Guest Fit Review: Time To Sweat Crop, Fast & Free Crop Memoir Multi Green, Goal Crusher Jacket, Efflorescent Nebula Black Align Pants

by Cristina

Thanks to Mrs. O for this wonderful fit review. Posts have been light this week thanks to Spring Break and keeping the kids busy but should be back to normal this week.

Time to Sweat Crop in Memoir Multi Purple Time to Sweat Crop in Memoir Multi Purple Time to Sweat Crop in Memoir Multi Purple

Time To Sweat Crop


When I saw the Memoir Multi print, I thought I’d gravitate towards the purple.  But when I saw both in store, the green was much more vibrant and Spring like.  The purple was great too but compared to the green it seemed too muted.  I had never tried on the Time to Sweat Crop.  This crop was TTS and comfortable.  I did not notice any fading in the pattern even though it’s backed on white.  I thought the seaming was flattering as well.  However, in the Memoir Multi print, I thought the seaming took away from the print.  It was too busy with too many different pieces of the print.  If the print wasn’t placed right, it would make the tight look very light in one section and too dark in another.  It would compel me to go through every pair to find the one with the best pattern placement.  Also, because the pattern is irregular, the seams created more lines in the pattern than there actually were.  I think this tight is better suited for a uniform pattern or solid color.  This tight is made from Full On Luxtreme so it muted the print on the fabric.  Also, the purple isn’t as vibrant as it appears on the site.  I don’t love this pattern enough to get both colors.  So, if I had to choose, I choose green.

Memoir Multi Green Fast & Free Crop
Memoir Multi Green Fast & Free Crop Memoir Multi Green Hang Tag Memoir Multi Green Wunder Under Crop Memoir Multi Green Wunder Under Crop

Fast & Free Crop in Memoir Multi Green and WU 1/2 Tight in Memoir Multi Green


I really loved the vibrant green in the Memoir Multi print.  I tried the print on in both the F&F Crop and WU 1/2 Tight.  I did notice that the F&F was slightly more vibrant because of the Nulux fabric.  It was subtly muted in Full On Luxtreme.  Both were TTS and I barely noticed any fading.  Maybe a bit of fading on a deep bend test in the bum.  I didn’t notice any fading across the hips/thighs.  But then again, I’m not that hippy.  I also didn’t notice the deeper color on the pockets of the F&Fs as much as I do with other prints.  As you all know, I’m not really a floral person but I think I like this floral enough to buy it.  As much as I love F&Fs, I’ll probably get the WU 1/2 Tight (even though it’s a bit more muted) because of the price point and the fact that I probably won’t grab them as often.  This pattern was very nice on the Speed Up Shorts.  I still haven’t decided if I’ll stick with crops or get it in a short


Goal Crusher Jacket in Redwood Goal Crusher Jacket in Redwood Goal Crusher Jacket in Redwood Goal Crusher Jacket Hang Tag

Goal Crusher Jacket


I was really interested in this jacket because of the color, lightweight fabric and ruffle detail in the back.  Redwood looks gorgeous in this fabric.  I’m not sure what fabric it is and the site doesn’t tell you what it is.  It’s a cross between swift and glyde.  It was very lightweight.  It’s a good wind breaker.  It fit TTS but I thought the fit wasn’t so great.  It felt too loose on the lower torso/hip area.  It bellowed out a bit.  I know that a size down would have been too small in the shoulders.  I also thought the ruffle detailing in the back hit me in an awkward place.  (I have a long torso).  For a very lightweight windbreaker priced at $148 USD, I think it could have had better seaming (it pulled the fabric in unflattering ways), a better fit and a few more cute details.  But I do like the trend of more feminine pieces we’ve been seeing lately.  This jacket was a pass for me.  I hope we get more items in redwood though.


Align Pant in Efflourescent Nebula Black

Align Pant in Efflourescent Nebula Black


I thought this would be a nice subtle floral for me.  I really liked the look of the black and gray.  For those of you that like grays but stay away because it calls to our “imperfections”, this would be a good compromise.  There was enough black in the tight to hide any “imperfections”.  I think the flowers chosen for this pattern were fun.  It made the pattern seem more “colorful” because I imagine these flowers in bright colors even though the tight is gray and black.  For a floral, this would be a tight I’d probably grab more often than brighter florals.  As usual, the Aligns were TTS and I could have sized down as well without any problem.

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Gail March 26, 2018 - 11:41 am

Am I the only one convinced Mrs. O is an incognito Hollywood celebrity? That’s why we never see her face.
Thanks for the review! I like the jacket on you, but $148 for a windbreaker–ugh. I think there’s better options out there.

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 11:54 am

Gail, no I’m not. Just shy . . . even though I feel like I know Cristina’s Lululemon community through everyone’s posts, and I probably know some of you in real life, I’d feel uncomfortable if some people in my professional world came across my pictures on this site. Lululemon is my guilty pleasure. (Although that’s all I pretty much wear when working out so it’s no secret.)

I agree with you; if the jacket was in the under $100 range, I’d consider it because I liked the color so much. There definitely are better options for a windbreaker or better things to buy for that price.

