The Lululemon Upload

by Cristina

The Lululemon Upload is up! Not a huge upload today of course, being the end of the month. The Align Joggers though are a super exciting upload. I wasn’t planning on buying any Lululemon over the next few months but I had to get the camo align joggers. I’ve worn my black pair to death and I far prefer the joggers to regular aligns.

Seawheeze is coming up!!! Two weeks away. I sadly won’t be running this year. I was so looking forward to it. I will be at most of the festivities though visiting with friends, and probably the Sunset Festival.

If any of you are coming in to Vancouver for Seawheeze and would like to look at my Empress Mala Designs collection up close, let me know! I am set up for payment through a Square reader so that’s a really great way to save on shipping and take home a Made in Canada souvenier. I’d love to be a vendor at Seawheeze next year but sadly this year was all filled up by the time I was ready to take the plunge. I have added some of my newest designs at the bottom of this post. I’m so excited about the gemstone order I just placed to have ready for next week. Lots of really special gemstones, and a lot of your more typical gemstones like really pretty bright pink rose quartz, agate, smokey quartz, opals and more!

  • Before I start my intro, OF COURSE I ordered this. This will be the first sell out item in a long time so order it quick if you want it.

What Did You Order Today?

Align Jogger

Align Jogger Incognito Camo Multi Gator Green

Get It Here

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Tracker Short V

Tracker Short V Incognito Camo

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Turn Up The Tension Crop

Turn Up The Tension Crop

Buy It Here

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Get Set Short Sleeve

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Long For Length Tank

Long For Length Tank

Buy It Here

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Align Pant

Align Pant Dark Adobe

Buy It Here

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Ebb To Street Crop

Ebb To Street Crop

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Baller Hat II Soft

Baller Hat II Soft, Lululemon Upload

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Align Short

Align Short

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Pack It Up Jacket

Pack It Up Jacket

Buy It Here

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On The Fly Pant

On The Fly Pant

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Between Moments Tee

Between Moments Tee

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Stash To Dash Bra

Stash To Dash Bra

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Lululemon Collective Affiliate Disclosure

Shop The Lululemon Upload Here

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Empress Mala Designs Collection

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Gigi July 30, 2019 - 1:53 pm

Thank you Cristina for the heads up, am going to try the Align joggers, cuz well its camo… Also the Stronger As One Sleeveless Hoodie (micromodal) and a second Fine Form Bra in the vintage mauve – this really works for me for running. Speaking of Fine Form, please let us know the details of your new health regimen! You are looking fabulous!

Cristina July 30, 2019 - 2:19 pm

Awe thank you! No magic, just weighing and measuring everything and keeping calories below 1600. I’m not avoiding any food groups or sweets, just making sure I get adequit protein within my calory range.

Anon July 30, 2019 - 2:34 pm

With seawheeze so soon, do you think lulu isn’t going to do a seawheeze capsule drop online (with a special link etc) this year? Or was that right before the race last year?

Cristina July 30, 2019 - 5:51 pm

I believe they will. I think the talk is that it’s happening on August 1st.

Anonymous July 30, 2019 - 3:10 pm

Unfortunately, they only carry the cropped version of the Align jogger in the camo. Will have to wait for the normal length…

Anon July 30, 2019 - 4:24 pm

See camo align joggers, still waiting for full-length camo nulux to come back!!

Samantha July 30, 2019 - 4:41 pm

You forgot the camo trackers! This is a must have for me! I almost got the 4″ HH in the black camo a few months ago, but glad I didn’t because I much prefer the trackers and the green camo. Also getting razzle too since I love that color!

Cristina July 30, 2019 - 5:51 pm

Oh my gosh I can’t believe I missed those! Thanks for pointing them out!

Denise July 30, 2019 - 7:18 pm

I don’t see the camo trackers online.

Wei July 30, 2019 - 8:12 pm

Ordered the camo jogger in my pant size and size up.

Cristina, I am visiting NYC this week and stopped by Sezane today. Such a lovely place! Bought a floral florence shirt and their signature perfume. The perfume was a surprise since I thought it was not available at the store. I was told that they just started carrying it about a month ago. I am more excited about my Sezane purchase than Lulu.

Cristina July 30, 2019 - 11:18 pm

Yay! I’m so glad you got to check out the Sezane store in person. I love my Sezane items. I’m pretty sure when I went there in June they had one perfume bottle on display. Did you buy the perfume?

Violet July 31, 2019 - 5:04 am

There’s not much that appeals to me right now. I do love that plumful colour on the pack it down jacket, though. Hopefully something else will come out in that colour, like a bra or a tank in a style that I would actually wear. I miss the days of there being a lot of colour choice in the CRBs. They are still my go to tank. I don’t really like loose fitting tanks to work out in, but that seems to be the way Lululemon is going now. Influenced by urban streetwear, I guess? Oh well, maybe I’m not their target demographic anymore.

LZ July 31, 2019 - 6:05 am

I’ve never tried the Align Joggers–cropped or full length. I seem to always have issues of the leg opening being too baggy on 23″ or 25″ lengths since I’m short and they don’t hit high enough on my leg. This happens in ATRP Crops, Pace Rivals, Tight Stuff Tights, F&Fs, etc. I have to scrunch them up at the knee..

Does anyone else have that problem? How do the Align Jogger Crops compare? Thanks!

Breanna July 31, 2019 - 2:01 pm

Oh man, I’m 5’2″ with the short legs/long torso combo. The align jogger crops did not work on me at all. It was like they were too long to look like actual crops, but too short to pass as full length – super awkward! I have a couple pairs of the full length and just end up rolling up the bottom 1-2 times.

I do agree with you though. It’s tough to get a true crop when you have shorter legs, especially when there is detailing that will be gone once hemmed. The crops that do work for me are the 19″ pants, but seems that there isn’t much variety that comes in that length. I wish Lululemon did some petite sizing. The only upside is that I can get align crops which are basically 7/8s on me… $10 cheaper!

G July 31, 2019 - 6:35 pm

Just received our Empress Mala order. Beautiful!!! Love them stacked. The quality and craftsmanship are superb. Such pretty packaging too. Thank you so much! Go Cdn company!!

Cristina July 31, 2019 - 10:11 pm

Thank you so much!!! I am so happy you love them!

Anonymous August 2, 2019 - 4:22 am

Christina, should a person stay with their tts in the align crop jogger or size up? TIA

Cristina August 2, 2019 - 10:17 am

You can either stay TTS or go up one. I have the pant in my tts, and crops in size up and I think TTS is better but both good.

anon August 5, 2019 - 7:14 pm Reply
Cristina August 6, 2019 - 1:52 pm

Thanks for the link. Correcting that now.


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