The Lululemon Upload!!!

by Cristina

The Lululemon Upload is live!

First Lululemon Upload of 2018! This was not a huge upload (smaller for US  than Canada) but there are a lot of items exciting me. I’m on ban island for tights so I can’t get them but I’m really liking the City Lights Fast & Free Crops, and also the Mystic Green Align Tights. I think the aligns would be very showy and too light for my body type but the color is just divine. I’m also loving the Major Mint Energy Bra and will need just about any other item that comes in that color. Vivid Flame Scuba Hoodie and Ruby Red Define Jackets are just gorgeous and the Heathered Bonfire Gait Keeper Short Sleeve is super tempting me but I think it’s too short. I’m going to have to check it out in store to make sure it’s not a crop top, but the color is amazing and very different! The Pink Paradise Swiftly SS is tempting me the most at the moment and I will probably check out with that one in the next few minutes. I also really like the look of the Tied To You Jacket and really like that it’s luxtreme spacer (the only spacer fabric I really like), but it looks a bit plain and boxy from the front. I’d like to try that one on this week in store.

What do you guys think of the new colors and prints? Anything exciting to you?

Keep Your Form Tight City Lights Multi Black/Black
Keep Your Form Tight

Fast & Free Tight II Translucence Alpine White Multi
Translucence Alpine White Multi Fast & Free Tight II

Gait Keeper Short Sleeve Heathered Bonfire

Kinda love this color. Debating getting this top.
Gait Keeper Short Sleeve - Heathered Bonfire

Vivid Flame Swiftly Tech LS 

Love this one too! Vivid Flame looks more rusty in the swiftly than it does the Scuba.

Swiftly Tech LS Vivid Flame

Ruby Red Define Jacket

Scuba Hoodie Vivid Flame

Scuba Hoodie Vivid Flame

Speed Up Short Vivid Flame
Speed Up Short Vivid Flame

Mystic Green Align Pant II

This color is divine!
Align Pant II Mystic Green

Major Mint Energy Bra

I am in love with this color and feeling super tempted by this Energy Bra but I really can’t justify a new sports bra. I hope we see lots more in this.

Energy Bra - Major Mint

Wunder Under Hi-Rise Tight City Lights Multi Black

Fast & Free Crop II – City Lights

I like this print a lot. If I were going to get a pair of tights in them I think I’d opt for the Fast & Free Crops. This print reminds me of 2016 seawheeze Vancouver city grid print.

Fast & Free Crop II - City Lights


Cloud Crush Jacket

Cloud Crush Jacket Cloud Crush Jacket

Tied To You Jacket

Tied To You Jacket Tied To You Jacket

Tied To You Pullover
Tied To You Pullover


Tight Stuff Tight II – Jet Stream 


Swiftly Tech Long Sleeve Crew

This colorway is a Seawheeze color so it’s very surprising seeing it uploaded to the mainstream site in long sleeve, short sleeve and racerback. I’ve been tempted to get the short sleeve because it was an item I saw at Seawheeze that was sold out in my size.

Cool Racerback II – Jet Stream

Wunder Under Crops III Luon Pique Slate

Wunder Under Crop III Luon Pique Slate

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Runrunyogi January 2, 2018 - 1:42 pm

Those Mystic Green Aligns are tempting, even though I absolutely do not need another pair of Aligns! And call me crazy, but the Vivid Flame Scuba is on my radar. It would most likely be a horrible color on me, but there is just something about it. I will probably order the Aligns. (I do not like the lace up detail that is so popular right now).

On a side note, did anyone else notice Lulu’s new size chart? It goes from 0-14, but I have only noticed the new Align colors available in the 0 and 14. Are there any other products?

Erin January 4, 2018 - 9:59 am

Id love to know how your aligns hold up? Or anybody’s? I’d like a pair, but the reviews are horrible for pilling.

Cristina January 4, 2018 - 10:03 am

Mine are all in rough shape. I have three pairs and they all have excessive pilling at the crotch area (all my leggings get some pilling there because of inner thigh rub), but the aligns have giant pills. two of the three look really worn throughout with sueding all over the front of the legs and on the butt and the third has much subtler sueding. I prefer to wear the In Movement 7/8 tight when I want to wear black tights casually.

Violet January 4, 2018 - 5:59 pm

I’ve got three pairs of aligns and they’re all fine. I wear them casually and frequently, and wash them regularly in loads of laundry made up mostly of work out gear. I wash almost all of my laundry on delicate and I hang work out gear to dry. I have fat thighs, so there is definite friction there, but there’s only a little pilling right at the crotch where nobody should be looking especially closely. Granted, I do wear them as leggings under short dresses and tunics, so maybe that’s what protects them and makes mine last.

Mrs. O January 5, 2018 - 8:35 am

I have several pairs of aligns and have no pilling problems with mine. I did snag one on my upper thigh but that was my fault. On a few older pairs there’s a small amount of pilling in the crotch area but not noticeable. I do not wear them for weight workouts because of the roughness of dumbbells/barbells. Otherwise I use them for Pilates, Barre or spin and have had no problems. If you want something sturdier with a similar feel, I agree with Cristina regarding the in movement tights.

If you’re going to wear them for comfortable casual wear, yoga, Pilates, cycling or Barre, you should be fine.

