Lululemon Store Photos: Stand Out Sherpa, Wunder Under Hi Rise Sheen, Embellished Multi and Fluorolace Multi Wunder Under Hi-Rise, Full Freedom Tank 

by Cristina

Yay for Lululemon Store Photos! Two things I must confess. Against popular opinion, I like the Fluerolace Multi. I just CAN NOT. Do. More. Tights. If this came in a running singlet made of swift material, I’d be all over every single print. I’d buy headbands and gym bags and tanks and tees.  I cannot buy a bunch of ‘one trick pony’ tights. Second thing is that despite my cynicism about the sherpa jacket (why is the sherpa matted? and why is it on the outside?) A friend messaged me a picture of it on and she really liked it so now I want to try it on. I don’t think I’ll buy it because I’d really prefer to get one of the nice faux fur type of Lululemon fleece items off ebay. There are tons of tempting items on ebay right now and I’m on a real ebay kick lately – for everything. I got a cashmere/wool coat on ebay last night.

Stand Out SherpaWunder Under Hi-Rise (Tight Sheen)

Stand Out Sherpa Jacket and Wunder Under Hi-Rise (Tight Sheen)

Wunder Under Hi-Rise (Tight Sheen)

Stand Out Sherpa Jacket and Wunder Under Hi-Rise (Tight Sheen) Stand Out Sherpa Jacket Stand Out Sherpa Jacket

Embellished Multi and Fluorolace Multi Wunder Under Hi-Rise

Stand Out Sherpa Jacket

Full Freedom Tank

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Anonymous November 21, 2017 - 4:45 pm

I like the fluorolace multi too! But I think it’s because I’m a child of the 70’s and it reminds me of all those psychedelic floral prints of that era. If it comes out in a running crop, like Fast and Free’s I’m all in.

kate November 21, 2017 - 5:36 pm

I am with you 100%, Lulumum & 4:45. I am attracted the the fluorolace too. However, like you, I will NOT buy a bra and tights in that pattern. Bras peek out over tops for me (the original CRB often times) and I cannot waste that much $$ on yet another piece that is only the sliver of an accent. Plus, I never reach for wild patterned tights.

I actually have been drawn to a few prints recently (I like florals) but they are never released in tops anymore; it makes me more annoyed than I was last year — when I disliked pretty much everything — since it gives me false hope. 🙁

Ah well, thanks for a fun blog in any case. I appreciate your diversifying the content.

Beth November 21, 2017 - 6:37 pm

Totally agree! I want patterned tops not bras or bottoms!!

Anonymous November 21, 2017 - 6:44 pm

I’m glad I’m not liking florals in general and this one in particular bc I’m already spending too much $$ on lulu. And it’s not even Thanksgiving or Christmas yet.

Amy November 22, 2017 - 5:23 am

Those floral leggings give me Lularoe vibes! But different strokes for different folks. The sheen WUPs are cool; if they came in a mid-rise I would be interested. I’m excited to see if we get some new stuff on Black Friday.

Paula November 22, 2017 - 6:13 am

I bought the Sherpa jacket and I really like it Cristina! I got the gray, it’s really pretty on and in person

Joanna November 22, 2017 - 11:25 am

I do NOT like that new collection. It’s so ugly imo.

jenny November 22, 2017 - 12:43 pm

I miss the old lulu styles….i’m so underwhelmed. I miss the hustle jacket, understated ruffle lulu styles. 🙁

Rise and Shine November 22, 2017 - 12:48 pm

I LOVE the Hustle Jacket. I have two. So cute, so functional. So flattering.

Klo November 22, 2017 - 2:33 pm

I was hoping for some warm cozy Sherpa. Off the mat jacket Sherpa, cozy up Sherpa. I have an old military style Sherpa lined coat 2012-2013 ish. I want to replace it as it’s black and looking a little worn. I want a high collar lined with fleece. The new items are cute but they look more like fashion pieces as opposed to keep you warm pieces. I have 3 black labs and need something warm for walk-ing in Minnesota winters. Lulu used to make special pieces that catered to dog walkers. Fanny packs with Sherpa lining. Wind resistant pants. I’d love a Sherpa lined neck gator and bomber style hat. That’s not to much to ask is it? Lol. I think the new prints are gorgeous but I Am tired of crazy prints. There are only so many times I can wear them with out gettibg tired of them

Lulubell November 22, 2017 - 5:00 pm

I totally agree on the Fluerolace print. I really like it, but I just bought the peony, the lace aligns and a few other prints. And really how many leggings can a person own!?! I have to draw the line somewhere, as my collection grows with these “only available in pants/bras” prints. I’m in a “wait and see” mode. If they don’t release anything that interests me in the next few months and it’s still around, I may get it.

I’d love the option of buying some of their pretty prints in tops. I would have snapped up fluerolace in a few different top variations. Also, this floral would have been really cute in shorts.

Violet November 22, 2017 - 6:18 pm

I like the fluorolace pattern a lot in the photos, but for some reason I didn’t like it as much when I looked at it in the store. I’m not sure why. I didn’t love the feel of the fabric. What it reminds me of is Japanese textiles, or even more so – Japanese origami paper. I dunno. Maybe I need to give it another chance in store. Or not, since I’m so broke these days. I did buy the Peony Fast and Free crops and love them, so I think I might just be tapped out.


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