The Lululemon Upload

by Cristina

The Lululemon Upload is up!
Last weeks Lululemon upload – Upload July 25th.

Well this was exciting for me because of the pretty mid tone pink Swiftly Tech SS Crew in Pow Pink. I immediately ordered it (I just added the Speed Up Crop in Pelt to my order because I love the mauvy brown). I’m also liking the color Pelt, and Melanite is a nice blue toned grey, and the Night Tide Swiftly Tech LS. The Speed Up Tight features another light to mid tone pink which is not Pow Pink, possibly it’s Candy Pink which we see in the new swim pieces. I definitely would like that swiftly when it comes out. At first I didn’t like the new Culture Clash print because it reminded me of the sweater print from winter, which one of you mentioned, but actually I like this one a lot more. I’d probably like a bra or a Cool Racerback in that print, eventually.

Did you order anything from the Lululemon Upload today?

Swiftly Tech SS CrewSwiftly Tech SS Crew

I ordered this. Because obviously.


Swiftly Tech LS CrewSwiftly Tech LS Crew Nightshade

Wunder Under Hi Rise Culture ClashWunder Under Hi Rise Culture Clash

Wunder Under Hi Rise 1/2 Tight Culture Clash

Fast As Light Muscle TankFast As Light Muscle Tank Viola Fast As Light Muscle Tank Viola

Define Jacket Pelt
Define Jacket Pelt

Align Pant II Pelt

Speed Up Short

Deep Rouge Wunder Under 1/2 Tight

Align Pant II PeltAlign Pant II Pelt

Speed Up TightSpeed Up Tight

Final Lap Long SleeveFinal Lap Long Sleeve

The Spaces In-Between Bomber

Our Sport TankOur Sport Tank Our Sport Tank

Home Stretch TankHome stretch Tank

Swiftly Tech SS Pewter BluePewter Blue Swiftly Tech SS

Chase Me CropChase Me Crop

Cardio Squad Tank
Cardio Squad Tank
Cardio Squad Tank

Love Tee V Dusky Lavender
Love Tee V Dusky Lavender

Speed Up Short Long
Speed Up Short Long
Speed Up Short Long

Scuba Hoodie

Sneak peek of a new print!

Energy BraEnergy Bra

Hotty Hot Short II Long

Cool Racerback II JadedCool Racerback II Jaded

Shop The Upload

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Sarah G August 1, 2017 - 1:31 pm

An update to my post earlier I looked again and it seems like a few pockets in waist band but actually it’s one long opening inside most of the waistband. I thinks this accounts for it feel looser in the waist as there is lots of space for gels keys etc. not big enough for a phone though. I wonder how stuff stays in one place and doesn’t move around the waist band while running.

tried on the speed up in the new multi colored print – the waist band felt a tiny bit bigger than my normal speeds but otherwise they were exactly the same with a 2.5″ inseam – there is also a version that is 4″. For the life of me the waist band didn’t feel any different and I couldn’t detect significant changes in the pocket configuration. It might have something slightly longer in terms of pockets.

Sarah G August 1, 2017 - 1:34 pm

Also in store but not upload was jaded crb ii. That’s my big purchase.

fa August 1, 2017 - 2:00 pm

Looks like the Fast as Light muscle tanks are back! I’ve always wanted one but not for the crazy resale price. How does it fit? I’m 5’2″, B cup, short torso, and curvy/muscular. I usually get a 6 or 8 in Lulu tanks and am thinking of going with an 8 but I’m not sure how TTS these are.

FA August 1, 2017 - 2:05 pm

Also, the new Culture Clash pattern looks like a similar, whiter reboot of the “Mini Sweatr Multi Black” print that I’ve seen on the first run of Fast & Free 7/8 tights.

Rise and Shine August 1, 2017 - 2:07 pm

Love the look of pelt, but will have to see it in person.

I don’t love that this summer has been a big jumble of dark teal and dark purple/burgundy. Too many similar shades and too much darkness. These are some favorite tones of mine but I’m struggling to buy clothes I won’t really wear for months. These should have been organized into a Christmas release.

Kylee August 1, 2017 - 2:35 pm

Is the The Spaces In-Between Bomber new?

Anonymous August 1, 2017 - 11:20 pm


Mrs. O August 1, 2017 - 2:59 pm

I like the new pinks. I’m curious to see what pelt looks like in person and how it would work with the other shades of purple that have come out. Pelt would look great with the pinks. I like the print of the tights with the scuba hoodie. Wonder if it’s a sneak peak.

