
by Cristina

Friends, this blog was on time today only out of pure blogger dedication and job love. I went to the Nordstrom Vancouver warehouse sale this morning and was smart enough to pack my computer with me – and I left the warehouse sale just in time to get to a Starbucks to post the upload. All the while I’m holding my bladder while posting this upload because the warehouse sale shoppers are lined up to use the washroom here. I made some great purchases at the warehouse sale so I’m definitely not partaking in this upload, although I do like the Inspire Tights in Arrow Jacquard Print – it’s jacquard and textured though so I don’t think I’d like them in person as much as I like the look of the print. I also liked the Deep Olive Love Tee’s but I’m restricting myself from getting any Love Tees.

If you are curious what I got at the Nordstrom Warehouse Sale (Vancouver runs all week, Toronto gets one next), you can check out my instagram. My pictures where featured in The Daily Hive blog which was pretty cool. I got a pair of Acne Studio Boots and a pair of Rag and Bone Boots – my total was $300, but the Acne Boots regular price was $800 and the Rag and Bone are regular priced at $600. Those are my birthday presents from me to me. If you go, don’t bother to look around the main floor first – go directly to the name brand lineup inside the venue because that is where you will find brands like Tory Burch, AGL, Aquatalia, Kate Spade, Paige Jeans etc. etc. Check out the below $30 area second after exhausting the name brand area.

Inspire Tight II


Wunder Under Hi Rise


On The Fly Pant


Loud And Clear Jacket



Ruby Red Cool Racerback II


Free To Be Zen Bra


Energy Bra


NTS Short


Run Times Short


Love Tee Crew and V Neck



Crescent Tank


Vitalize Swim Bra



Tidal Flow Swim Bottom, Suns Out Bikini




Paddle Times Peplum


Flow Rider Top


Flow Ride One Piece


Race With Me One Piece


Vitalize Hi Rise Bottom


Paddle Time Suit


Paddle Times Tight



Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

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Rise and Shine March 21, 2017 - 8:39 pm

Saw the Ruby Red CRB II in store today and it's a very pretty color. Similar to Cranberry.

Also saw the new print luon arrow jacquard battleship silver spoon. It's very textured. I thought it would be irritating to wear next to your skin, but I didn't try it on.

The only thing I tried on was the Re Form jacket, which was comically short. I had it on my WMTM list, but it's out of the question. I'm 5'9" with a long torso, so I knew it might not work, but it came to my belly button. It honestly looked like I was going to be in some kind of comedy sketch. YMMV, but I'd be surprised if anyone over 5'4" could carry this off. Oh, plus it's super wide. You could fit two of me in there and I sized down from my TTS. Just unfortunate all around.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 8:44 pm

Liking the new less mannequin like photos! So much prettier. They still need to get rid of the rbf. Hate that. For pete's sake, they need to smile.

Not liking the new print on the inspire tights. I think it's ugly. I'm sure others will like it. I haven't bought anything new from a store in over about a year. Mostly the older stuff off the boards and a few things I had my eye on that made it to my outlet and went cheaper than I could pay at TJMaxx/Marshalls for non lulu pieces. Nothing really new. Not liking the non-stop black/white/gray with no color and don't like the new plain designs

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 8:47 pm

Amended to my comment above: Lulu still hasn't figured out how to make a full coverage bathing suit bottom. They should get out of the swimsuit arena. Very few people can wear or want to wear their suits so their butt is hanging out. It doesn't have to be granny style but it not cutting up so high and covering the cheeks can still be sexy AND functional you know?

