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Cristina founded The Sweat Edit community in 2010, from her home in Vancouver, BC. She loves working out when she’s not at work managing the website. Her favourite workouts include olympic weightlifting, crossfit, running, and spinning on her Peloton. Favourite Peloton Workouts: Power Zone Training with Denis Morton or Matt Wilpers. Read about The Sweat Edit for more.
The first picture is poorly styled with the heathered blue luon top and print bottoms, they do not look good together. However the rest is WOW, I love the prints and vivid colours. I really like how they have made a print in different colours then paired them together, shorts with tops. The new grapefruit(?) colour is gorgeous and the heathered green swiftly looks great. I also like the blue s/s top, I don’t know if that is a swiftly or not. Will any of this show up in stores outside of Seawheeze? Looking at these pictures brings back fond memories of Lulu long ago. I can’t believe I am going to say this but I would love to buy more heathered swiftlies, I am getting tired of the solid dark colours. I don’t know if it’s because the solids have a bit of a sheen or a different feel but I actually think I prefer the heathered, I can’t believe I just said that!
None of this will show up in stores. Just the SW showcase store. They will be on ebay the morning of but at triple the price.
I agree with you on the solid swiftlies. I think it would make sense for them to put out a variety, instead of just one type. I like the solids, but I also like them heathered with white and with black. And I like the old swiftlies, that had just a bit of white heathered in.
Wow! Some of this actually looks kind of like Lululemon, which we haven’t seen in a long, long time. Love the two tone pink backpack. Love the pink tank that criss-crosses in the back (though I don’t think it would look so good with my skin tone.) Love bright blue and green together. Love the pink Swiftly.
And really love the muscular, happy model. This is one change from the “old Lulu” that I applaud. Bring on the strong, joyful women!
And yeah, there’s some fug, but this is so much better than it’s been in a long time, that I am not in the mood to complain.
One word…..Gorgeous! And it’s about time. Hopefully some of these will be available to everyone.
This is my 3rd Seawheeze and the first time I have been WOWED! I love it all and I am so excited to go this year!!!
Can I just say that I love this model. Her body looks a lot like mine (although I am much shorter). The girls they have now are all beautiful of course but this one really looks like she works out! Maybe it’s just that she she looks so happy in these pictures too. I love many of the new patterns but I almost wonder if it is her that is making me like them more?
Ahh so in love…rainbow splatter shorts…coral speed shorts. Everyone is going to swarm for the reflective gear….that was nice they offered some gear online. Yes they should have provided the code like indicated in email…because it opened it up to all to order via link. They had to know link would be shared…but maybe they intended that. I have to say majority of colours and prints are awesome…wish i could be there!
Rumor is they will be checking orders against the runners registered email and then shipping out. Anyone who isn’t running and ordered will probably get cancelled.
Some non-runners were able to order and their gear was delivered. Not cool.
Beautiful!! I’d love to see more like this for regular Lululemon.
Now we know where the colour has been hiding!! I looove the pinks
There has been some coral pinky bras and shorts previewed in regular uploads…so i am hoping that those colours will upload to the regular folks who cant attend sw. I would be so tempted to buy one of each item…yikes
Wow! I’m so envious of the people participating in SW and having access to these items. I hope LLL brings some of these designs to the rest of us (not participating in SW). And I agree with the others, the first thing I noticed was the model. I love how muscular and strong she looks. Wish I could look like her. And it’s nice to see the LLL stuff on a model other than slim models. This gives me a better idea of how the shorts and tight would fit since I have big thighs. Hope we see a lot more of this stuff — models, colors and designs.
I’m really over the reflective pants obsession, this is the fourth release of the style. Stop trying to make fetch happen, it’s not going to happen
I love the reflective gear!!! It’s great for running in the winter time in the dark…. makes sure that I’m highly visible to drivers out on the road 🙂
Here is how I think of it: the non-SeaWheezers DO have access to this stuff. We just have to pay for it like everybody else. As payment, you can either attempt to get into SW, pay registration, buy flights to Vancouver, pay for a hotel, and wait in line a really really long time – and despite all that have no guarantee that they will actually have your size in whatever item you want when you actually get in the store.
OR…. you can just pay a couple hundred bucks on ebay from the comfort of your couch (cheaper and less stressful), and then go run some other half marathon that isn’t such a sh**show to get into in the first place.
Personally, I think all this gear should be available only to runners – both now and at the event. But, since it’s open to anyone and everyone willing to go to the effort, I am happy to pay someone else to be that person. Think of it like hiring a house cleaner or a gardener 🙂
P.S. I LOVE those rainbow reflecty tights. I can’t wait to pay someone else to go get them for me. lol.
