
by Cristina

Wow! My last Lululemon purchase was in January for the Deep Midnight Swiftly LS, and before that it was the Sleet Sprinter Jacket off WMTM, but nothing else. This is a record for me. I did like the Lululemon Bomber Jacket but ended up returning it in favour of the Aritzia one which I’m very happy with. I’m liking the Love Tee in Deep Rouge but I don’t think I’m going to get it. I also really like the Breath-A-Wool Tunic in Dark Olive. Both Deep Rouge and Dark Olive are colors I like a lot, but I’m feeling much more a spring vibe these days and these colors in the Lululemon uploads are looking more drab than lively amongst all the black, speckled black and sombre neutrals. The Chakra Define Jacket is really pretty, I definitely want to see that in store. 

I saw the Body Con items today and it was interesting that the mesh portions had a gold sparkly sheen to them in the light. You can’t really see that in any of the web photos. I didn’t liked the sheen on the mesh. 

Body Con Tank 


Body Con Crop


Body Con Tight


Body Con Bra


Cranberry Cool Racerback

Wow! US got an old Cool Racerback uploaded. This is Cranberry which I believe is old inventory. But yay for old Cool Racerback!


Love Tee IV Deep Rouge


Love Tee Crew II


Define Jacket Luon Chakra


Breath-A-Wool Tunic


Breath-A-Wool Long Sleeve


On The Fly Pant


Run Times Short



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Unknown February 21, 2017 - 9:17 pm

CRB I's uploaded to US side!

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 9:35 pm

Another blah upload. This is starting to get pathetic. The thousands of dollars I used to spend without blinking an eye will never happen with this continuation of blah drab shapeless clothing.

Llorentzen February 22, 2017 - 4:39 pm

I feel the same way! I used to spend so much money on lulu and I rarely buy anything anymore. It's very sad. There is nothing great about the prints and cuts. It's all very masculine. I have a hard time believing their sales aren't reflecting this. I don't have have the FOMO either.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 9:35 pm

Thankfully so far a super boring upload as I just dropped big bucks at Aritzia.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 9:43 pm

I got the same dress you did in black, a few Talula Tshirts, and ordered the Bruni dress in black. So many nice things for spring. I have my eye on a few more items.

Lulumum February 21, 2017 - 9:36 pm

Me too! What did you get? I love Aritzia in Spring/Summer.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 9:50 pm

Huh. I scrolled through and thought, "Is that it? Why is this a mini upload?" Then I realized that it's the normal size, it's just so incredibly generic, dull, and dingy that it seems like three items.

On the bright side, something in me has snapped. The addiction's finally been broken. I kept wanting to find something I liked, but now I can be much more selective. I'm not even getting the cranberry CRB, because I have enough CRBs and I don't have much it will go with. Yay – rational thought has returned!!

Smurfette February 22, 2017 - 2:38 pm

I stalk Lululemon online and the store every week. Buying 2-4 items. I used to. Now I look once a month. Their stuff has gotten boring.

Unknown February 21, 2017 - 10:01 pm

I totally agree…when did Lululemon get so boring? I used to buy stuff every week, but now it's been ages. Each week I still check the upload hoping for something, but nothing's doing it for me. Hope they bring back fun colours and prints soon!

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 10:02 pm

FYI, I read that you did things to the blog to make the pictures load faster. I haven't really noticed any discernible change in picture loading speed. After the jumping (white spaces where the pictures go), and then scrolling down to the comments, then typing this comment, only 2 pictures loaded.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 10:13 pm

It's been ages since I bought anything from Lululemon, and now when I check the uploads, I'm really only looking for ridiculous photoshopping. In fact, today it's not even funny to me. I almost feel like we need to take a stand and stop buying Lululemon until they get the message that their models are beautiful and their brutal efforts at trying to edit their bodies are offensive to women of all shapes and sizes. So very sad.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 10:25 pm

I don't mind the mesh in the Body Con tank but not liking the cut from the armpit to the neckline in the front. That's not really an attractive cut on anyone IMO.