CT August 1, 2017 - 3:22 pm

I am disappointed that the Swiftly is Pow Pink. The same Swiftly shown with the Speed Up Tights looks so much lighter which is what I was expecting, not such a bright almost neon pink. It would be nice if they made a Swiftly in the Cherry Blossom or the new Candy Pink. I see there is a new Run Times ll version that has the zipper pocket and the second seam on the front of the waistband is gone. I remember when they had the zippered pocket (rain proof) on Run Times and charged $4.00 more. I don’t see what else has changed. Would they give us a new version only to replace them with the new Speed Up 4″ inseam? I like the colour pelt but I too need to see it in person but think I may like the Black Current better. It looks like they are holding fast with cropped jackets but I am crossing my fingers come Fall longer jackets are back. The new tank, Our Sport Tank, I believe that’s the one, looks like it has ruching on the racerback, more noticeable on some, not all colours, which is nice to see. Maybe we will get some ruching on Fall tops. The second round of uv tops this summer are cropped as well, sure wished I had bought more of last years uv tops.

Rise and Shine August 2, 2017 - 4:06 am

I don’t think it’s the same Swiftly.

I, too, am hoping for longer tops. I looked at one the other day online and the reviewers loved the length. They were 5’0″-5’2″ and the same size I am, but I’m 5’9″. I don’t begrudge the shorties their clothes, but I hope there’s a bit more of a mix. Add that comment for pants, too. I’m pretty tired of the default new pant length of 7/8 and the “full length” being 28″. Sure, that works for many people, but not everyone. At least give us a few 30″ options.

Sweat Editor, the page keeps hopping to the top as I’m trying to type. It seems like every minute or so something is refreshing and I get forced back up to the top of the page. Not sure if it’s fixable, but it never did this before, so hopefully, there’s a way to resolve this.

Cristina August 2, 2017 - 9:04 am

Hey R&S, I believe that happens only when multiple people are leaving comments on the same thread at the same time. It’s not that the post itself is being refreshed, it’s that comments are coming in at the same time – possibly on a section where you’ve commented already. I’m sorry – it’s definitely a pain. I’ve had that happen to me before and I wanted to chuck my phone.
If for some reason this keeps happening to you and you think it’s not the comments updating, let me know.

Anonymous August 2, 2017 - 9:48 am

I also noticed that with this new blog format I can’t click on comments to read just comments anymore. It’ll take me to comments, but then immediately hop back to the top of the post and I have to click comments again. Also it won’t go to the very last comment, but to the very first

Anon August 3, 2017 - 4:04 am

Agreed, same happens to me. Not so much on my computer but on my Android phone constantly/status quo. I’m not even making a comment when it occurs.

CT August 2, 2017 - 6:02 am

I hope the light pink Swiftly shown with the Speed Up tights is a different top from the Pow Pink so I am going to hold old and hope we get this colour in the next week or two as they should be releasing Fall clothing anytime now. They have to be sitting on a lot of cropped tops and jackets in inventory that have not sold, WMTM already has a lot of them. So I hope when they were doing their advanced planning on designs they weren’t stupid enough to plan for two years of cropped designs or it will be a another season for me of not much spending at LLL. I think I made a mistake saying it was Run Times that had the zippered pocket that cost $4.00 more, I believe it was the Groovy Run Shorts where they did that. It used to be quite confusing because they stocked them with the regular ones and so when I grabbed a black pair and bought them, it wasn’t until later that I realized I was charged more for that zippered pocket so from then on I made sure to pick out ones that didn’t have it because I didn’t need it and didn’t want to pay more for it. I do still miss the Groovy Run Shorts, those had a 4 1/2″ inseam.

kate August 2, 2017 - 5:57 pm

Agreed!!! The Pow is really pretty, but I also am interested in the pink only if it is a bit lighter.

I hope you all are right that they are different tops. I have a swiftly v-neck (maybe from Spring 2013) with a stripe pattern in Pinkelicious; I fear it would probably be too similar to the Pow. Moreover, I don’t find myself reaching for the Pinkalicious top as I do for more subtle colored Swiftly Short Sleeves.