I don’t begrudge for this. But on the flip side. As a runner with a young family who isn’t in the position currently to sleep on the sidewalk to get the gear she wants. The FOMO market that Lulu/SW has created around this event really sucks for a lot of people.
Buggie sounds like an ebay reseller herself.
You’re missing the bigger point which is Lulu is shooting themselves in the foot by failing to offer colorful prints and special editions to the masses. As happy as resellers are to price gouge to people who would never bother (understandably) to travel to Vancouver from afar, one would imagine Lulu would be much happier offering this up to a wider market. If they want to make specific pieces that are runner exclusives – fine. But they could put out a SW capsule each year online for all which would increase their earnings and serve as a seawheeze marketing tool.
But whatever Lulu keep putting out black and white prints as you do.
Agree with your point completely. But, as we all know, lulu rarely acts rationally. I’m not missing the fact that lulu is dumb (I mean really, how could any of us miss that?), I’m just trying to practice acceptance of the way things are and give people a way of justifying an expensive purchase if there is something that they really love and don’t want to sleep on a sidewalk for. Put another way, if lulu wont make it easy for us to give them money for something we love, then we will give that money to others who do make it easy.
The SW Store items used to be made available (limited so not the whole collection and with a regular Lulu symbol and not the SW one) in Australia. Since seasons are flipped, the SW designs would be there summer gear. 2014 was the last year they did that I believe. So they did make it available, to some extent, to other people and if you had friends or family in Australia you could get what you missed or what you wanted. I kind of wish they still did that.
I have paid $120 for sw shorts on a couple occasions. I justified it the same way. I did not have to wait in line. And I did not have to spend thousands on hotel etc. They do have really cute things but I don’t know how much of a premium I will be willing to pay for a given item. Some of the items are super cute.
Well I’m not trying to be negative here, but none of this excites me. I actually prefer their current stuff . But in all fairness I never cared for SW items. There are too obnoxious to me. The only item that I would get is probably chase me tank in graipfruit. Everything else is super easy pass. Model looks good though.
The light pinks in this upload are beautiful! Even though the model is not my body type, seeing her so happy definitely makes the clothes seem even better.
Reading all this SW “drama” about shared links and eBay prices just makes SW seem super annoying to me. I’m a runner but would put my money in another race.
Restock of speed shorts….lulu intentionally allowed for a link without a code being required…more sales. I think its great marketing and gets people worked up and talking about their products
I don’t blame you for this way of thinking but as a runner too, SeaWheeze is such a fun race and a great weekend. This will be my 3rd and it really is worth the trip. There’s no drama for me, I just go and enjoy all the events and the truly fun race itself. I miss out on some gear at the store because I’ll wake up early, but won’t sleep there, but it’s all good.
I’m not trying to convince you, I completely understand your point. But you can really enjoy the race and deal with no drama.
Agreed. For me at least the race is the best part. Vancouver is beautiful and there’s lots of fun stuff to look at along the course. Lulu really puts on a good show on race day (with hiccups of course but even Disney races have hiccups so I’ll forgive them that.)
There’s only drama if you want there to be. Truly.
Thanks Lizz and KK. I’m glad it’s an awesome race experience! That is good to hear.
It’s so refreshing to see some prints that are not splatter prints and colours that actually say Summer. We see a tiny glimpse of Lulu past but we are unable to get our hands on any of it unless registered for SeaWheeze. This wouldn’t be so hard to take if LLL hadn’t deprived us of this all summer. I hope LLL wakes up and finally realizes that we need this kind of colour and fun patterns in Summer and keep the darker colours for Fall. As much as I love some of this stuff though I am not that much in love to pay eBay prices for it.
LOVE all of this. Let’s hope the old Lululemon is back for good!
Does anyone know the style for the jacket?
That model has the perfect body! All the clothes look so good on her. I usually hate LLL’s reflective stuff, but this stuff here is gorgeous. And of course most of us can’t have it. LLL fans are so desperate for the old LLL so I’m thinking this Seawheeze is gonna be real mayhem. lol
Anyone know what the yellow/green and peachy/pink tanks are in the photos? crbs or swiftlies? do they seem short or are they tucked in?
I’m not knocking the fact that runners in the Sea Wheeze get some special swag – what bums me out how much contrast there is to the crap Lulu’s been churning out lately that has been making me keep my wallet closed. Some of the pieces shown really look like the kind of stuff I used to be able to get from the brand on a regular basis. So, to see it and know it won’t be available is a total bummer. It just shows that they are still CAPABLE of making interesting and beautiful things. However, while there are some items in this preview I would really love to have, I simply won’t pay the crazy reseller prices because at the end of the day it is workout wear – and given Lulu’s recent track record, it may very well be cheap fabric and construction anyway.