The Seawheeze 2019 Gear Sneak Peek is here!
This is the runner and virtual runner exclusive Seawheeze 2019 Gear shopping opportunity for the online store. All of these Seawheeze items are final sale. These are not the only designs for the gear, there will be much much more in store at the Runners Shop on race weekend. This is just a sampling of some of the colors and prints we can expect, and a glimpse at to what this years theme is. This is the first year where lululemon hasn’t gone all out with a theme, and they just copied last years logo. In fact, the mens map print is a new version of the map print from two years ago. I love that print and I hope we see it in the women’s line somehow.
What Do You Think? Runners, did you order anthing?
Seawheeze 2019 Women

Seawheeze 2019 Men

Coming To Vancouver For Seawheeze?
If you are in Vancouver running Seawheeze and are interested in Vancouver Souvenier check out my Handmade in Vancouver jewelry designs at Empress Mala Designs. If you are wanting to place an order let me know, I can hand deliver it to you and you can save on shipping. I’m hoping next year to be a vendor at the Sunset Festival.
[shopr collection=”empress-mala-designs”]
Check out last year Seawheeze Gear Sneak Peek
I really wanted that pretty Swiftly SS! I happened to see a post around 11 on the Seawheeze FB page that you could see the items online. Sizes 8-12 were already sold out at 11:00!! I was tempted to try the 6, but since it was final sale, I passed! The purple print is pretty on the jacket, shorts and speed wunders. I wonder if it is as vibrant IRL?
Hopefully, everyone finds something they wanted!
Thanks for the sneak peek! The Neo blue is so pretty and I also like the map print. But since I don’t run they won’t be an option for me.
I wonder how long it will be before the Seawheeze items pop up on EBay and other websites for ridiculously inflated prices.
Can you do a side by side comparison on the maps? I’m not seeing which one is supposed to match.