The CRB's could be new stock. It's been roughly a year or so since they discontinued them so timing for sewing and shipping new ones is about right for the fashion world. The sapphire color is very pretty and i'm tempted. Haven't bought any lulu from online or store since August Seawheeze store. Crazy. Just nothing worth buying. Not pretty, no color, no fun details or any details at all, too short tops and there wasn't any real rulu winter tops this season. Sad actually. My bank account is healthy now though so that's good. Haha

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 6:27 pm

Agree on the cut of the Body Con Tank. Extremely unflattering.

amandagator February 21, 2017 - 10:31 pm

Everything from the upload is great. If you are from a dystopian future.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 10:31 pm

So glad for another dreadful upload….that's 4 or more in a row that I didn't get anything. ..I needed to snap this addiction. I kinda like the crops in pose identify but maybe not all the mesh…and the $108 price tag….seriously…..it makes me think twice now. They aren't that spectacular to merit 108. Maybe when they go to $69. Thank goodness I have 60 plus pairs of tights….not desperate for any unless price is fair

lulubell February 21, 2017 - 10:34 pm

I got the cranberry crb. I have the cranberry power y and it's one of my favorites, so I can't resist snagging a crb i in it.

This is my first full price purchase since before Christmas! I stocked up on crbs off wmtm in early January, and an earwarmer and undies at the outlet a few weeks ago. Other than that I haven't bought any new Lulu. So weird for me!! On the upside, it's given me a chance to pull out older pieces I forgot about!!

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 11:30 pm

Is anyone else seeing the heathered deep navy CRB? I have tried both on the website and app to buy it but even though it adds to my cart, when I try to check out it says all sizes are sold out.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 12:01 am

I just tried. No dice. I guess it was a mistaken upload. Maybe old stock that accidentally got made visible.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 12:32 am

Thanks for trying! Bummer. Usually I prefer solids but I don't have anything heathered in navy…would've been a nice addition to my workout wardrobe!

Nicole February 21, 2017 - 11:46 pm

I got a white and black original CRB (Canada)

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 11:50 pm

I just can't get over how dark and drab these colours are for late February. Dark Olive and Deep Rouge seem like strange colours to bring out at this time of year. Run Times now has 2 olive shorts, why not the pretty Illuminigiht like the Speeds? Swiftly s/s are all dark and too many greys just like the Love Tee Crew lll that has 3 shades of grey, what is their thinking behind these colour choices? I am also disappointed that they changed the Love Tee Crew hemline to a straight hem and unless they bring back the curved hem and some nice colours that will be another item I will stop buying. There is absolutely nothing in this drop that I am wanting to spend my money on.

Anonymous February 21, 2017 - 11:59 pm

A not so subtle hint to Lulu product managers posted here free of charge: If you want to see good sales numbers on what should be a spring upload, start with some swiftly tanks and short sleeves in bright colors blues purples greens would be nice, next how about some running crops with pockets that are SEWN and not glued, in a nice floral pattern, like secret garden but with blue and green tones instead of pink (we've seen enough pink and orange tones to last for a while)

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 12:47 am

1. severe price increases, especially when put against the severe decrease in quality.
2. decrease in quality.
3. drab colours.
4. horribly boring, generic, boxy and/or short styles.

All combined is a pretty good recipe to quit my love for lulu. I bought two things on wmtm last year, and nothing this year. I don't think i'm going to be buying anymore lulu. my love for canadian brand Roots has come back, lol. so that's where my extra cash is going. one can never have too many sweats! haha.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 1:29 am

I especially appreciate how the mesh on the body con tank is ever so strategically placed to highly my hard earned back fat… NOT!

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:18 am

Nope nothing for me either. Just not interested in the offerings this year so far. Bought a few gems last year but it just keeps getting worse not better. Colours are dismal. I would have picked up the cranberry CRB if it had uploaded to the Canadian side. It's a nice shade of red!

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:51 am

I'm liking Breathe a wool tunic in Chrome and Embodiment tank also in Chrome. I can't get enough of this beautiful color. The tank looks like it could be worn to the gym and casually

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:56 am

I have to echo the sentiment a lot of others are expressing…I remember the days when I would dream about which outfits I wanted from the upload. No more! I still like Lululemon as a company, and am happy with the things I do buy. But wow what a difference. There is really nothing I have particularly wanted for months.

I don't understand if workout fashion is changing? I don't really believe that because I still see people wearing color at the gym. Is it my taste? I don't like mesh,or boxy, or cropped.

Anyway it is nice to save some money, but on the other hand it is fun to have some new pieces now and then.I hope they change soon. How can their profits be high if so many people feel this way?