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 10:11 pm

Full coverage is matronly looking imo. I wouldn't buy the suit if bottom looks like granny panties

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 10:15 pm

Looks like they're sticking with their business decision to go small and sell small. Not sure why you wouldn't want to maximize sales by offering more of a range, but every year it's the same and we all make the same posts.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 11:01 pm

Full coverage causes serious diaper butt and seems to be universally unflattering. No thanks. The bottoms pictured here are pretty conservative either way.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 12:10 am

I like the cut of the bottoms. I guess it's just a style preference. I'd never buy full coverage. I agree with Anon @4:01 pm, the bottoms are fairly conservative.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 6:48 am

I guess it's probably a matter of taste level. I hate seeing people's butts hang out of their bikinis, but then again, I'd never buy the high-waisted bottoms either. The high waist screams granny to me, where I know a lot of people think it's flattering. I prefer a little more coverage, but low slung. And I'm not digging the 80s curved waistbands or these super dark colors either. Yuck.

janine57 March 23, 2017 - 5:44 pm

I agree anon 1148 but it really doesn't matter what your taste is offering something that would appeal across the board would be smarter. IMO we all have different bodies and different levels of bathing suit. Personally I don't care to see anyone's cheeks hanging out but that's just me. Lol

janine57 March 23, 2017 - 5:45 pm

By across the board I mean different styles.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 8:56 pm

Has anyone seen that ruby red free to be tranquil bra in ANY US store? It is beautiful and did not get uploaded.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 10:54 pm

Would be interested if it is in Canada as well. TIA

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 8:59 pm

It's interesting that the background colors vary in a way that seems to correspond with the model's skin tone. Not good or bad, just something I noticed! Agree that this stuff is super boring/ugly/uninspired.
Nada for me. I actually just come here now to chat with this community- I pretty much know there's nothing I'll want to buy. 😛

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 9:46 pm

I think it's a switch over to a new background and new style. A lot of these pics were probably taken awhile ago and it will slowly shift over each upload. I like the new warm background and less posed shots.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 9:03 pm

Definitely nothing I want… I'm pretty certain this is the longest I've gone without buying anything from Lulu. Great for my wallet… but I've basically lost hope that I'll see anything I need to have.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 9:18 pm

Nothing I want but I do love Ruby Red and I also love that the models are posing like humans again. Thank God!

Also, if the fern print Fast and Frees (teased in the Crescent Tank pictures) could make my butt look that good, I'd gladly pay $1000! Alas, I guess it's not that simple…

Andreea Badea March 21, 2017 - 9:47 pm

Still annoyed by the lack of free to be serene. Really hoping we get it and in some nice colors would be peachy!

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 10:24 pm

yeah… contrast this swim line with Athleta's. No contest. I don't know WHY Lulu keeps trying to do swim. It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, LULU.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 10:39 pm

For years we have been saying that we don't like our butt cheeks hanging out of swim bottoms. For years, nothing has changed. LLL is still producing the same cut and I'm still not buying from them. Why change, when you can stay the same.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:56 am

Because other people might like it? I own several lulu swim suites, there's nothing wrong with their bottoms. I would never buy full coverage bottom

lulubell March 22, 2017 - 6:56 am

I'm not totally convinced it's popular as people think. Every year, there are racks upon racks of Lulu swimwear marked down at the outlets. It usually starts at $29, then after a month moves to $14, and finally they attempt to dump it at $9. I see swimwear pieces every single time I shop there.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 10:44 pm

Thanks for being a dedicated blogger Lulumum and taking the time to post the upload after spending hours on your feet at Nordstroms warehouse sale, I am soooo jealous that you are able to shop at one. Your buys sound fabulous and what sale prices! Just curious but did you see more spring like colours there versus what LLL is giving us right now? I am not into dark olive, deed red, ruby red at this time of year. I would consider some pima cotton tops but not in the colours available. Nothing for me in this drop.

Lulumum March 21, 2017 - 11:13 pm

Thanks! It was really hard to see trends there but I think most of the clothing where fall/winter items. I really feel like the best value/bargains where found in the name brand shoe section. I was looking for wedge sandals for spring but really only saw mostly booties, ballet flats and some mule like sandals. Nothing overly Spring/Summer. I did see Tory Burch flip flop wedges but they where size 11's.