Melsy March 26, 2018 - 12:28 pm

Well, thank you for all of the wonderful posts you do. I always enjoy them, and they are very helpful. 🙂

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 1:25 pm

Happy to help. The stores around me have been so inconsistent with the product they receive so I can never try on everything I want to. I wish there was consistency in what the stores receive so I don’t have to go so long between drops and hit more than one store. But I suppose it’s been helping my wallet. I trick myself into thinking I need to try it on first before I order online. And usually that delay quells the need to check out of my cart.

Reya March 26, 2018 - 1:22 pm

I completely agree about too many seams on the purple memoir crop. It was the only style bottom they had in store last week and the pattern is way too busy for all of those seams on the legs. The only green style they had was speed up shorts, which is what I went in for. They only had one of each size but I would’ve liked to pick pattern placement if I’d had the option. I’m a sucker for any tattoo resembling prints but just in smalls doses lol so a crop or short is perfect. It’s the brightest green closest to a kelly green I have in bottoms so I couldn’t pass them up ! They are bright and in person! I hope the purple is released in the speed short tomorrow ! Thanks for your for reviews!!!

Reya March 26, 2018 - 1:25 pm

Bright and VIBRANT in person **

Kate March 26, 2018 - 2:13 pm

I bought that goal crusher jacket and love everything about it …. it looks big on you .. did you try a size down? I agree the redwood is a gorgeous colour!

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 5:03 pm

I do think a size down would be better for me but then it would tug at my shoulders. That’s the problem I’ve been having lately (since I lost weight). My shoulders stay the same size but everything else shrinks just enough to make some TTS items seem big. Next time I’m in store, I’ll try a size down to see how it feels on the shoulders. I absolutely love redwood, especially in that fabric. It’s such a rich brownish red tone.

Jenny March 26, 2018 - 2:17 pm

Looking Fab as always , Mrs. O!

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 5:04 pm

Thanks Jenny!

Erika March 26, 2018 - 4:28 pm

Mrs. O. Do you find the Aligns stay up on you in both your TTS or a size down? I have the High Times I use for you Yoga and casual but I find I am always adjusting them. I tried on a pair of Aligns in my TTS and felt the waist was a bit loose. I sized down and found the solid navy color a bit sheer. Thanks and you look amazing!!

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 5:11 pm

Thanks Erika! The issue I have with Aligns is the waist rolls down on me. There’s less rolling in my size down but then I always worry about sheerness because the fabric is so thin. (Also, I just don’t think it’s advisable for me to get a size down in tights because there’d be no wiggle room). But I do feel the waist in my TTS is slightly loose.
But I’m also used to wearing tights with compression most of the time. Because these Aligns were dark and there was a pattern, I don’t think sheerness will really be a factor. The pattern would distract from any slight sheerness. I’m always adjusting my High Times too. The WU for a plain tight work best for me (high or mid rise). I tend to wear my Aligns and High Times casually or for low key workouts where an adjustment here and there won’t bother me.

Erika March 26, 2018 - 5:44 pm

Thanks so much for the feedback!!! Do you prefer Luon or Luxtreme WU? I am looking more for Yoga since I really don’t have time to be adjusting my pants during movements!

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 7:42 pm

I prefer Luxtreme. Luon sometimes gets too hot for me.

Ling March 26, 2018 - 5:14 pm

Mrs. O, you look lean and strong. You are our Lulu model! Can you share with us what type of work you do? And type of food you’ve been eating? Thanks so much!

Mrs. O March 26, 2018 - 7:56 pm

I workout 6 days a week (sometimes twice a day). I do Barre (which really helps stabilizing muscles; 1 x week), Pilates (which I absolutely LOVE; 2-3 x week), spin (for great HIIT cardio; I hate cardio so this is most effective for me; 3 x week) and heavy weight lifting (1 x week). I started with a modified keto-like diet. I don’t like to restrict my carbs too much or eat too much saturated fats. I have a health condition which restricts the types of food I can eat so since I’m already restricted, I don’t like to restrict more than I need to. ( I eat meat and chicken, eggs, loads and loads of all sorts of veggies, including startchy veggies, most fruits, full fat dairy, collagen peptides for extra protein and white carbs (because I can’t have whole grains). It’s taken me many, many years to have a realistic and healthy attitude with food. I don’t label food as bad or good. I try to eat well balanced meals 90% of the time. I eat when I am hungry and do my best not to eat “just because” or as a reward. If I’m craving something, I satisfy my craving but don’t over do it. I’ve been consistently keeping my diet and exercise schedule for about 9 months. I think that’s really what’s been the “trick” for me. Consistency, being forgiving to myself when I don’t workout or eat right and doing everything in moderation. This is the first time in my life I get to workout when I want to and as often as I like. It’s enjoyable for me. Also, my personality is the type to always push myself and try to be as strong and practiced as I can be. If you want to talk more about diet and exercise, feel free to email me at tocontactmrso @ yahoo .com.

Andrea March 27, 2018 - 11:41 am

Mrs. O all Lululemon clothes look good on you!