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 4:29 am

It's not so many people, it's just this particular blog and also LLA, which seem to attract a little bit older group of women .Who are not fans of mesh, cropped length , muted colors. Lululemon main costumer base is 20+ who do wear mentioned styles.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 5:55 am

Right 20+ have the cash to spend on their obnoxiously high prices and horrible quality, doubt it.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 7:01 am

I had a lot more disposable income as a 20+ year old. I bought whatever the heck I wanted. Now that I'm older, I have a lot more financial responsibility- mortgage, kid, etc. I may earn more but I'm definitely not buying stuff on a whim. So yeah, I can see a lot of 20+ year olds buying.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 12:31 pm

I don't know… I have many friends between 25-35 who do not follow these blogs and they seem to having the same issue. Actually many have started purchasing from other companies lately. They have been complaining about selection, quality and price. So I am hearing it from them too.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 12:34 pm

Also when I was 20 + there was no way I had money for this stuff! No way. I worked 3 jobs and loved clothes and brands but never would have had the money to shell out at these prices.

Lulumum February 22, 2017 - 4:36 am

My analytics are equal amounts for 25-34 and 35-44. If that's their reasoning they are silly to focus on one section of shoppers, particularly when the 35-44 group are more likely to convert to actual repeat sales.

I don't mind mesh… When they first started with the mesh 2 years ago I enjoyed a few purchases. It's now overkill to the point where they have not had a nice cropped run pant without a majority of the leg being mesh in years.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:25 pm

Agreed! That's why every other store and website sells everything for $20-$40. The 20+ want disposable clothes as they are onto the next great thing and don't care about long lasting quality pieces. So they say yes to Lulus crap quality these days but who would pay over $40 for any of it.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:59 pm

I'm in my 20s and buy a lot of LLL – or used to. I don't shop at LLL for bad, released-too-late-to-be-relevant versions of trends. I used to shop there for technical workout gear that was cute and considered the female form, but now LLL is just another mall store with primarily low-quality items that does neither trends nor functional workout clothes well. I want clothes that last, and I definitely don't want to be buying overpriced, poorly executed versions of items with cuts that were literally popular when I was in middle school. I wear a lot of actually edgy clothes that are unique and stylish, not mass-produced mall wear that a branding exec tells me I need to wear to be cool (do other 20 year olds actually fall for this? Crop tops and high rise pants aren't exactly exciting or fashion forward) I also see zero evidence that this blog skews "a little older." Mesh is overdone, people of all ages want more options than the same heathered black and gray for their workout gear, and cropped lengths are beyond played out, especially since LLL tends to be on the tailing end of the trend cycle.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 4:42 pm

@ 7:59 a.m. YES!!!!

Lulumum February 22, 2017 - 4:15 pm

You got it exactly. They are on the tail end of fast fashion trends, and no longer have the functional workout wear market cornered. I work out with mostly 20-30 year olds daily and I don't think I've seen any of them wear mesh designs. I see them wearing speed shorts and vintage store tanks, or gap fit tanks or black crops (no mesh) with some tank and a thin cotton hoodie for warmth.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 5:41 am

I haven't bought anything in ages but I LOVE the deep rouge define jacket showing in the photos for the fringe fighter head band. I'm going to need that one. 99/100 of the last define jackets released have been black, white, black with white, grey or blue.

toni lande February 22, 2017 - 7:58 am

this stuff is horrific! It is SO boring, there's no special details, & there haven't been any unique prints. i guess the new trend is drab dull colors. lack of detail. expensive. non colorful. boring.

Also this is something else I have noticed, the 'why we made this' has become so robotic sounding. I actually loved reading the old descriptions as they were playful sounding. now it's so monotone sounding.

Unknown February 22, 2017 - 1:58 pm

They lost a lot of their following when the main designers branched off to Ivivva. If you look at Ivivva's patterns/colors, they are exactly what lululemon's patterns used to be, fun and whimsical.
They're trying to design for longevity instead of looking at what drew people to them originally. I only say this because I worked for them for nearly 5-years and saw the changes happening.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:27 pm

None of these pieces have longevity, they are horrid!

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 3:31 pm

Will be curious to see what their earnings release looks like next month. …

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 6:38 pm

Ivivva continues to impress, but unfortunately, I'm 5'9" and between a 6 and an 8, so it doesn't work for me. They've got an ombre top somewhat similar to the Swiftly Lulu released, but instead of black and gray it's offered in pink/orange and light blue/light green. Was that so hard? Is Lee really that dumb that he thinks women want to wear gray workout wear all the time?