Anonymous March 21, 2017 - 11:34 pm

I got the paddle times peplum in both black and white. Great for over a bikini when u want more coverage and I have seen it paired with denim and it looks really cute. Hoping it works out. I got the previous version of the tidal flow full bottom and they are definitely a size up to be flattering.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:50 pm

It's super cute. If I didn't have a long torso, I'd be tempted, but there's no way Lulu's idea of where a natural waist should be matches my body. But I bet if the Hustle in Your Bustle hits you in the right place, this could be really flattering.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 12:07 am

LLM, I saw the Arrow Jacquard Print in the Wunder Unders. Had I seen it in the Inspire Tight, I would have bought it today. The print is textured. Up close it looked as good as the online pictures. I really like how they styled it with the Loud and Clear Jacket.

Thanks for uploading even after shopping all day! Looks like you got a great deal from the warehouse sale. I'm going to go check out your pictures.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 12:34 am

Speaking as a swimmer: lolololololololololol

Amy C. March 22, 2017 - 1:12 am

Shucks, no modal again, even though the UK got today…
I love the red.

Thank you so much for the upload information!

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 1:47 am

Thx for all you do and for the guest reviews too…super helpful. I ordered the arrow pattern wuc…as I had been eyeing them on one of banners….but I will swap out for the fern print that has been a teaser. I am for sure getting those. I am curious how close ruby red is to bumbleberry and true red from fall. I did receive my nulux grey blue leaf print from last upload. It Def is more blue and I think a fushia top or wine colour would look good with it. Also got hydrangea crb but haven't checked how close it is to lullaby yet.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 2:21 am

I think it's sexy to show some cheek. I mean come on now, we are wearing a glorified bra and panty when we wear a bikini so why not show some cheek?

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 8:12 pm

…uhm, yeah ok… sexy means showing off as much skin as possible I guess… *rolls eyes* …but whatever, to each their own…

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 9:27 pm

The prudes have truly come out of the woodwork. The cut of these suits is literally what other brands consider to be 'full cut.' Pick a bikini you like, Anon 1:12, put it on your body, and stop passing judgement on what other people wear. People like you are why some women have a complex about their bodies and bathing suits in the first place. I don't even buy LLL suits, but I'll continue to wear my Brazilian and cheeky cut bottoms and go about my life.

And if you think this is 'showing off as much skin as possible,' you don't have a lot of imagination. This doesn't even scratch the surface of revealing. It's funny that people have no problem with booty shorts and sports bra, but show some cheek on the beach and people start clutching their pearls.

Anonymous March 23, 2017 - 4:13 pm

Judging by your reply, anon 2:27 PM, I'm pretty sure you have overly exaggerated my comment and went ahead and assumed whatever you wanted about it. All I'm saying is that sexy isn't defined as showing as much skin as possible, in reply to the comment at 7:21, and it was not meant as anything personal to that commenter either. Go nude for all I care. Just putting it out there that showing off as much skin as possible and what have you isn't the definition of sexy. Bathing/swim suits aside, just in general, leaving something to the imagination is far more sexy, imho, doesn't mean I'm a prude for thinking that. And no, I don't think these ugly LLL swimsuits are showing as much skin as possible, lol. …jeez… must have hit a nerve or something with my first comment…

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:14 am

Looking for advice from all u lovely ladies. Just wondering for those of you that have tried or purchased crb 2's if they run tts. Reading conflicting reviews online. Would not buy one at all if the 1 came in the new ruby color. Also for those of you who have seen this red in person is it as nice as it appears on screen? Also, has anyone on the Canadian side come across the free to be tranquil in the Ruby color as well. Thanks so much everyone.

gordonsgrl March 22, 2017 - 3:21 am

I've got a few CRB IIs (shocking I know but I'm petite so they work for me – still tons of class CRBs as well). Sizewise: All of mine are TTS – the one exception that I tried on but didn't buy was a heathered black I felt that fabric was thicker and was a bit too snug for comfort. Hope that helps.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 2:20 pm

CRB II runs TTS for me as well. I could wear a size down but I don't like it so snug.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:40 am

Thanks so much gordonsgrl. Appreciate it.

