁

SH April 26, 2017 - 2:45 pm

I was wondering if it even made it to Canada! I was looking for it last night to order after I saw another blogger review it and it was gone! I guess I will have to hunt the stores now to see if anyone in Calgary received them.

O April 26, 2017 - 2:55 am

Not liking that now I have to put a name and email address .

lulumum April 26, 2017 - 3:03 am

Feel free to use a fake name/email address. You will only be asked to fill that information in the first time.

O April 26, 2017 - 2:56 am

Are you moderating comments now LLM?

lulumum April 26, 2017 - 3:02 am

No, this is temporary. I believe if you write your name in the first time (feel free to use fake/fake email), it only asks you the one time.

Jennifer April 26, 2017 - 3:44 am

Ordered the CRB tonight in black grape/black swan. ( That, and Alberta Lake are my all time favourite colours) I am not a fan of the CRB II and have never bought one. The original rules. However I like my CRBs for layering and never managed to get my hands on an original in that colour so I broke down and got it. I love the naked colour for energy bra, if it comes to Canada I will order that too for sure! Am still hoping for swiftlys in black grape. Got really excited for a moment and then realized it was black currant. It’s a really nice colour but it my preference is black grape. Still hoping for street to studios in dark crome and black grape, and speeds in black grape. Can you tell I love that colour? Lol

LW April 26, 2017 - 4:22 pm

I feel like we’ll be seeing a lot of the ‘sold out’ quicksand Anew bras being put up for sale with a huge markup in the next few days…

Diane April 28, 2017 - 4:57 am

Hi LLM, just wondering if you received your black current swiftly ss & ls yet? If so, did you decide to keep them? Were they really nice in that colour? Thx

lulumum April 28, 2017 - 5:04 am

Hi! They arrived today and I really love them. If you’ve the Midnight Navy one on before, the Black Currant is the same soft stretchy swiftly material. I really love them but I think I can only keep one of them and I’m not sure which to choose. The color is really pretty – a nice mauvy purple without any flecks or heathering.

Diane April 28, 2017 - 5:12 am

Great, thx for the quick reply! I also have the midnight navy one, so now I too have to decide whether to get the ls or ss, lol


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