Guest Fit Review: Rulu Define Jacket, Extra Mile Vest, Shape Up Pullover, Kitsilano LS, New Form Crop

by Cristina

Mrs. O is such a life saver! Many of you have been asking for fit reviews of the Rulu Define Jacket and Extra Mile Vest and she’s come through with some awesome reviews. I’m completely housebound this week packing boxes so not able to check out the new items in store until next week so I so appreciate getting Mrs. O’s feedback and recommendations.

Define Jacket Rulu

Define Jacket RULU

The Rulu Define was very soft and lightweight.  This is my TTS.  I did not have to size up like I do in Luon Defines.  Rulu definitely is a more forgiving fabric.  I believe another reader mentioned that she thought the jacket was a tiny bit longer, especially in the back.  I found the same to be true.  I just so happened to be wearing a Define today so I measured it up against the Rulu Define.  And just slightly it was longer in the back.  I have so many hero blue items and the slate gray seemed too plain so I didn’t buy the Rulu Define.  If it doesn’t come out in another color, I will probably get the blue one.  The heathered gator green has a bit too much yellow/brown undertone for my coloring.

Extra Mile Vest

Kitsilano LS

Extra Mile Vest & Kitsilano LS

I actually liked the Kitsilano LS more than I thought I would.  The texture was nice and gave the black/gray color combo some depth.  It was very soft and well made.  This is a size up.  So the sizing is the same as your Swiftly size.  I paired it with the Dark Olive Extra Mile Vest and the color combo was nice.  The vest is TTS.  I rarely layer my vests over anything more than a thin LS so a size up would not have mattered to me.  In my size up, it was a little loose around the waist and then it started to creep up when I moved around.  The hood is removable so you can wear it under a hooded jacket.  If you want to layer it with something thicker than a thin LS, I suggest sizing up.  The size difference wasn’t that much but just enough to give you more space.  Also, in a size up, it was longer in the back.  I preferred the length of my TTS.

Shape Up Pullover

Shape Up Pullover

I finally got to the Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade location today.  SM was the only store that had the new items.  The Shape Up Pullover was soft and very form fitting.  In this picture I’m wearing my TTS.  There was barely any difference with a size up — the length was a bit longer and like others have mentioned, the shoulders were wider than I expected in a size up.  Everywhere else, I thought the fit was the same.  If I end up buying it, I would probably get the size up so I can wear a Swiftly SS under it.  I didn’t mind the color blocking as much as I thought I would.  The navy version has a black color block that is barely noticeable.  So, for those that don’t like the color blocking, go with the navy.  It’s too bad this didn’t come in a nice plum, brighter green or brighter blue color.  I have to say it was very comfortable on.  It didn’t move around the hem and really felt like I barely had a top on.  It would be great for runners.  I’m undecided so it stayed at the store.

New Form Crop

New Form Crop

I was really loving the idea of the New Form Corp until I tried it on.  I think it is by far the most unflattering Lululemon item I have tried on.  First, the spacer fabric was stiff.  However the item was folded when shipped, it made the side of the pants pucker oddly.  I wasn’t sure if it would straighten up once it was able to relax and just hang.  The puckering looked so bad, I had to angle myself so you could get a better idea of how it should look.  Second, I think these crops “add” weight.  They are not slimming at all.  These crops are TTS and had plenty of room.  The formed waistband was not as tight as the NTS Jacket cuffs and waistband.  These pants hit my calves at the worst spot.  If I was considering it, I would definitely have to get them hemmed to the right spot.  The length is great for the long legged ladies out there but I’m not sure how flattering it would be on.  Even on the site, it doesn’t look that great on the models.  I suspect these will go on markdown fairly quickly.  I think if it were made in the swift fabric, it might be a much nicer wide leg cropped pant.

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shadowy_lady September 27, 2017 - 11:27 am

Thank you Mrs.O. I tried the Define Rulu too and left it behind. It’s soft but I honestly felt it wasn’t too thick a rulu for my liking. Didn’t help the colours were drab too.

Have not tried the Shape-up Pullover but dying to. You mentioned the size up was barely different except for length…did you think it had more room in the bust? I typically wear a size 8 in all tops but due to my larger than norm bust (32G/H) I sometimes need to size up. I love the fit of this pullover on you but now wondering if it will work at all on me 🙁 I would love something like that for running

Mrs. O September 27, 2017 - 5:01 pm

If you have a large bust, I’d size up. It is very slim through the torso. If you have narrow shoulders, the size up might be a little looser around the shoulders and armpit area but because it’s nulu, it shouldn’t be a problem. I probably could have gone 2 sizes up and it would have still fit nicely and not appear too big.

I agree; the rulu was thin. It would be better for a warm weather lightweight jacket. I don’t know if I would layer a Define under a warmer jacket.

shadowy_lady September 28, 2017 - 7:06 am

Thank you Mrs. O. Yes unfortunately I have large bust but very narrow shoulders. I will order a size up as I don’t know if I’ll make it to my store this week. No go on Define Rulu for me as I live in cold climate

Anita September 27, 2017 - 1:16 pm

Thank you for the review. I have just received my rulu define in my tts shirt size, regular defines I size up. I would not size up in this define.I have not cut off the tags because it doesn’t lay flat on the bottom, it seems to curl up. I don’t know if it is just this define or if others are seeing this as well. I am 5’5″ tall and it covers my butt, not sure if I like it so long. I would love to know how others are finding the rulu define.

Mrs. O September 27, 2017 - 5:06 pm

I think it might just be the Define you received. I would switch it out. I tried on a size up in the Shape Up Pullover and the back hem was sewn in such a way that it made a divot right at the center of my bum. No matter what I did, the hem wouldn’t lay flat. I tried on another size 6 and it was fine. When I took the defective one off, I noticed that the hem puckered. I’ve noticed here and there that some of the seams don’t lay flat — like the side seam on the Miles Ahead SS. I had to go through the pile to find one that didn’t pucker. I didn’t think the back hem was so long that it would bother me but I didn’t have it on long enough to really gauge my opinion in that regard. I know some will love the extra length.

Anon September 27, 2017 - 7:40 pm

Omg those crops are the fugliest fug imo! Thank you for your review. I’m your height and size and now I know for sure I don’t need them

Mrs. O September 28, 2017 - 12:28 pm

It’s always nice to find something you don’t need. But if you like wide legged pants, try the Take it Easy Pant. I loved those. It was so flattering. They will definitely have to be hemmed.

KWB September 29, 2017 - 11:01 am

Are these only available in stores, Mrs O. ? Not seeing them online at all

Mrs. O September 29, 2017 - 2:31 pm

It seems like right now they are only in store. I’m not sure if it’s going to be available online at all (like the F&F 7/8 in Dark Olive). I just loved those pants! They were so flattering and the modal was luxurious with a really nice “weight” to it.

Mrs. O September 29, 2017 - 2:32 pm

BTW, they were TTS. The waistband was really nice. Slightly high but you could scrunch it down a bit more because of the side ruching.

Penny September 27, 2017 - 9:12 pm

I thought I was the only one that was thinking the rulu define seems longer! I had to purchase a different define just to check if I was being delusional lol. I thought it would be warm until I tried going outside my backyard (it was only 5 degrees so not bad) and I can feel the breeze. Definitely disappointed in that department! It is very soft and comfy but it seems to emphasize my food baby more than the normal define jacket.


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