It’s Starbucks Red Cup Day! The Starbucks Holiday Cups are here to reminding you that CHRISTMAS IS 49 DAYS AWAY! The Holiday Cups sort of mark the start of the holidays, in retail – consumer world at least. But Canadians don’t officially start holidaying it up until after Remembrance Day.
in the news:
Whole Foods learned that lesson the hard way today when they attempted to ban poppies from their employee uniforms. All of Canada said ‘sorry, but hells no’. That’s not how we do. Government officials at all levels and from all parties spoke and the Veterans Affairs minister had to let them know how culturally insensitive it is and that they need to reconsider. It was pretty much unanimous everywhere (except for on twitter where the algorithms display something altogether different). The commonwealth customs here are strong and proud. Whole Foods eventually capitulated after having dug their heels in with employees all week.
These festive cups are about as much as I’ll do before November 11th. I’ll accumulate a few holiday items and stash them away until after November 11th when they can respectfully be displayed. Canadians have this unspoken rule where we can ignore holiday displays at Costco in September, but don’t turn on Christmas lights before November 11th.
Starbucks Holiday Collection
I’ve been saving my Starbucks Rewards for about 7 months now in anticipation of the holiday colletion. Canadian Starbucks used to only allow you to use points on items under $20. Now you can use them against your entire total.
I’m really pleased at the collection this year so I’m glad I saved my rewards. I love the pastel pink, green and glittery candy apple red combos.
Do you have a favourite from the collection this year? Did you get to Starbucks on Starbucks red cup day? It’s always funny going into Starbucks on Red Cup Day and seeing my friends and neighbours scrambling to get to the cups. The phone is always ringing off the hook with customers asking what’s in stock. The refillable holiday cup is invariably sold out within the hour of opening at 5am. Thanks to the .50 refill discount attached.
If you missed out on your favourite ‘Carry the Merry’ holiday cup on Starbucks red cup day, don’t fret. Since Startbucks Holiday Cups are pretty collectible there is a big resale market online. Usually they are overpriced but you can definitely find some at retail price or lower.
Starbucks Holiday Cups 2020
Starbucks ‘Carry the Merry’ holiday cups for 2020

Check out this weeks try-ons and the Upload post.