Mail Day! Cabin Yogi LS II, J Brand Houlihan Cargo Skinny Pants

by Cristina

Yay for mail days guys! My Cabin Yogi LS II arrived along with my second pair of J Brand Houlihan Cargo Skinny Pants.

Cabin Yogi LS II, J Brand Houlihan Cargo Skinny Pants

J Brand Houlihan Cargo Skinny Pants

This is my second pair of Nordstrom Rack J brand cargos. My first pair were the grey ones in my TTS, which I love. After receiving the grey pair and being super happy with the fit and look, I saw that the other color I loved slightly more was marked down even cheaper. The only problem is that it didn’t come in my preferred size, it was only available in my size down. This size is fine when I’m lighter but right now I’m heavier than usual so the grey size is much more comfortable and relaxed. Sizing down makes it pinchy in the waist area, but they do relax quite a bit. I recommend taking your usual denim size if you are interested in these.  I’m starting Whole 30 in January so I hope to wear this pair by early spring. I really love the look of this skinny cargo style pant with a pretty silky blouse and ballet flats, or heels.

Cabin Yogi LS II

This year I got the Cabin Yogi LS II in a size up, because I wanted a loose baggy fit.  I’m very happy with the sizing and I think the color is super pretty. Online it looks like a heathered grey/black/white but it is most definitely a navy in person and with the white heathering it almost looks like a denim color. I used to really love Lululemon’s Boolux material but I now favour the merino wool, and I’m a bit sad that this sweater isn’t their beautiful merino.  Boolux is a synthetic blend with a 5% cashmere added to the knit, and it’s quite soft but it’s also very warm and tends to pill more. I find merino is much cooler to wear, yet warm when it needs to be and it’s harder wearing for me.

Shop the J Brand Houlihan Cargo’s here!
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CT December 19, 2017 - 2:29 pm

Yay, I love mail day too, is this your last online purchase delivery before Christmas? I was going to order something today but thought better of it as I don’t feel too confident it would get here in time for Christmas, besides I said I was done shopping! I saw the Cabin Yogi ll today and it is wonderfully soft. I worry though that this pullover will lose it’s shape and hang too long on me which is why I have not bought the Cabin Yogi. I also prefer merino wool and have been very happy with the Warm & Restore sweater. I didn’t see any of the new stuff in store today but it was definitely busier than usual.

The sweater looks like it fits you well and I love those cargo skinny pants. I like both colours and I know I would have a hard time deciding between the two if I only could buy one pair, both colours are very versatile.

OT – I see you brought back a Christmas ornament from your Paris trip! Ho Ho Ho

Cristina December 20, 2017 - 9:52 am

? I think so, but it will immediately resume on boxing day I’m sure. All of my gift shopping is done and I try to keep the online gift orders to the first week of December at the latest. It got really dodgy with one of my husband’s gifts which accidentally got sent to our old address (apple autofill), and then got rerouted by Canada Post and sat at the mail depot for an entire week.
Thanks! I actually got the ornament at Walmart I think but I got it the year we went to Paris. My kids have been obsessed with anything that has an Eiffel tower on it ever since. We have a light up Eiffel Tower for Christmas from Home Depot.

Carol December 19, 2017 - 4:40 pm

LLM you’re looking so slim! That outfit is super cute on you!

Cristina December 20, 2017 - 9:47 am

Awe thanks! Maybe it’s just the mirror. I’m definitely up some ##. I’m not too stressed about it though. Just enjoying the holidays until January when I can get serious again about fitness and nutrition.

Elise December 19, 2017 - 4:53 pm

I LOVE the Houlihans. Been wearing mine for years, still in great condition. Enjoy!

Cristina December 20, 2017 - 9:46 am

Thanks!!I love them too. Actually, my favorites are a random pair of ‘scouts’ I got from Nordstrom Rack about 5 years ago. They are like a cropped version of houlihans with different style front pockets and no cargo pockets. I absolutely love wearing them in the spring and if I could ever find the grey pair on ebay, I’d love to purchase a backup. I got the white pair a few years ago on ebay but they are sheer, so the only ones I have are the pale military green ones.

Anonymous December 20, 2017 - 5:05 pm

I love the cabin yogi as well. I got it in all 3 colors as I find that I can wear the boolux sweaters in 3 out of 4 seasons. The pink is by far my favourite. It is much more of a true soft pink than it looks online. It does not have much of a peach/beige undertone to it. I also got the ombre speckle wunder under in pink. They are awesome. I love the fabric. It is backed in pink but it is very flattering on. I love them so much that i am contemplating the blue as well. They are the perfect weight. They are not thin and not too thick either. I like the pink tone that they used in the pants but I also liked the vintage pink that they had overseas but I believe those were luxtreme and not full on luon. I also love the warm and restore sweater. I am pleased with the offerings from Lulu this season.. Hoping it continues.

Anonymous December 20, 2017 - 9:49 pm

Just went to my store to look at these. Initially wanted to buy blush one, but it looks so different irl compare to web site. It’s almost white! I was looking for something more “blush”. I personally liked the best the LLM got

Elisa January 1, 2018 - 4:09 pm

The Cabin yogi LS looks great on you! May I ask what size your sweater is? How thick is the sweater? I have a similar build just wondering if I should size up as well. Thank you!

Cristina January 2, 2018 - 9:08 am

Thanks Elisa! It’s a size 12 and I normally take a size 10. This particularly color is thicker than the others.


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