Guest Fit Reviews: Warm and Restore Sweater, New Print Nulux Speed Wunder Tights

by Cristina

Thanks so much to Ms. K for sharing her store finds photos. The Warm and Restore Sweater didn’t intrigue me in the grey color block when I first glimpsed pictures of it this morning, but I’m loving the blue and black. I love a good oversized Merino wool sweater and Lululemon does a great job with them. Ms. K tried this sweater on in her TTS.

I have some more Guest Fit Reviews coming tonight/tomorrow morning from Mrs. O!


Warm and Restore Sweater

Warm and Restore Sweater Lululemon Warm and Restore Sweater Lululemon Warm and Restore Sweater Lululemon Warm and Restore Sweater Lululemon Warm and Restore Sweater

Speed Wunder Tight *Nulux

Warm And Restore Sweater and Speed Wunder Tight *Nulux Speed Wunder Tight *Nulux Speed Wunder Tight *Nulux

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Lulubell November 22, 2017 - 4:47 pm

That print is really cute on! I’m definitely going to try it in store. It looks sharp with the dark colored sweater and boots.

Rise and Shine November 22, 2017 - 4:47 pm

Unfortunately, nothing passes my, “If someone other than Lulu made it, would I even consider it?” litmus test. I you told me this stuff was by Nike, I’d say, “Yuck, you can have it.” Which is good news for me and my wallet.

I’ll still hit the store Friday morning to see what there is to see. I don’t think I’ve ever walked out of Lulu on Black Friday empty-handed.

Looloo November 22, 2017 - 5:41 pm

I LOVE the print. I think it is different. But I only wear this to gym…not for casual wear as many do. So for me for gym … I love it. Cant wait to get a pair. I assume they only come in speed wunder style. And finally colour! So many have complained about lack of colour. The peony print is ok…but this one wows me.

Anonymous November 22, 2017 - 6:50 pm

This reminds me Beach Scape, not a fan

CT November 23, 2017 - 4:40 am

The sweater looks like it is not an oversized look to me, it looks nicely fitted on Ms. K, is it tts? I love the tights on you Ms. K and I think I like this print better than the flower one that came out earlier this week. I am liking the blue sweater, can you tell me Ms. K what colour blue that is and is it two shades of blue or a solid? Thanks for the pics.

Looloo November 23, 2017 - 9:59 am

Just rAn to my store to pick up bra and speed wunder….love print and colours alot. I may wear bra with different bottoms…likely solid …but gives lots of options. Tights i will likely wear black or navy top
Just too bad its too cold to use for running now.

CT November 23, 2017 - 10:04 am

I just got home from trying on the Warm and Restore Sweater in the blue and it fits beautifully in a tts. This sweater is not baggy at all, it is nicely fitted. I have never bought merino wool and am wondering if it does get itchy after wearing it for a while? I would appreciate some feedback on this as this is not a cheap sweater and the turtleneck is quite fitted so I would hate to spend the money only to have itch issues!!! If I do decide to buy it I will wait until it comes online to use the 8% ebates.

I also tried on the Base Runner 1/2 zip coco pique and this is a very snug tts. The neck when zipped up all the way is the only part of the top that is not snug. It actually is loose and has creases that do not lay flat. This may not bother someone else but it did for me and because of this, sizing up may not be an option.

I saw the

Cristina November 23, 2017 - 10:52 am

If you aren’t sensitive to it right off the bat, it won’t get itchy after a while. I find wool is either itchy, or not. I’m quite sensitive to wool and Lululemon’s wool items from last year and this year are divine. The wool they used a few years ago was extremely itchy.

CT November 23, 2017 - 11:30 am

Thanks Cristina for your feedback. The sweater was not itchy at all and felt very soft and comfy. I really love the fit of this sweater so I will definately be buying it when it comes online, hopefully today.

Runrunyogi November 23, 2017 - 2:36 pm

Love the tights! I hope they are released online.

Anonymous November 23, 2017 - 6:46 pm

I love that sweater! It looks great on Mrs. K. in the blue. I am just curious as to the length. I like my sweaters to be bum covering and this one looks to be but it is always difficult to tell. Hoping to see this on the next upload.


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