More Information On Ebates, And The Latest Lululemon Items

by Cristina

Sorry to spam you with the Ebates but since learning that Lululemon is now on ebates I’ve had more incentive to learn the ins and outs of how to use it, and I’ve had tons of questions about what it actually is. I had no idea that it is so easy to get a commission back on your own purchases. Ebates is essentially a commission based website that retailers participate in, and they give you a percentage back on your purchases much the same way bloggers can earn commission by using affiliate links. This is affiliate linking for blog readers and followers, not just blog authors. 

 I really kick myself for not using it during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. The idea of having to first go to the ebates website to find out if the retailer you are shopping at is listed, and then to go through that website to get to your retailer in order to get your discount was a bit of a drag and very easy to forget about. Last night I noticed that you can get a plug in button for your browser (safari and chrome) and so when you go to a website that has Ebates discounts, you automatically get a pop-up reminding you, and you just click on it to activate your discount. For now, Lululemon Ebates seem to only be available on the US version of the site, but I think Canadians can still use US Ebates and just shop on the Lululemon Canada site. There are other awesome retailers that take part in this so it’s worth your while even without Lululemon. Bandier is on it, and Nike, Athleta, Sweaty Betty offers 10% cash back!) You can even get ebates back on all your eBay lululemon resale purchases!!

Here is a referral button if you haven’t signed up yet. If you sign up through me I get a small  bonus. You can then invite your friends to join and you would also get a bonus.

Ebates Coupons and Cash Back

This is what the Ebates button looks like on my browser. The E on the left. You can either click on it to get a mini drop down site, or it just shows and exclamation point when you have a discount available on a site you are browsing. To get the plug in you go to the ebates website and scroll to the very bottom of the page where there is a menu of items. It’s under ‘Ebates apps and tools’.

Here is my pop up I get when I went to and It gives me the option to activate the discount without leaving the site.

Brave Olive Swiftly Tech LS

Rush Hour Jacket

Down For It Vest

Sattva Sweater

Divinity Scarf;en-CA;women;collections;whats-new

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Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 8:20 pm

I have been using Ebates for years now. I can't believe Lulu is on it, finally! I love getting that BIG FAT CHECK for doing nothing other than ordering through them online. Sometimes, they will even have 6% back for Nordstrom. I've bought airline tickets through them too. They are having a bunch of events happening while they gear up for all the Holiday shopping (ie more money back): Mobile Monday (11/23); Thanksgiving (11/26); Black Friday (11/27); Small Business Saturday (11/28); Luxury Sunday (11/29–I'd imagine the rebate back from Lulu will be bigger that day); Cyber Monday (11/30) and Green Monday (12/14). This was on a notice enclosed with my latest check. You can also get money for referring other people to Ebates. I have my whole family using it now (in laws, etc.) It's always fun to get those checks in the mail, no matter how small. You feel like you're someone special. 😉

Lulumum September 29, 2016 - 8:23 pm

It's so awesome! I would have never thought to use it for travel. I love that this brings affiliate advertising money into customers pockets, not just bloggers or influencers.
The plug in is essential because there is no way I'd remember about cyber monday at Lululemon otherwise. Thanks for the tips!

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 8:38 pm

thank you for this tip! I didnt know what Ebates was… this is great.

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 8:46 pm

In the past few years I've earned $2300 back in checks through ebates! I do all of my shopping online though. So glad lulu is now on ebates!!!

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 8:49 pm

I don't know… I think I'll pass even though I spend a lot of money on Lululemon. I would think something like this would be a pain in the butt, even though you did make it sound easy, Lulumum. I mostly just don't like the idea of signing up for it. I tend to avoid as much as I possibly can online (and in real life too, haha, I like my privacy/am a private person) that requires my personal info (hence, no social media and only a very minimal number of sites that I actually shop from/or need personal info to use (can probably count on one hand with fingers left over, haha). Also, sorry if this is a dumb question, but, how does ebates or the companies on ebates benefit from this? what is in it for them? as I can't believe this is all out of the goodness of their own hearts, haha!

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 9:30 pm

Ok, thanks so much for explaining this, Lulumum. This is along the lines of what I was thinking. I spend a lot (a lot!) of money at Lulu and could probably get a decent amount back out of it to be worthwhile if I signed up, but feel that being tied up with something like this isn't worth the bother to me, so that, along with being careful with my personal info is more worth it to me in the end (no matter now much money I could accumulate over the years).

Weird though that Lululemon is on there, seeing as though their customer loyalty has always been strong. I also wouldn't have guessed that if given a choice between Lulu and other brands that it would be a difficult decision, haha! …although Lululemon is changing (for what seems to be the worst and in every way) and isn't what it used to be… If I'm going to buy something I'm going to buy it, I don't really need to go out of my way for an incentive. It sure would be be nice if Lulu had their own kind of rewards or discounts of some sort to show appreciation for loyal customers though.