I think their earnings will be pretty solid for the quarter because I think they did well at Christmas with first time/rare shoppers. There are lots and lots of people who have only one or two Lulu pieces in their wardrobes, so they're happy for almost anything from the line. It's the next quarter where sales will fall off a cliff.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 12:03 am

I think they always sell a lot of gift cards as Christmas gifts. Sales wouldn't necessarily mean the product is good, rather people buying for others and now those gift cards sit in wallets waiting for something nice to spend it on.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 7:23 pm

I actually love the colours. I don't like to feel like I'm the centre of attention at the gym and am always more drawn to plain, and more muted colours. A lot of these remind me of nature and jewel tones and I love all of that so much. The colours are gorgeous and wearable in my opinion. That said, the styles suck and have for quite a while. LLL pant options for the past year have consisted entirely of just 100 different types of tights, instead of the wide variety of "tight to loose" that they used to offer. I find myself looking to replace older pairs of lululemon pants and instead turning to other brands because I can't find anything other than tights now at LLL. Also, $74 cdn for an ugly ass tank? They've got to be off their rockers. What is supposed to be so special about this bodycon stuff anyhow, other than the fact that it's tight? I just don't see the value. I bought and wore tons of lululemon for the past decade but now pretty much shop exclusively Victoria's Secret Sport/VSX because I love their products: they look great on, fit great, and have amazing function and a more reasonable price. Lululemon sometimes totally over does it with all of the silly features and options. Sometimes I want something plain and easy to wear and I don't want to pay for any weird extras.

Anonymous February 22, 2017 - 7:35 pm

I agree with you, I also like current color offerings. I'm not into neons or big bright pieces . Although I enjoy wearing smaller items, like Speeds or bras. I wouldn't wear swiftly tank half orange half pink or blue and green. It's too juvenile imo. I like versatility in my clothes, that I can go from gym to lunch without having to change and not looking obnoxious

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 12:11 am

I'm not the kind of person that wears things that scream look at me but I do like to wear things that have appealing details and unique designs. I am not for loud colours but at this time of year I am not into dark olive, deep navy or black, especially black jackets right now and if I never saw heathered black or grey again I would die happy. I do love some of the newer blues right now and hope that soon we will see some lighter shades in pinks and purples.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 2:19 am

I am also ok with the current color options as I feel like I tend to gravitate toward the darker more muted colors anyway. I mix in bright things here and there but I just feel like the darker colors provide a more sophisticated look. That being said, I used to buy a few new things almost every week and almost exclusively wore Lulu for working out.The over use of mesh and black and white patterns are what I'm way over like everyone else. I also don't like the awkward length that some of these items are coming out in and I'm on the shorter side. I can imagine for a taller person that doesn't enjoy crop tops it would be even more annoying. I think like another person mentioned there are plenty of less frequent buyers that may still be happy just to get something Lulu. I expect that is the type of buyer that is purchasing some of the more questionable designs hanging for ages on WMTM. I have definitely cut back and have expanded to try many new brands. I know that they can't please everyone but they really should pay closer attention to their long term customers and not just trying to catch the current trends. Personally, I got hooked on Lulu because I liked the design features, quality and functionality of the clothing for working out not because I thought it was trendy. I still buy new staple pieces but really don't need anymore.

Unknown February 23, 2017 - 6:51 pm

I was looking at the Body Con line in-store yesterday and was looking for the gold sheen. I didn't see it, so think it might have been a trick of the lighting in your store, LLM. I still wasn't too keen on any of it. I thought the mesh felt relatively soft, but I just don't like it as much as the circle mesh that they used to use. The new stuff feels like the bastard love child of tulle and pantyhose. I did, however,really like that Chakra whatever grey Define Jacket. But the last round of price increases really have knocked me out of the impulse purchase market. And I own so many Defines that any purchase now would be purely impulse-driven. In fact, I have so much older, nicer stuff that I really don't buy anything anymore. I do continue to look at what's new every week, just in case something amazing shows up, but it never does.

Anonymous February 23, 2017 - 9:16 pm

LOL – Good One Anon 10:51a.m.

Anonymous February 24, 2017 - 2:33 pm

Deep Rouge is a gorgeous color….for a November/December release. Same with Olive. I'm heading towards wanting to lighten up now that it's end of February and Spring is right around the corner (course you wouldn't know it since it's still freezing). Pretty colors, just doesn't say "Spring" to me.

I don't think i've bought anything in over a year now. Crazy.

Unknown February 26, 2017 - 6:12 pm

I got the new define and the coco pique define. The jacquard looks nice and feels like it will hold its shape but it's kind of scratchy and cold-feeling on the inside. The coco pique is super soft, a little bit more relaxed-stretchy. I'm torn because I like how the jacquard hugs me but the coco pique is softer.


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