The lululemon upload is here!

by Cristina

The lululemon upload is here! First things first, I need to buy new lululemon masks. I cleaned out my car on Sunday and pulled out 6 lululemon masks crammed between the kids seats and amongst their car trash 🤮. They have taken over  ALL of my lululemon masks. 

Oh and so far, no sign of that lululemon warehouse sale that was whispered about last week. I expected we’d have the lululemon sale sometime last Thursday if it was coming but so far nothing. I’ll keep you guys posted if I hear anything else about that rumour. 

By the way, have any of you gotten the lululemon mirror? How are you liking it? I would have hoped it would be available to Canadians by now. 

upload chat

I have to tell you about the super freaky coincidence I’m having with the new color Wisteria Purple. Last week I had the idea pop in my head that I needed a pretty violet lululemon top. Don’t ask me why I *needed* it but I saw a color in a water-colour paint swatch (Daniel Smith Wisteria) and I loved it. I was looking for a soft pinky violet from the old Lulu resale market, but I wasn’t having any luck with the shades I was pulling up.  Not in the violets, purples or pinks. I checked every site; Ebay, Poshmark, my old blog entries. Violacious, Wild Orchid, and Ultraviolet where what came up and although really pretty, they weren’t what I was looking for. 

I was so certain that lululemon had a shade like this in the past, but I just couldn’t remember a style name or color name. Am I imagining it? Did this exist? Do you remember any color names for a shade like this? 

Then today, bam!  Lululemon releases this brand new color in the exact shade I was after, inspired by a water-colour swatch called Wisteria. 

Lululemon Upload, Summer 2021, Illustration by Cristina Chalmers

Today’s Must Haves For Me Are the Eton Blue Love Tee’s, the Wisteria Cates Tee and possibly the Blue Icing Swiftly Tech SS.  And the Track That Shorts! How could I forget.

We saw a sneak peek of Eton Blue in the Hong Kong upload a few weeks back in the lululemon shorts (Align Shorts) and I’ve been waiting for this color to pop up ever since. 

The lululemon upload!

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Running Mom June 1, 2021 - 1:04 pm

I’m a sucker for Track That shorts. Love the new patterned ones. Until I get my pelvic floor back on track, patterned shorts are a necessity 😉

B’lynne June 1, 2021 - 1:11 pm

Love the new print in the Track That!!

Cindy G. June 1, 2021 - 1:19 pm

I just think every week it is the same. Maybe new color-ways or a pattern. I am not seeing the “ unique” that was the thrill about this Company. I am finding these pieces boring. What happened to the great skirts to work out in? The adorable dresses that were truly unique and made so welll. These dresses are the best for travel. The oversized sweatshirts are not cute. Where are the jackets that are statement pieces. ? I really miss the LuLu Lemon Lab and designs of their beginnings. Miss those pieces.

Stacy June 1, 2021 - 4:38 pm

That is such a strange coincidence! When I saw the Wisteria color today, I thought, “Oh, so nice that one is back.” Hmmm…I wonder why I thought that if it’s brand new? Maybe I’m confusing it with Purple Blossom from the Seawheeze pieces last year? I swear they’ve had a “wisteria” color before though.

Dayna June 2, 2021 - 9:43 am

Christina, was the shade of purple you were thinking about – was it Power Purple? That was a pretty colour! I’d love to see it in a Love Tee/Tank/whatever……I also see that Eton Blue is back! That gold spice colour I have to laugh……it’s more of a fall colour and not very summery. I’d kill to see a return of Angel Blue/Concord Grape, etc back. And MENTHOL! I think that was my all-time favorite colour!

Cristina June 8, 2021 - 10:40 am

no, Power Purple is one of my top favourites. Definitely not that one.

Wendy June 8, 2021 - 3:47 pm

Was it lullaby?


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