On The Fly Pant, Body Con Tank

by Cristina

I’m loving the Richmond Lululemon – 99% of the store photos we’ve been seeing here for the past few months have come from that store. – and some have been from the Annapolis store. For some reason none of the other stores are posting pictures of new product. 

On The Fly Pant, Body Con Tank



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Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 2:22 am

The back looks like my underwear when I'm about to step into them. I also don't understand the mesh where 99% of people have back fat. Sorry, even if you are super fit, you probably have it. Just saying, try this on and look in a reverse view mirror before purchasing.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 2:56 am

thanks for the visual. lol

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 4:19 am

So much this, size up instead of having back fat spill out

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 1:53 pm

It can be tricky sizing up with a built-in bra. If a tight see through tank is what a person is wanting than this is it along with the numerous other tanks LLL is putting out these days. It's been 2 years since I have bought a LLL tank and unless they focus a bit more attention to customers who don't want see through, tight, cropped, drooping arm holes, I will continue to buy my workout tanks elsewhere.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 1:57 pm

It's pretty tricky sizing up with a built-in bra but this is going to be a tight fit tank no matter what. I haven't purchased a LLL tank in 2 years as I am not into see through, tight, cropped, drooping arm hole tanks.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 3:42 pm

if you size up the bra might not fit anymore. of the fit might look too loose and wrinkled. sizing up is not always on option.

lulubell February 23, 2017 - 4:07 am

I don't understand the lack of store and ed photos. It seemed like Lulu started discouraging this, which was stupid on their part. I often used to buy a whole outfit based on store photos. So many items end up looking better when I see it in motion or if I can see it styled another way. My impulse purchases definitely started to decrease when the product photos tapered off. If they want an easy way to get some attention back, they should be encouraging the eds to model the clothes and post photos.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 1:54 pm

Yeah LLL is definitely getting away from local store product photos and they have stopped sending product nofitication emails from local stores.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 8:39 pm

I think they're trying to exert greater control around the marketing, which isn't a bad idea, but a smarter idea would be to look at where great stuff is happening and encourage that. Instead of saying, "No more store photos", create a system where each region would have one store that did the extra photos. That way, you get somewhat local shots that are seasonally appropriate for those buyers, but you still get to review and approve the photos and you don't have every store doing their own thing. Some of the steps they're taking as a company to be more professional are good, but I think they're disregarding so much innovation in their haste to be like everyone else. (Hello, heylululemon!)

Anonymous February 24, 2017 - 2:27 pm

They stopped store photos when their social marketing person combined the stores FB pages into regions (bad move IMO). I have many stores in my "region" but there could be a 2 hour drive time distance between my house and one of them. I don't want info on a store 2 hours away but would like to just follow the one Lulu 20 minutes away. I remember on HeyLululemon someone posted about how much they hate this and the gal who came up with the consolidated FB pages truly didn't understand or get why. She thought it was the best thing ever regardless of what we all said. It's that pervasive "pat ourselves on the back, we are doing good" thing going on where they think they are cutting edge, have the great ideas but have their heads in the sand when it comes to what their customers are literally shouting for. We see that with the demise of store photos (which sold more clothes to me than the website photos), consolidation of FB page by region vs individual stores, the constant non-stop boxy, short, black, white, gray no longer technical gear being put out, and the demise of Hey Lululemon. Sad really. In an age where stores need to listen to their customers because of competition (and lulu now has decent competition in the athletic gear world) they should be revamping what they do to and how they present their product.

Potdevin and Holman have ruined the company (IMO).

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 4:56 am

I don't have back fat, it's pretty lean, but I'm just not liking this particular top. It's not doing anything to me

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 7:00 pm

I received this top today. It is going back. I'm bustier than the description so I sized up and it's huge. Also just did not fit me right. The shoulder to bottom of bra is very long rendering it completely unsupportive. It hung in the front and was clingy in the back. I'm a 10, ordered a 12. I don't think a 10 would fit either.

lulubell February 23, 2017 - 7:05 pm

OT- Lulumum- How have your Sit in Lotus sweaters held up? I'm tempted to get one, but the reviews are making me hesitate.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 8:43 pm

Did you notice that they hit WMTM today? $69 is a good price, but I tried them on twice and they didn't do much for me.

lulubell February 23, 2017 - 11:44 pm

Yes, I'm so tempted by the $69 price and the reviews on the FB Lulu reviews are pretty good. I just wondered if others were able to prevent the shrinking. The inkwell is so pretty!

lulubell February 24, 2017 - 2:21 am

Thanks for the tips, Lulumum! I appreciate it! I think I *need* blue for sure!!! 🙂

Lulumum February 23, 2017 - 11:53 pm

Hey Lulubell, I haven't noticed shrinking in mine but I've only washed the blue so far and the blue was a size up. I wash with lingerie detergent in a mesh bag so it doesn't stretch the fibres in the wash, and then I lay flat to dry.

Anonymous February 24, 2017 - 5:47 pm

I have the blue and it did shrink so it's tighter fitting but not like two sizes. It did get a little shorter but it works well for my petite frame. If you're in between sizes, definitely size up! Last year I got a LLL sweater a size too big (cause it was on markdown) and it already ran big but after a few washes, it fits me perfectly.

Anonymous February 24, 2017 - 4:56 am

OT: I have been waiting for Run It Out tee to go on md since they got uploaded on Christmas . Has anybody seen them on md at their store? I just can't stomach $68. Thank you!!


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