BTW, LLM, I love your beauty reports as well. THANKS! 🙂

Cristina August 2, 2017 - 5:58 pm

Awe thanks so much!! That makes me really happy! I might have another beauty blog this week, if not this week then it will be up next week.

Samantha August 1, 2017 - 5:53 pm

Bought two of the fast as light muscle tanks. I ordered my crb size… hope it works.

Also like the Our Sport tank. If the fast as light tank doesn’t work out, i may try that tank and maybe do a swap out.

merrly August 1, 2017 - 6:02 pm

I wonder if they’ll release another swiftly in a softer pink. The swiftly looks way brighter and more neon but the one featured with the pants is so much paler.
Nothing for me this upload, at least nothing for me right away.

Anon August 1, 2017 - 8:07 pm

I didn’t buy anything yet but thanks for the heads up on the CRB ii in Jaded. I will need to see the colour in person to see if I acquire it. I only have one CRB ii (got it on markdown), I really cannot stand the back and love the CRB i. But if the colour is something I totally go for, I may buy it.

I like the Night Tide LS Swiftly but again, will need to see it in person. I’m not really willing to suck up the new, higher price for Swifty tops, though. I will be in no rush. (P.S. the model in that shirt is really appealing and natural, I love her short hair!)

Overall, there is not much that appeals to me. I don’t care for the Culture Clash print at all.

Meg August 1, 2017 - 10:51 pm

Also wondering what the pelt looks like in person cause I already have the blackcurrant and I also passed on the boysenberry cause the color was a bit close to the blackcurrant already! IF ANYONE HAS SEEN IT IN PERSON, let us know! 🙂 Picked up the Aligns in submarine last week! Couldnt resist!

Rachel August 2, 2017 - 2:59 am

I got the long distance as in viola and the speed up (long) shorts in culture clash, mostly just because I was so excited to see some color.

Anonymous August 2, 2017 - 9:58 am

I LOVE how Galaxy gray sculpt tank looks with what seems to be Carbon chase me crop. I like this color combo a lot. But I don’t wear Sculpt tanks and doubt they’ll make anything else in that color bc it’s been a while since they released it.
I don’t care for Swiftlys of any kind, but pink looks nice as long as it’s paler like on the preview pictures and not on actual upload. I would buy Intended tank ,Long Distance tank or some kind of mesh tank in it.

Gymmie August 2, 2017 - 5:13 pm

I ordered the jaded crb….jaded is more blue than green. Quite pretty. I also jumped on tje culture clash hr wup but will likely just keep the speed shorts. Finally some pop of fun colours in a fun print. I personally just wear lll to gym or running so i dont think the tights are too much print. Styled with solid white or black top it can be toned down.
I received my sw speed shorts today and colour is so fun. I like the bits of light tealy blue thrown in…it kinda reminds me of blurry bell where they threw in some bright teal blue…now to find a top that matches that vibrant tealy colour. I get my speed tight in tofino shell..tomorrow…..cant wait. These prints look better irl.
I noticed some peachy pink bras in the last few uploads…kinda hoping we get those…reminds me a bit of the sw colours.
Thx for all the work on your blog. Just curious…what do you think the rainbow speed shorts will retail for? $100? I havent paid attention to prices of reflective pieces in the past.

Cristina August 2, 2017 - 6:00 pm

I am thinking $100 at least for the shorts. The tights are what interested me (the cropped version) and I’m suspecting they will be $300 or something else absurd. I won’t pay that for tights. I’ll pay that for good shoes or an amazing leather jacket, or 1/8th of a luxury handbag, not reflective tights.

Gymmie August 2, 2017 - 6:15 pm

Thank you for the quick reply. Yes $300 is a bit much and i cant imagine the resellers will get too much more for them….. So shorts will be what most will go after.

Anon August 3, 2017 - 4:13 am

I ended up purchasing the CRB ii in Jaded. (I’m in Toronto. The Eaton Centre has it.) It is a lovely colour that appeals to me and the fabric is thick. It feels just slightly scratchy, but I’m willing to bet it will soften with washing. The finishing for this CRB ii is definitely much better quality than when these CRB ii versions first started coming out. The only issue I have with this tank is that the CRB ii is now $52 from the CRB i’s original $42 and $52 is a bit much. I’m not likely to make a habit of the CRB ii, though, and the tag is staying on for 30 days while I mull it over. I didn’t look at anything else in store, such is my lack of interest in LLL product these days. The store had the Pow Pink Swiftly.


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