Upload! Is a Lululemon warehouse sale 2021 coming?

by Cristina

“What’s this about a lululemon Warehouse Sale 2021?“

Tweet-tweet on the street! Hearing whispers of a possible lululemon warehouse sale coming soon. 

The lululemon upload

Have the Choose A Side Shorts always been 4″ and high rise? I’m pretty sure they haven’t been. I love the look but haven’t tried them on before out of fear they are too short-short. I ordered pink puff, and black and can’t wait to try them on. I’m also curious to try on the Mellow In High-Rise Short. They look cozy and loose but still kinda lux.

This weeks hot seller is probably going to be the Adapted State High Rise Jogger in Sonic Pink. Such a pretty highlighter pink color. And of course, the Spiced Chai Align Tank will also be a hot seller. 

Spiced Chai has been so popular and I wish I could pull the color off but it’s literally one of my worst shades. I’m ‘deep winter’ and that type of pink washes me right out. Thankfully, lululemon has been hitting it out of the park with color options this season. There is sooo much variety in colors coming out and they all kinda play well together in unusual ways. I love the mix of jewels tone brights with more toned down colors, and earthy neutrals. Jubilee with Warm Coral? Love! Pink Puff Tracker Shorts with Wheat Yellow Swiftly? Awesome!

What did you order today?

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1 comment

anon May 25, 2021 - 4:03 pm

Hi Cristina, Just wondering if you have any advice for the following scenario. I have been looking for a hooded Nulu define color = blue borealis, size=12. Although not available online or at any Cdn stores, last week there were many in stores in this color/size across the US (on Wed evening), literally dozens of stores. However on Thursday when I went to order by phone at a US site, it had gone to WMTM, and instantly all store stock in all sizes disappeared (even before they opened). Do you think this might indicate these were being pulled for an outlet or warehouse sale? I have recently decided I am in love with this color but have not had any luck despite being on the lookout for several weeks for returns, ebay etc.


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