Gin January 5, 2018 - 10:43 am

I have 8 aligns And had no pilling problems wahtsoever with them. I even run in them and had no pillings. I wear size 6, a little chubby side, no thigh gap.
Since there are so many mixed reviews, please try one and see if it’ll work for you. If there is excess pilling, they will take it back.

Mrs. O January 2, 2018 - 2:16 pm

@RunRunYogi, I noticed the size chart but have yet to see any 14s in store. This is an interesting change.

I’m loving both green colors and vivid flame. I want to see it in person, but I think the color will work for my skin tone.

@Cristina, I got the Train Times Crop in City Lights on boxing day and really love the print. I hope the print comes out in a bra. I used to think it didn’t matter if my bra matches my tights but now that I’m taking more spin classes, I like to have a matching set. But in reality, I absolutely do NOT need any more bras! 🙂

I need to be on a no Lululemon island right now. So, once I’m off the island and if some of the things I’m interested in are still available, I’ll get it. I have so much stuff that I can’t keep up with it. Not a good thing . . . I’m such a consumer. . .

Cristina January 2, 2018 - 2:19 pm

Me too. My ban island should really be more inclusive than just tights. lol! I feel a bit relieved that items aren’t selling out as quickly as they used to so I can wait on items a bit and not feel like I’m missing out if I don’t get something now, or, take advantage of the new return policy length and hold off on clipping tags until the last minute. The city lights print is so great! I’m glad you got it.

Mrs. O January 2, 2018 - 2:27 pm

I actually should be on a no shopping island! I’ve been waiting longer on items as well and don’t feel the pressure to buy immediately because things don’t sell out as quickly. Except for certain items (like camo print) I can usually wait. Often times I wait long enough for markdown. I’ve also done a lot of returning and rebuying on markdown because of the longer return policy. Before I turned into a Lulu nut, if things sold out, I didn’t care. I have to find that mentality again. Haha!

I’m so glad I got the city lights print during boxing day. I couldn’t pass up the deal! Thankfully, the print was nice.

Runrunyogi January 2, 2018 - 2:44 pm

@Mrs. O and Christina, I like this term “ban island” and should probably take a little vacation there. I’m finding items I purchased last year that still have tags on them.

Cristina January 2, 2018 - 2:51 pm

lol, we can all talk each other back on to the island here. It’s fun to window shop and chat the new stuff even from ban island. I have some NWT items as well and actually held off buying a lot of Lululemon over this past winter by popping tags off old stuff. I’m glad I did because I expanded my closet with some great non lulu items I wouldn’t have been able to get otherwise.

Mrs. O January 2, 2018 - 4:20 pm

Yes, window shopping together will help me stay on my ban island. I too got some non-Lulu items because I refrained from getting things I thought I “needed”. Hehe.

I too have NWT items too and am considering returning a couple of items. I’ll feel less guilty for the splurge purchases I made during the after Christmas sales. Definitely, some items must go back (whether it’s Lulu or non-Lulu).

Mrs. O January 5, 2018 - 8:38 am

Well, I took a little day trip from ban island and bought the pink paradise swiftly ls. :/

Sarah G January 2, 2018 - 3:59 pm

Mint energy bra is a must for me as would a vivid flame if they make it. Both of these colors (assuming flame isn’t too orange) are on my need list to work with lots of other pieces. Energy bras are my go to so it’s a done deal for me.

Shadowy_lady January 2, 2018 - 4:12 pm

I’m not seeing the pinky red Define in the Canadian site 🙁 is it only in the US?

I’m getting the red long sleeve swiftly and the Mystic Green Aligns.

Ms. M January 2, 2018 - 4:18 pm

I love the city lights grid print as well! Since we’re moving to San Diego soon, I’m on a tights ban too so I got the speed up shorts! I also got the 2 new LS swiftly’s that are so so pretty ! They are actually not the same colourway as the SW swiftlies. The SW one was more red/purple and this one appears more purple/pink. It’s nice to see they used the same kind of multi-coloured weave though 🙂

Lindsay January 2, 2018 - 5:38 pm

I hadn’t purchased anything Lulu in months then saw the Ruby Red and Vivid Flame and I was done for grabbing both of those jackets XD

Anonymous January 2, 2018 - 6:43 pm

Wunder Under Crops III Luon Pique Slate – did these get uploaded to Canada? Can’t find them….

Gymmie January 3, 2018 - 3:13 am

Wonder if the reds are true reds or orangey as flame would indicate? The ss swiftly in mix of colours sis cute as well as the city lights print. I have so many nwt items tgat i cant seem to part with but i cant continue to buy at rate i have been. I find i am buying tons of pricier bottoms as compared to tops….which have been crbs lately. And tons of bras. I used to tell myself that on one can see the bras or much of it not waste money on those…well i am up to 50 and a few nwts. I cant cycle through them all. I am going to get one bottom in city lights and one pair speed shorts…thats it! For that pattern

Anonymous January 3, 2018 - 10:28 am

I should be on that ban island as well. I have been buying too much lulu. I’m glad in a way that this upload doesn’t do anything to me. Not loving this orange or red. Or Bonfire. So more for you guys!

Sarah January 4, 2018 - 1:16 pm

I just got the new Athleta catalog. I am in trouble.


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