Amazing reader ‘Mrs. O’ has shared with us some fit reviews with the help of her awesome husband taking photos for us. Huge thank you to the both of them!!
If you’d like to share fit reviews, you can email me at [email protected], or if you’d like to share or read fit reviews on the Lululemon Reviews Group on facebook, click on the link to join.
Mrs. O’s review:
I was really looking forward to trying on these shorts because of the high waist and length. Once on, I was very disappointed. I don’t think this fabric is good for shorts, unless you have really skinny legs. It just pulled weird because it was too think. Generally, I am a Speed girl. The only other short with this length I can wear is the Tracker Short IV. My favorite short is the Featherlight Short (currently on MD) because of the high waist, the boy short underneath (so no panty lines like the Speed or Tracker Short) and fit. I didn’t discovery them until recently and bought them in both colors. I wish they’d make more in different colors. This short is a definite pass for me because of my body type but I can see it looking great on others.
The Smooth Stride Tank fit better than the shirt. I really like this green color and might consider getting the tank, unless a better tank is made in the same color. Does anyone have recommendations of items for me in this color?
Smooth Stride Tank, Smooth Stride Short
Loving this color on you Mrs. O. Are you a fan of the CRBII? I personally don't love it on me but if I didn't mind it, that would be my pick for the token Viridian Green item. That or the Swiftly LS – but the swiftly has black woven in to the color. I do like this tank you though, in this color. I'd wait and see if maybe we get a Sculpt II Tank or a Define Jacket.
I don't mind the CRB II. I have both kinds. I generally choose CRBs based
on color. But I understand why some don't like CRB IIs. I do really like the feel of the fabric of this tank. In all honesty, I'll probably get it, and also wait to see if the color comes out in another item. If it never does, I'll probably also get the CRB II. It would be gorgeous as a Define jacket!
Mrs. O
just wanted to say big thank you to Mrs.O for doing these fit reviews! I always like them (yours too LLM!) because I can see how the clothing fits in real life. I do like store photos too, but those are more staged. for some reason I can relate more to these fitting room photos
And I trust them more. My stats are not so far off of the website models', so I should be able to use them to assess fit, but I don't totally trust them. For one thing, PhotoShop. For another thing, sometimes they conveniently don't show a certain jacket zipped up, or the models arms are always casually holding the poofy shorts in place so they look streamlined. Small things like that that an unbiased fit review wouldn't do.
I also love this color, but the offerings in it are disappointing. Add me to the list pining for the days of original CRBs.
It looks like Mrs. O. knows exactly what looks good on her. I really appreciate her fit reviews too! That green colour is certainly one she could wear and I liked the tank on her. I do have skinny legs, but I don't think I would be happy with such a thin material for tight-fitting shorts either.
I purchased the smooth stride tank the day it was released. I think I've worn it 3 times since then. I really like it and love the color.