Thanks again, I appreciate it. You explained everything really well!

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 12:36 am

@Anon 1:49 PM, I'm with you, I'm exactly the same way (privacy and personal info.) I have also curbed a lot of my retail spending a fair bit. I have more than I need, even purging and lightly replenishing or updating items from time to time. I never say never, so on ebates thank you LLM and others for the information. It is good to know.

As far as LLL goes, if it even does work in Canada, I think it is too little, too late. Not a fan of their deteriorated quality and mostly unappealing designs for quite some time now.

Lulumum September 29, 2016 - 8:53 pm

The benefit to the company is probably customer loyalty. If you are considering a like or similar item between two retailers, you are likely to go with the one that is going to give you cash back and then always return to that retailer. It's also incentive to a customer who is thinking about making a purchase – and then they get that pop up which encourages them to go ahead and check out. 2% on each purchase is a small amount for them and it's already within their marketing budget – cheaper than a magazine advertorial. And if you are a customer that does a lot of online shopping and you get a big cheque back (like the commenter above who got $2300) it really encourages you to keep shopping online and keep shopping on ebate affiliated sites.

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 8:57 pm

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, LLM. I have some questions however, and am a bit skeptical about using Ebates. Is someone able to perhaps explain to me why retailers would give away money through Ebates, if we are shopping on the retailer's direct website anyway? That would cut into their bottom line. So there must be some kind of catch or trade-off. For example, if I go through Ebates, are the retailers or Ebates able to better track which items I hover over, click on, put into the cart, actually pay for, etc.? Forgive me, I am not super tech savvy so I don't know how much info retailers gather on us when we are web shopping anyway. I am just not sure I understand the advantage retailers are getting from this because it actually seems like more work for the consumer to go through Ebates first, and isn't another obstacle something that retailers don't want? I'd be grateful to anyone who could shed any light on this process. Thanks!

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 9:39 pm

I'm so glad to see I'm not alone with my concerns, anon 1:57! great questions to ask and thank you so much to Lulumum for answering.

Yes, you would think that if Lululemon really wanted to give something back to their loyal customers that they would just do their own rewards/appreciation of some sort….

Lulumum September 29, 2016 - 9:00 pm

Yes, besides the advertising the retailer gets, I'm certain they probably get access to analytics. For them, the value is in 'conversion rates'. So people that look at an item online which ten converts to sale. The conversion rates on ebate generated traffic are likely a lot higher than if someone was just browsing the retailers site on a whim. Retailers spend a lot of money on advertising as they always have done, but in the past 5 years there has been a real shift to 'digital media' advertising and contextual advertising like this vs. traditional advertising (commercials, product placement, magazines).

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 9:29 pm

Another reason: ebates provides incentive to choose one retailer over another. For example, I just bought a new washing machine and it was the same price everywhere, but one store had 6% cash back. I chose the retailer with the cash back… therefore by doing ebates, the store got me to buy something that I might otherwise have purchased at another store.

Sign up people. Everyone I know who has been skeptical and then eventually signed up has felt like a major dumbass after the fact for not signing up sooner (myself included!) Lol.

Once you see how easy it is (and it really really is easy if you use the plugin), and once you get free money deposited into your paypal account you will be a true believer.

The only major downside is that sometimes I buy MORE things because of ebates. Like… Sweaty Betty sure seems cheaper when you have one of their regular 20% discount codes AND 10% cash back AND no tax AND free shipping. All of a sudden… Boom. Perfect justification for buying $150 leggings :-/

But yeah… even if you only use it for major appliances, house furnishings, travel, etc., it's like when you find a wad of money in the street that weren't expecting. Pick it up!!! Don't just leave it there 🙂

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 9:57 pm

How do returns work with an bates purchase?

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 10:06 pm

Like normal. The store doesn't know you used ebates from your receipt or anything. Everything is exactly the same except you click the "activate" button when you are on the shopping site's page.

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 10:04 pm

Use it for travel. Besides shopping, we do 100% of our travel booking online. The cash back really adds up on flights, hotels and rental cars. I've not had any increase in spam, phishing or other privacy/identity problems. You get money back on purchases many people make anyway.

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 10:06 pm

Hi LLM, being that you are in Canada would you let us know if it works for you when you try it with LLL Canada?

Anonymous September 29, 2016 - 10:11 pm

One reason Ebates would be attractive to retailers who don't have a loyalty program is there is no cost of putting a loyalty program in place and then managing it. The only thing I would curious about is once you have ordered your product online and the Ebates is activated for that product what happens when you return the product to a store for refund? How does the rebate get reversed?

