Sneak Peeks: Lululemon Australia Upload

by Cristina

The Lululemon Australia Upload is up! Lots of sneak peeks but for some reason the Japanese floral print I posted about yesterday did not upload. Some of you where asking if the blue based floral print was Melanite and I was hoping to find out with this Australian upload. I think the blue was not grey enough to be Melanite but it’s possible that it is. I’m really loving the Aero Blue Swiftlies, although I’m not sure which one I’d pick. Either the Short Sleeve or the Long Sleeve.

Swiftly Tech LS Crew Aero BlueSwiftly Tech SS Crew AeroSwiftly Tech LSSwiftly Tech SL

Box It Out Tight Box It Out Tight Box It Out Tight Box It Out TightBox It Out BraBox It Out Bra

Box It Out Short SleeveBox It Out Short Sleeve Box It Out Short Sleeve

Box It Out Tank

Box It Out Tank

Box It Out Short

Box It Out Short

Press Pause CrewPress Pause Crew

Box It Out Crop TankBox It Out Crop Tank

Polychromatic Wunder Under Tight NuluxWunder Under Tight Nulux Polychromatic

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Helen August 28, 2017 - 9:29 am

The polychromatic print puzzles me – I initially thought you had grabbed a blurry image and went over to the Australia site to check, but nope the print just looks like that. Also not convinced that the red line over your butt is flattering…

Priya August 28, 2017 - 11:25 am

I’m not a fan of the box it out tights, they came out in the UK upload last week and I really hope this is the first and last time lululemon use a cheap elastic looking waistband. id like to genuinely know who prefers styles with this style of waistband? I find that they pinch at the waist and really only suit someone with washboard abs.

Rise and Shine August 28, 2017 - 2:31 pm

Ugh. It’s not the first time. I vaguely remember that they tried it once before a few years ago. Reminds me of men’s underwear. No, thank you. The branding on the elastic is really ugly and cheapens the whole brand, in my view. C’mon, Lulu, you can do so much better.

I’ve been waiting for the Aero Blue Swiftlies for a few weeks. It’s going to be tough choosing between SS and LS. Nothing else in this upload is appealing at all. Hope we’ll get a decent dose of Aero Blue and Rose Quartz tomorrow.

Anon August 28, 2017 - 7:41 pm

Agreed, I cannot stand that type of waistband in LLL or other brands. It totally looks like men’s underwear and I could care less if there was a cute print beneath it. It reads as cheap and I don’t think it is hip, either. I have am svelte/lean/firm and I’d never touch anything with that type of waistband regardless of a perception that one can pull it off.

Mrs. O August 28, 2017 - 3:59 pm

I hate waistbands like that too. Adidas had a few tights I liked but I didn’t purchase because of similar waistbands. I don’t think they hold up that well and it’s not as comfortable as the other waistbands. I agree it looks like a second tier tight.

FA August 28, 2017 - 4:19 pm

Agreed. Those elastic waistbands pinch and are only flattering on svelte-framed torso. Reminds me of a lot of the Nike Pro line waistbands, which is the reason I avoid that line.

FA August 28, 2017 - 4:29 pm

The Polychromatic Nukux WUPs are pretty. It looks like a pink, purple, and white marble-esque print. I think the pattern looks better on the Energy Bra on the model, but that’s only because that particular bra has thick, purple-looking vertical bands of marbling.

Looks like this is the kind of print that I’d go on a hunt for to find the perfect swatch placement.

anonymous August 29, 2017 - 7:29 am

It’s an engineered print so they will all be the same placement just fyi.

Anonymous August 29, 2017 - 9:27 am

Is that what engineered print means? I don’t think print placement will be exactly the same. Perhaps the marbled, symmetric thick lining on the back of the pants following the seam around the top of the butt will.

anonymous August 30, 2017 - 10:17 am

Yes. Engineered print means that every pair will have the same placement. There will be small variations i.e. – one swirl may be slightly higher above the hem line on one pair vs another but that’s mainly due to the fabric possibly shifting during cutting or the upper seam was sewn a little bit thicker or thinner therefore bringing it up or down by that little bit of difference. Other than that the stripes or swirls or whatever design it is will be the same placement across all the pairs. Other versions of engineered prints were Dottie Tribe wup, the current Entwined wu high rise, Marbled Mix speed wu, Deep Sea and even the recent SW pair. All engineered, all same placement, no pattern placement picking involved.

Anonymous August 28, 2017 - 6:29 pm

I actually have the original CSM collab & I must say the print is way more stunning in person!! They are beautiful. So happy they are gonna re-release them so I can grab the bra! Also really hoping seascape hues gets re-released!

CT August 29, 2017 - 7:09 am

Loving Aero Blue but why didn’t this colour come out earlier this summer? If the colour looks as good IRL as it does in pictures I will buy the s/s as I have a beautiful blue l/s already.


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