I’ve been tempted to purchase Lululemon bottoms but my previous Luon Groove Pants from 5-6 years ago pilled so bad that I hesitated. Among Luon, Luxtreme, Nulux and Nulux, which material is more resistant to pilling?

I read reviews that some styles don’t stay up and people have to keep pulling up the pants. Which styles stay up well? I do yoga most of the time.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Mrs. O March 27, 2018 - 12:25 pm

Thanks Andrea! Luxtreme, Full-On Luxtreme, Everlux (In Movement Tight) and Nulux (Fast & Frees) do not pill and stay up. Nulux in Wunder Under Tights do slip but stay up once you start to sweat. The Nulux in WU slip because the waistband isn’t compressive or have as much structure as Fast & Frees. Everlux picks up some lint but it wipes off well. Everlux is a cross between Nulu, Nulux and Luxtreme. It has the soft hand feel like Nulu and the compression of Luxtreme and the fast, sweat wicking like Nulux. Nulu and Nulux are fabrics that give a “naked” sensation as if you’re not wearing anything but they are thinner and can show more “imperfections” than the other fabrics. Luon pills the most. Some people have issues with Nulu (Aligns) pilling. I haven’t had issues with Aligns pilling on me.

One of my favorite tights are the Train Time Tight because the waistband and seams are so flattering. The waistband is compressive and high waisted without creating bulges. I think it’s because of the bias cut on the sides. I also like the In Movement Tight. Fast & Frees are great too. You can never go wrong with Wunder Unders.

For newer styles, I thought the waistband and seaming details of the Time to Sweat Crops was nice. The Mix & Mesh Crops fit me well too. Speed Up Tights are very, very compressive. Most people size up in those.

The one tight in which the seaming details and cut that doesn’t work for me is the All the Right Places Tight/Crop.

Hope that helps. You should give it a try. But if you’re also looking to venture out to other athletic gear, I like Alo Yoga (for yoga). I think Alo tights are too hot for anything sweaty and it’s not technical enough. I also thought Beyond Yoga was very nice quality. I got a pair of special edition light grey tights and was so surprised how compressive, opaque and comfortable they were. If you like a lot of compression, I’ve heard 2XU is very good. But they’re tights are too simple and I don’t like the big branding on the tights. I’m not an Athleta girl but many, many women on this site love Athleta; especially the Powervita stuff. I’m a Lululemon 4 and an XS in Athleta and Alo Yoga. I’m a small in Beyond Yoga. I think Athleta and Alo Yoga run slightly larger than Lululemon. One thing about Alo Yoga, sheerness is a hit and miss thing. They are not consistent. I can get a tight in one color and it will be completely opaque. In another color or pattern in the same tight, it’s completely sheer.

Andrea March 27, 2018 - 12:54 pm

Thank you sooooo much for your detailed reply, Mrs. O! I’m so confused with all these different materials and your explanation helps a lot! Also thank you for recommending a few styles and I’m going to check them out in a while!

I live in Canada and hesitate trying out new brands from U.S. just in case I’ll have to return or exchange products. You guys in U.S. are so lucky to have a much wider selection of brands and products!

Thanks again for the great help and I totally enjoy all your fit reviews! 🙂

Mrs. O March 27, 2018 - 7:39 pm

Nordstrom carries Alo Yoga and Beyond Yoga and has better return policies than the stores themselves. So, you can try them on without any fear. You may not get all the styles but you’ll get the most popular styles. Sometimes on better markdown.

Mrs. O March 27, 2018 - 7:41 pm

Oh, one more thing. Gap carries some nice athletic gear at a much lower price point. I’d be an XS in Gap. I actually get the Gap Fit tie back tanks over the Lululemon ones because of the price point and color offerings.

Andrea March 28, 2018 - 4:15 am

Thanks for the info! I’ve been wearing GAP yoga pants/crops since I said goodbye to my seriously pilled Lululemon Groove Pants, and so far so good. Some materials are more compressive and hug the body better, but some materials don’t stay up and I have to keep pulling up the pants/crops during a yoga session. Love that they don’t pill and prices are reasonable though. 🙂

Mrs. O March 28, 2018 - 11:56 am

Also, Target came out with a higher end line and I know lots of people like it. I haven’t tried anything on yet. When it first came out, all the stores sold out quickly in my size. Some of the stuff was nice; others were cheap knock offs of Lululemon and Athleta.

Adidas has nice tanks. Their leggings are hit and miss for me. The collab collections are really cute and fun. The quality is good too.

Anonymous March 29, 2018 - 8:30 am

Wow I totally with your characterisation of the Lulu fabrics and products as a long-time wearer of LLL!! 🙂 you look awesome! 🙂

Alicia Yang March 27, 2018 - 8:43 pm

Mrs O, firstly you are looking so good and I have seen your progress over the months so well done on maintaining your fitness consistency and diet. 😛 Secondly I just want to say thank you for doing these reviews. I am very keen on the memoir print and was waiting for purple. Last week, I got the green memoir print in speed up shorts so your review on the purple is very helpful for me. I will get the green memoir print in the pants then.

Mrs. O March 27, 2018 - 9:14 pm

Thanks! I’m glad my fit reviews have been helpful for you. I’m definitely going to get the green memoir print as well.


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