Lululemon Store Photos : Fast & Free Tight II Peony Multi, Black Cherry Swiftly Tech LS, Down For A Run Vest II and More

by Cristina

Fast & Free Tight II Peony Multi, Black Cherry Swiftly Tech LS, Down For A Run Vest II

Fast & Free Tight II Peony Multi Fast & Free Tight II Peony Multi

Light As Warmth Scuba
Primaloft Fleece

Light As Warmth Scuba Primaloft® Fleece Light As Warmth Scuba Primaloft® Fleece Light As Warmth Scuba Primaloft® Fleece Light As Warmth Scuba Primaloft® Fleece

Hold & Let Flow Tank, Motionful 7/8 Tight

Hold & Let Flow Tank Motionful 7/8 Tight Motionful 7/8 Tight Motionful 7/8 Tight Hold & Let Flow Tank

Toasty Tech 1/2 Zip, Lead The Pack Tight

Toasty Tech 1/2 Zip Toasty Tech 1/2 Zip Lead The Pack Tight Toasty Tech 1/2 Zip Toasty Tech 1/2 Zip

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LS November 16, 2017 - 4:22 am

That half zip looks super ill-fitting.

Sourkraut November 16, 2017 - 6:21 am

It really is. I love half zips and wanted to like this one since I think the embroidery details are lovely. For one, it runs very small. I could barely squeeze myself into (and out of!) my tts. I sized up but, while it fits in the waist, it’s too loose across my shoulders. Which is weird because I have broad shoulders so never have that problem. On top of that, it’s way too short for my long torso. I realized I was tugging it down every minute or so while I was trying it on. Definitely not something I can move freely in and expect it to keep me covered. Not to mention that I’m not sure what their definition of “fleece” is since there was nothing fleece-like about this. The inside was what I would call brushed, not fleece. The fabric was nice and thick and felt like good quality, which is about the only good thing I can say about this odd-fitting top.

Suebee November 17, 2017 - 3:27 pm

If it is made of “tech fleece” then it is typically smooth on the outside and brushed inside. I actually love tech fleece items, but that half-zip is not looking very good…

Emily November 16, 2017 - 5:51 am

I’m pretty sure those are the Extra Mile Tights (not Lead the Pack).

I looked at the Lead the Pack. I liked the pockets but they seemed really thick at the top where all of the pockets are. I realize they are brushed, but they just seemed heavy (if that makes sense).

Anonymous November 16, 2017 - 7:41 am

funny seeing the first 3 pics from the Downtown Naperville, IL store, never seen anyone run down that street! haha

kate November 16, 2017 - 5:07 pm

I agree that the half zip looks ill-fitting. It sort of tempted me until now. After seeing the pics and reading the above comments, I realized it would look awful on me since I have smallish shoulders.

Kristy November 16, 2017 - 6:05 pm

The 1/2 zip is very ill fitting. I was loving the embroidery but even sizing up the fit was completely off. I have never put on a lulu shirt that fit me that horribly. I just chalked up the horrible fit on me to being broad shouldered and muscular but it looks odd fitting on the model as well. Too bad b/c it’s pretty.

Jenn November 16, 2017 - 9:34 pm

Sneak peek of a new print of Wunder Under Hi-Rise 7/8 Tight
Full-On Luon 25″ in Black. There are two models one of which is wearing metallic like tights (the girl in the black tights has been badly photoshopped though 🙁 ) Very curious to see those metallic tights in person.

Joanna November 17, 2017 - 9:29 am

The only thing I am loving in here is the DFAR vest. I have one and it is such a great piece. I have the original one, not sure if they made any changes or not, but it’s a staple for me.

Merrly November 17, 2017 - 3:19 pm

I liked the half zip but not enough to get it. Now I would pass even on markdown.

I, too, miss the store photos. Sigh.

I do love the tights though but hopefully they come out with that print in regular wunder unders.

Jenn November 17, 2017 - 10:21 pm

Now we can shop Ivivva from the LLL website. There is a “Girls” button available on the website. I like this change 🙂


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