Lush Sleepy Body Lotion

by Cristina

Do you guys shop at Lush? I don’t shop there often but I have shopped there throughout the years and have a few favorites (Ro’s Argan, Rose Jam, ultrabalm) from there that I pick up from time to time when I’m feeling the need for some pampering bath products. A few months ago when I stopped in to check out the new products I found a tester of this ‘Sleepy’ body lotion, and I was infatuated with the scent. Sadly it was sold out and has been most of the summer because of some online article,  but it recently came back in stock.  It is lavender scented, but not your typical heady floral grandma lavender. Lavender can sometimes be way too strong for me and give me headaches so I shy away from it. Plus, I just really don’t like some of the green notes in lavender – they can be really sharp. This ‘Sleepy’ lavender, however, is both intensely lavender and toned down and mellowed by tonka. It smells more like a lavender latte with caramel drizzle than a bouquet of lavender.

I didn’t buy this product thinking it would be a miracle sleep inducing aromatherapy product, and I am always suspicious of lavender oil as a cure for insomnia. I purchased this because I loved the scent so much and the lotion is really great quality and it just feels like a luxurious thing to use.  I’ve used this a week now though and Oh my goodness, this stuff knocks me out.

I don’t have insomnia (I don’t think…) and I don’t find my sleep habits a problem for me, but I am a severe night owl and will often stay awake until 2 am, and then struggle with waking up at 6 am. I also drink a ton of coffee. My husband hates this because I will watch Netflix on my laptop in bed and it annoys him even though he’s completely asleep and dead to the world, but he hounds me to turn down the light from the center of the sun emanating from my laptop. He just gets frustrated that I’m not a happy camper in the mornings like he is. I’ve come to accept my night owl cycle and haven’t seen it as a problem because I’m often very productive from 10 pm till midnight on my blog or with other stuff I’m working on, or just productive watching Netflix.  Lately though, because of my house move stress and excitement I’ve also become a very light sleeper, and at 4 am I bolt wide awake.

Since using this product for the past week I am now a firm believer in the power of lavender as a sleep aid. I put it on my hands, arms, and neck when I get into bed, and within half an hour I am turning off my computer, rolling over and instantly I fall asleep and stay asleep. I’ve been so well rested this week! I know this may be correlation and other factors could be contributing to my improved sleep cycles this week (certainly not a decrease in caffeine) but I can’t ignore the fact that last week I was bolting awake at 4 am with nervous excitement about our move, and this week I’m now falling asleep instantly and waking up refreshed when the alarm goes off.  I don’t feel like this drugs me to sleep though, I just feel like it sedates that nervous energy I’ve had allowing me to drift off, and stay asleep.

I’m pretty sure you could get the same effect from regular high-quality lavender oil but I like this one a lot because it’s not overly floral, doesn’t cause me headaches and I really love the combination with tonka and ylang-ylang. Sephora carries a line from ‘This works’ called Sleep Pillow Spray  and Sleep Plus+ Dream Body Butter and I’m sure those work just as well too, but I just love this product. I thought I’d recommend it for those of you that have trouble sleeping, travel a lot in different time zones, or are new moms and want to try something natural and a bit indulgent. Best Organic Massage Lotion

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Laurel September 23, 2017 - 12:58 pm

I read the article about it and bought it and it has worked like magic for me and my daughter too! The scent is amazing and has dramatically improved my sleep(which is generally awful).

Kate September 23, 2017 - 5:32 pm

This lotion is the best. It was released as a seasonal Christmas item and I loved it so much I made my friend in England mail me 8 of them. They re-released it this summer when they made it permanent.

The shower gel twilight has the same scent. They’re releasing it probably end of October/early November for Christmas.

S September 24, 2017 - 6:49 am

The twilight bath bomb also has the same scent. I hiiighly recommend 🙂

Ashleigh September 24, 2017 - 8:03 pm

I love relaxing sleep smells. You should check out the ‘Pocket Savasana’ by YUNI (sold at Sephora) oil roll-on. To date, it’s the most relaxing scent I’ve ever experienced. Perfect for wind-down, before sleep, after Yoga or meditation or just because it smells so good. The neroli in this is fantastic. I’ve found the whole YUNI line to be far better than the ‘This Works’ one. And, I’m definitely going to check out this Lush lotion now. I love lavender.

mary September 25, 2017 - 8:44 am

Oh I have to get this, I love the twilight bath bomb and I usually use the charity pot lotion before bed to help me relax (I’m an insomniac).

JP September 25, 2017 - 9:40 am

I use charity pot as my body lotion. It is fabulous and I love that all proceeds go to grass root Canadian charities. I will be trying this one for sure though! I sleep well but have a hard time winding down at night ( which I believe is due to the fact that I do energy work all day)

Mrs. O September 25, 2017 - 8:32 pm

I went to Lush today to get this balm. I need help sleeping! But they were sold out. Apparently, new deliveries come on Mondays but none came today. I couldn’t tell from the bath bomb if the scent would be too strong for me. But based on Cristina’s review, I’m hopeful I can tolerate it as well. I tend not to like lavender because it’s too floral-y and gives me headaches. Fingers crossed that this will work!

shadowy_lady September 26, 2017 - 6:18 am

I went and got the balm after reading your post Cristina. I do have on and off issues with sleep. Mostly because I sleep very lightly ever since I had my daughter 5 years ago. So last night I put the balm on and slept pretty well despite my daughter coughing in the next room (she has a cold and coughs through the night).

I’m a fan of the Rose Jam too and will be purchasing once the holiday collection is in. My other Lush fave is their dry shampoo which imo is the best in the market. You get soooo much product in the bottle and I like that it’s loose powder and not a spray.

merrly September 28, 2017 - 5:02 pm

I haven’t been to LUSH in a while! I’m going to check this one out the next time I go!


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