dogrunner March 22, 2017 - 3:51 am

Baller hat "ponytail" bwah hahahahahaha

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 12:47 pm

I know! WTF is that?????? Between that and the $28 headband, I'm beginning to wonder why I bother even looking at the uploads. Every week, I pretty much just dismiss everything as ugly. But really, that hat takes the cake.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 5:57 am

I'm not liking the new darker background. I also prefer starlight front-back shot instead of "in motion" ones. I can see clothes better that way

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 6:05 am

I have to say what a difference in the pictures, they must have hired a new stylist because the outfits are more put together than I have seen in a long time. As someone mentioned above the Loud and Clear Jacket looks good with the Inspire Tights and I like that they paired the Ruby Red CRBll with the Deep Rouge bottoms which helps to see that the Ruby Red has more pink in it. Whoever is posing the models now is doing a much better job and I like the different background colouring.

I really like the look of the Arrow Jacquard Print Inspires ll and that's about it in this drop.

Lulumum March 22, 2017 - 6:09 am

lol, well the scuttlebutt is that the OG stylist that lululemon had (the first one ever), that they laid off with the bulk layoffs when Potdevin came and wanted a changing of the guard, has been hired back for a short term contract. Maybe some of this is her work.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 8:07 pm

Honesty, the loud and clear jacket looks ridiculous with the running tights and bra. I mean, seriously, it really looks ridiculous, like who wears their stuff like that in real life?

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 9:06 pm

I guess the idea is that she was at the gym, then threw on a raincoat to go home in the rain. I guess. It might not be the most realistic, but it doesn't bother me. I think the new model is beautiful and love that you can see her muscles (some of the others are on the waif side and it can make it a bit challenging to see how the clothes will look on more muscular bodies). I don't love the colored background, but I find the new styling overall to be inspiring, which isn't a word I've used about Lululemon in a long, long time.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 6:15 am

Love the inspires!

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 7:59 am

I agree with Anon at 10:57, the plain back-side-front shots give me a better idea of what I'm buying. I don't really care for the models trying to look "natural" and weird poses and angles which obscure what the cut of the clothes actually looks like.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 8:03 pm

Agreed, same thoughts here!

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 12:24 pm

I'm disappointed that they are returning to the old more "modely" style of photos. It is much hard to see the details when the models are posing instead of providing straight on front and back pictures for us.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:57 pm

I disagree because I think you can still see the clothes clearly and they're more appealing when the models look natural. The mannequin shots look so miserable.

What would really help is a zoom feature. And listing hem lengths and other key stats for the pieces. I can't understand why Lulu still doesn't have that info/capability on their site.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 5:16 pm

I agree about the zoom feature. The site used to have it and ivivva still does.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 5:56 pm

The app has zoom feature. I also prefer straight front-back pictures. They don't look miserable to me. In fact I don't even care how they look. Im only interested in clothes and want to make an informed decision on my purchase

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 8:01 pm

Completely agree with you both anon 5:24am and anon 10:56am. Honestly don't care about how the models look, only care about seeing the clothes as clearly as possible (which the straight on front and back photos do well) and how they will look on myself.

Yoginitiff March 24, 2017 - 7:05 am

I like mannequin front & back pictures but not the miserable serious faces. I wish they are little related when pictured.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 1:58 pm

Well I ordered wuc and speed shorts and ebates was only $1 wow doesn't seem worth it to order anymore. May as well wait to see in store ….may not get there for a week but likely things won't sell out. I got arrow print wuc but wondering how I will like as it is luon .not luxtreme or nulux. The fern print looks to be in the fast and free tight style…but hopefully it won't be $138…yikes

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:12 pm

Might have considered those textured bottom in Luxtreme. Won't buy luon though.

Anonymous March 22, 2017 - 3:59 pm

Yeah me either, I personally much prefer Luxtreme and it's getting warmer where I live

Anonymous March 25, 2017 - 7:47 am

The crescent top is cute but too expensive for how sheer it is. The white would look cute with cropped align pants and sandals. I'll buy the LS version if it gets down to $50.

Anonymous April 4, 2017 - 4:23 am

Hi there, did anyone get the new Inspire Tight II Arrow Jacquard and is it TTS? Thanks


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