Lulumum September 29, 2016 - 10:32 pm

I'm not sure it does get deducted by ebates. If it's like other affiliate programs there is a freeze period where the retailer gets to review the transaction and if it was returned within that review period it gets deducted from your total.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 12:49 am

Funny the statement "free money" – nothing is free. I think it is already explained above, on analytics and privacy. If you are willing to make that compromise, it's for you. I am not knocking it, it is an individual's personal choice.

I know sometimes people share promo codes for other retailers, so FYI Shakti Activewear has a Fall Sale on right now (don't know if they are on ebates haha). 30% of all merchandise until October 1st. Code is "fallflash30" (Free shipping in the USA over $50.) I love their sidestring shorts for hot yoga – they are the best quality shorts I have ever purchased for hot yoga. I also like their crops. I love both the coolform light and coolform material. They are always coming up with fun and very appealing prints and the special ones definitely go fast. I'm in Canada and I try to wait for the discount promo sales (you'll only get the promo code if you are signed up for e-mails. Sometimes good stuff also goes to their Clearance section). By the time I do conversion, add S&H by United States Postal Service (most economical, you can pay more for FedEx and so forth), apply the discount code, it's usually not too bad. I did capitalise on this sale 🙂

Nicole September 30, 2016 - 2:13 am

I love Ebates! I'm surprised Lulu has joined. To everyone that is skeptical…I was too but it's super easy and I've made $350 in the past year. It's just a no brainer if you do any online shopping. I just had a baby and so I'm ordering a lot and Ebates helps.
To the person who mentioned using it for travel…what site are you using?

Anonymous October 3, 2016 - 1:44 am

I'm not the one from above but I also use it for travel and consistently go through travelocity. Just watch your coupon codes. I only use codes posted on ebates bc other codes might void the cash back. I've had that happen

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 3:25 am

I've been using ebates for years and have gotten over $1000 back. I'm sure they are analyzing buying patterns, but I'm ok with that, and I'm one who has no social media accts.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 6:03 am

I've dropped by the Lulu store twice this week and had zero interest. The last thing I got was the Muscle Swing Tank in black (thanks to you, Lulumum!). It's really long on my 5'2" frame but cute and I wear it tied up and can do inversions without it sliding to my face. It does shift slightly tied up but barely. Titika (which I found from a commenter on your blog) has an amazing sale right now so I placed an order on that! Plus free ship for US orders. 😀 I haven't tried them yet but I hope I like them.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 1:22 pm

OMG my local store (vaughan mills, toronto canada) is having an event oct 12th, 20% off entire purchase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 9:02 pm

Hearing about all these discounts Lulu is now offering makes me think they are getting desperate.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 3:25 pm

I got a 25% off in-store event invitation for next weekend. Dallas area… allowed to RSVP and bring multiple guests.
I'm not going. I was going to, but then I thought to myself, "you don't even like anything. 25% off of something you don't even like is NOT a good deal." So I'm not going. 😛

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 5:49 pm

You are so right that 25% off is not a good deal when there is nothing worth buying. The only thing I would even consider buying that I still like are the Swiftlies but there isin't a colour I want. I would also like another pair of DSP but since they messed up the fit now where I get a camel toe and wedgie I can't even buy those even at a discount, sad sad sad.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 9:00 pm

Totally agree anon 8:25.

Also agree, anon 10:45. There are only a few things I still like from Lulu and Swiftlies are one of them. Same here, regarding the DSPs. Really wish they would bring back DSPII and ScubaII, loved both these, especially this time of year I would always buy new colours, so sad. 🙁

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 12:56 am

Agreed. I loved the original CRB, DSP and Scuba2. All of the revisions are terrible. Swiftlies are the only things I'm buying these days. I would purchase a BE PRESENT jacket if they released that in a good color or texture. However, I have pretty much given up hope of that ever happening.

