Olympic Lifting OOTD

by Cristina

Sorry I didn’t get a good video for today’s post from Olympic lifting. Today is mosty just going to be an OOTD of my new Black Grape Pace Rivals in action. Our focus today was on a lot of mobility work, hyper extensions, holding positions in the lift for unbearably long periods of time to develop stamina and then we did front squats. Really great class, just not an opportunity to capture some big lifts. I really needed this workout today to take my mind off things. Last night there was a really terrible and tragic accident that happened very local to me and it was one of those news headlines that really stay in your head, and you just can’t shake the feeling away. I’ve been avoiding reading about it but it’s been impossible, and it’s been giving me real anxiety – so, loud music, busy chores and a workout that requires concentration is exactly what I needed this morning.

These top two photos where of some ankle and calf stretching. In olympic lifting you need really, really good ankle flexibility. Everyone focuses on the shoulders (it IS important) but the ankles and calves are what keep your knees tracking correctly. I had been having knee pain last year but it’s been several months since I’ve had any knee issues at all, and my flexibility has increased quite a bit.

Black Grape Pace Rival Crops

olympic weightlifting Lululemon Pace Rival Crops Black Grape olympic weightlifting lululemon pace rival crops black grape Lululemon Pace Rival Crops Black Grape Lululemon Pace Rival Crops Black Grape Lululemon Black Grape Pace Rival Crops

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Sarah April 30, 2017 - 1:57 am

I’m really liking those pace rivals. I haven’t caved and bought a pair yet in protest of them discontinuing the inspire crops, but my old inspires have seen better days. Do they have mesh panels on them? How does the fabric compare to the older luxtreme inspires that had circle mesh?

lulumum April 30, 2017 - 5:34 pm

Hi! Inspire Crops where actually my favourite too and my New York Marathon Inspire Crops (my favourite ever) finally bit the dust this past winter, so I’ve been wearing my Pace Rivals in place of those. I find the fabric is the same, and the mesh is really similar. The difference is in the design features (pocket and different seam details). The biggest difference is that pace rivals are slightly longer. I’d definitely give them a try, they are the most comparable crop to Inspires.

Jen May 1, 2017 - 12:24 am

Aww is that a Boston terrier?? They’re the best!

lulumum May 1, 2017 - 3:12 am

She is! She’s my little senior citizen. She’s gotten very frisky about demanding treats in her old age.

Mrs. O May 1, 2017 - 12:42 am

LLM, Glad to hear your workout gave you a mental break from the tragedy and anxiety. It’s always hard to take bad news, especially when it hits close to home.

I’m going to try the pace rivals. If you can believe, I don’t have a pair. I probably have every other pair. I love Inspires. I was contemplating getting the new patterned Inspire Tights but I don’t love the pattern. I don’t need another solid, dark color.

Achier May 1, 2017 - 4:09 am

I have purchased and return at least 3 pace rival pants. Despite the fact that they feel fairly comfortable, I just can’t stand all the seams. It looks fine on the models, but when I look down at all the seams on my own legs, they immediately go back. I’m not short either – 5’5″, but all the seams make the pants look ugly and busy.


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