Cadence Crusher Tights, Step To It Jacket, Run For Cold Jacket

by Cristina

Are any of you doing the Strava Challenge? I’ve read that the first distance marker of 40KM gets you a swiftly ls, and if you reach 80km you get a swiftly ls and a pair of speed shorts. I’m not doing the challenge because I need to prioritize my fitness time to crossfit and olympic lifting, plus I’m doing the Whole 30 and experiencing some major carb flu. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t do it anyways though because 40km seems really expensive for a swiftly. I have a  friend that does this awesome fitness jar and she puts in a certain amount of money each time she works out ($1 maybe) and at the end of the year she has $200-$300 to spend on a fun splurge. Thats more my kind of challenge. I don’t love that Lululemon gets to buy a ton of your private data with this challenge. 

Cadence Crusher Tights, Step To It Jacket, Run For Cold Jacket


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Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 6:38 pm

I have to vent. Anyone else just kind of over the LLL FB selling groups? I'm so embarrassed by the 'discourse,' especially around unicorns, and frankly, I think people that pay $500+ for LLL items are idiots, and I just don't have the patience for it anymore. I'm tired with how entitled people feel to get an insane amount for their items, and, if I'm being honest with myself, most of the items I've purchased from the groups were lesser quality than described. I got a NWT bra that was just covered in deodorant stains, a completely empty package where the seller expected me to split the cost with them, and others. Selling is also a nightmare and just not worth the effort. I think it's time to purge my membership from some of the groups and just stick to eBay. I'm sure someone reading this will feel offended, but it's all so ridiculous that I'm just done. Life is too short. I'll stick to the blogs and discussion groups, but I am done with selling groups.

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 6:44 pm

I got off of fb completely and I'm not turning back. I spent way too much time and money and on the lll buy and sells. I have noticed that items don't go for what they used to and people are having a hard time getting what they expect for their items. On to bigger and better things! Cheers!

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 7:15 pm

I can't say that I feel offended by your comments, but I do think that whining about what other people do is pointless. Put your money (and your energies) where your mouth is and just quit. Actions speak louder than words.

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 7:49 pm

This is a big part of the reason I never bothered with this kind of thing. I stick with the blogs for LLL news and discussion. That's enough for me, and even then sometimes think I spend too much time checking out the blogs, could stand to cut back a bit, haha. I also only buy my lulu directly from LLL site or LLL store for a number of reasons. I find it curbs any lulu addiction/obsession (as in I can get over if I miss something and don't feel that I have to have everything I see that I want and hunt it down, haha). I also don't sell my Lulu, I only buy what I intend to keep and wear and if I happen to have to make a return of something that didn't work out I return it to LLL store for refund or exchange. Simple as that, haha!

She Who Weaves Words January 11, 2017 - 2:51 pm

Exactly, Anonymous 11:49

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 6:43 pm

I just read the info on the 40/80 challenge, but I didn't hear anything about winning a swiftly if you achieve the 40km?

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 7:11 pm

Damn! I would totally be down for the Strava challenge if if didn't coincide with awful winter weather. I refuse to run in snow and ice and we've got both all over the sidewalks right now. Injuring myself would set back my fitness progress way worse than skipping the run and doing an at-home workout instead. Now I'm super disappointed since I didn't realize there'd be tangible rewards for completing the challenge.

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 7:20 pm

I certainly don't think running 40k would be "expensive" for a swiftly. That's only about 4 hours of running. I'd be amazed if lululemon were giving swiftlies as rewards for so little, given how many people would rack that up in only a few days.

Lulumum January 10, 2017 - 8:03 pm

If you already run, or you already intend to start running and this fits into your day then it's not expensive. If you are running it just for a freebie then it is expensive.

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 7:21 pm

Where is the info about getting tangible rewards coming from??? All they say on the Lululemon site is that you get Strava badges. I would like proof that you actually get something besides these badges before I allow my running routes to be publicly known.

Lulumum January 10, 2017 - 7:31 pm

I don't have proof. I'm just sharing what I've heard. You will have to either ask your store manager, or wait and see if you'd like verification.

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 7:37 pm

I tried on the Step to It Jacket last week out of curiosity and actually really loved the fit. Un fortunately I'm not crazy about the colour offering – all way too dark. If it came in a white or grey, I'd be all over it. I feel like it's a perfect spring jacket and I'm not one to grab black in the spring time..

Anonymous January 10, 2017 - 8:00 pm

Agreed, I'm not loving that Lululemon gets to buy a ton of people's private data either. By the sounds of it the exact route, time, etc will be on display for people(not just LLL?). Actually read about this on LuluAddict's blog earlier today. This is why I stay away from Ebates too. I value my private and personal info more than whatever discount I'd get.

tri like mary January 11, 2017 - 12:47 am

I'm doing the Strava challenge. I'm a longtime user of Strava for swimming, biking, running and do these for fun every once in a while. First one I've seen attached to Lulu. Doubtful that there are any "prizes" as there are 52,000 people signed up for this challenge. That would be a lot of free stuff. Like all other Strava challenges I think earning the badge is the only prize.


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