My last post on Fitspo Bloggers I love was so much fun to write, and I really enjoyed sharing a theme I follow on Instagram with you guys. You guys really liked it too so I actually came up with several more Instagram inspired posts and I can’t wait to share them all. First up is the Bike Short Trend.
The Bike Short Trend! This was a funny one that started with the young celebrities last year, then it was Kim K with her Yeezy bike shorts and tube socks mirroring the Princess Di look from the late 90’s, and finally this year it’s really starting to trickle down into the big Influencers which means it will trickle down to the medium and small influencers officially making it mainstream. It’s a thing
I started off really hating this trend and thinking it was totally dated and absurd, but actually, I’m starting to like it a little bit. What do you guys think? The Balenciaga sneakers and white shirt are a no for me, but maybe I’d wear bike shorts with an oversized chunky knit sweater (like this one I just got recently) and some espadrille flats or fuzzy slides for a sort of beachy late summer look.
Dress The Part
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Bike Short Trend
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oh dear lord. no.
oh dear lord. no.
No. No. No.
I don’t follow trends.
I wear what works for my body and lifestyle.
Just no.
Only for working out. Other than Princess Diana, they all just look silly.
Absolutely agree Emily! If/ when they need to be worn then a shirt must cover the crotch. Some of the above posted pix I just cringed at. Must be worn with class and PD is the only one who did it. The socks with the shoes look, not a chance!
This is not okay… ?
No no…. just no. I am not a trend follower as well.
Ooof! These women look great in general but the shorts just aren’t flattering IMO. I don’t follow trends either.
This might take the take as my most hated, and most unfashionable, trend ever.
‘take the cake’, ugh typos
The bike short trend is one of my favorite gym looks. I style it the way princess Di did, sneakers with a giant oversized sweater to cover up my sweaty body after a workout. I think manrepeller did it best out of everyone in the mix. Very chic for an athlesure look, the blush sandals were a nice touch. I personally think you need that post-workout glow and not the artificial glow from makeup to make the outfit work.
I’m liking this too …..
I dont mind the look…but i think for the right body type. I think the kardashians kill the look with their brazil lift butts and in reality their super wide hips and saddlebags… Not sure why girls desire to be so disproportioned like that?! And please dont bash me for my opinion… I am not body shaming…they are choosing to embelish the look. I had a girl at school back in my day..that had similar disproportioned hips butt thighs and the poor girl hated it…i empathised with her because of how extreme it was. She was a beautiful person inside and out. She realized we all have our own body issues we deal with.
This is one of those looks that proves the adage “a sucker is born every minute.” And I love Balenciaga (my bbags!) but the things happening under Gvasalia are soooo bad. Their Instagram feed is like satire at this point.
I agree about Balenciaga lately. I hate their sock sneakers, their knife sock boots that snag to hell like cheap nylons, the knife pumps and the ugly bulky sneakers. The repeating black/white logo is very street style and I think a lot of brands are going for that street style look these days. I don’t mind a little nod to that here and there but I hate when it just takes over. It seems they are playing for that young millennial influencer crowd.
Oh and the crocs. How could I forget the crocs.
I think there is a real difference between the Princess Di look (seems she just left the gym and threw on the big sweatshirt over the bike style shorts she worked out in) and the “fashion” instagrammers who are wearing these shorts with designer sneakers and bags. Princess Di looks authentic. The others just seem to be dressing like someone they saw on instagram, following what they see as a trend, but just looks dumb.
In summary:
Decent look if you’ve put on a big shirt over the bike shorts you worked out in, sporting that post-workout glow as someone above said.
Terrible look if you are wearing these shorts with designer accessories and have a made up face because it’s your chosen ensemble for the day.
(That’s my opinion and I know we all have our own.)
I have a ton of old groove shorts and they’re the most comfy thing ever, but I don’t really leave the house in them. I don’t wear shorts fashionably or stylishly, however; just to work out/hang around the house. I live in the city and don’t like any bare skin touching a seat on the train (agggh) BUT! I can say 100% that I’d much rather see these on people than the short denim buttcheek-hanging-out look that I am getting too many eyefuls of this summer. I don’t think it’s a good look on any age or the nicest of figures… bike shorts may be tacky but if they can be practical and considered “fashionable” I will totally support the trend!