Hey lovely readers, I have another bloggy favour to ask of you. This past weekend I had comments issues and I really appreciate you guys helping me out by testing the comments so I could get it back up and running. It’s now fully fixed, and I also don’t have to pre-approve comments which is great! Today my request is, would you kindly re bookmark *** https://thesweatedit.com/ *** into your browsers and on your mobile devices? I have come across another issue which was a slow loading page for some readers and the ‘fix’ was that she had my old URL (which is identical to this one, but directed to my old platform) bookmarked, so although it was bringing her to this correct site, it was taking a non direct route here and loading very slowly. I did major investment in back end upgrades primarily to page load speed for you guys so if you are having slow loading issues, it’s because you haven’t updated your bookmarks for my website…and I think I didn’t make a blog post about it so that is completely my fault. Oopsies! Anyways, so sorry to be a pain in the butt, and if you can spare a few moments to update the URL by clicking the link above in this post ^^ and bookmarking that one, that would be so appreciated.
Done! Thanks for the blogs
Hi LLM, when you first blogged about all your changes you mentioned that we should bookmark your URL again which I did so I am confused if I have to this again. You now show up in my bookmarks as The Sweat Edit whereas before it was Lulumum.
Ah good! I’m glad I did mention it. If you already book marked my address, you do not need to do it again.