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 4:23 am

I am flabbergasted by the sheer rising prices, with declining quality/detail, and finishing touches…really the Like Nothing Tight with unfinished hem at $128?
My beef is that these "Private Sales" that are exclusive to a subjective list by one of the store upper-level educators/key leaders/managers. I've come to learn that the fall preview invite depended (not on your Lulu profile) but by a list compiled by one of the upper-level managers in each store. What if I run in & out of the store, spend loads at the store each time, without much time to getting to know the educators or the manager as I would like? What if I am working and buy primarily online and visit my local store less often than I would like? Do those loyal customers get privy to any of these private sales?
I would think these private sales should be privy to all loyal customers (online & in store) even if they don't know the staff well. Maybe I am wrong, it seemed to be a hush-hush event at some local Lulu stores. Yes, local ambassadors and fitness instructors were invited but NOT all loyal customers were invited. ( I only speak, b/c after attending the event, some of my friends &workout buddies who frequent (& drop beyond a pretty penny each time)Lulu were NOT invited at my local store.
Others (in the previous post regarding the Fall Preview party) say they were invited at other Lulu stores they only occasionally frequent. Some of the city stores posted the Fall Preview Party on Eventbrite to the general public so anyone (even if unfamiliar with Lulu) may RSVP and attend.
Perhaps this is a mute point as we should be grateful for such a rare event, especially if invited. Moreover, a mute point b/c what is 15-25% off in the midst of quality/workmanship/design that is not on par with full or sale price.
I am grateful for being invited to the last event, but there should be a fairer way across the board to invite all loyal guests (online or not).
I suppose the rationale for this inconsistent invitations (from Lulu store to another ) mirrors their markdown prices (which vary from store-to-store & from online). I believe each Lulu store (although part of a retail chain) has their own independence to a certain degree. Thus we see these kind of inconsistencies in pricing & private shop invites.
While each store is individualistic and not a corporate "stamp" (it lends to the uniqueness of each store) ; this really can lead to misunderstandings between the guests and the store and between guests and Lululemon.
Sorry for rambling…just a perplexing observation on my part. Lululemon is perfectly doing well with or without me.

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 5:27 am

Typo for next to last sentence via Eventbrite not "visa"

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 1:17 pm

I totally agree with the above. What about such customers who buy frequently online with no local store access? Are they excluded from such sales?

Does a 15-25% off event justify price hikes so that only the selected may purchase an item at the old Lululemon price (before the hikes)? It would be then appear that an item or several items may be a sell out at that store after such an event (if the sale is a success). Then perhaps the next consumer (not privy to such a sales event) would be more inclined to buy a coveted item at the raised price (before it sells out). Is this Lululemon's consumer psychology thinking?

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 1:31 pm

Anon@ 9:23 PM here: Not ALL those who signed up for my store's product notifications were alerted about the Fall Preview. There was no mention of the event on my local 4 stores Facebook.

For those Lululemon stores that posted the Fall Preview Event (a few weeks) ago on Eventbrite (to invite the general public) or their Facebook; that is a fairer invite system.
It would be fairer for all of the stores to announce such private sales events via the store's Facebook, Eventbrite, and via e-mail to those who sign up for product notification.

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 4:22 pm

@Anon 9:23- I was the OP and I was invited because I used to be R&D many years ago. I think that's how I got on the list.
Also- I have to say this b/c I'd want someone to tell me, the saying is, "it's a MOOT point," not a MUTE point. Mute point is a common misuse… and not to be all weird and grammar-annoying, but again; I'd want someone to tell me!

Anyway, back to the subject at hand: I am sure if you asked your store, they'd invite you… it doesn't seem like it's too invitation-only since I was allowed to bring pretty much as many guests as I wanted. It's just… do you actually want anything?
I kind of feel like Lulu should have a massive clearance sale, scrap everything and start over from scratch. It's SO BAD!!!

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 7:58 pm

I agree that they don't seem to have a good system for including people, but just wanted to encourage people to call their stores. When I read about the Fall Previews here, I called my local store to see if they were participating and they we glad to add me to the list. There was nothing elitist about it and they were very welcoming. I'm sure there are some events – perhaps in the larger cities – that might be more exclusive, but I still encourage you to just call and ask if they're having any upcoming special events.

Anonymous September 30, 2016 - 3:28 pm

I'm kind of hooked on combing FB for bad comments on the LLL page since they seem to be going to great lengths to minimize them…the one someone just posted about taking a jacket in for repair is crazy. This company's days are numbered.

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 4:42 pm

Omg I can't believe they are on ebates now. If they had done this a year ago, I would have hundreds in cash back already! Now that I've severely cut back on spending at lulu it seems like such a waste.

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 6:18 pm

Maybe that's why they are doing it, because people aren't buying as much!

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 5:12 pm

I got an invite from my local store and I do the bulk of my purchasing online (and most of my returns to this store). I don't know the current group of educators at all yet I still got an email invite. Who really knows how they chose to send an invite to.

Anyway, I'll check it out since a discount is better than nothing and hopefully they'll have some stuff I want by the time the event rolls around.

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 7:50 pm

I am R&D, most of the educators in both stores know me. I spend waaay too much money in stores and online, I'm signed up to both store emails and I didn't get an invite. Now, I'm guessing that's bc I've been taking a hiatus from lulu shopping since the drastic drop in quality and non-appealing product drop (IMHO). So, I think from not dropping by the store for a month, that's why I didn't get an invite. If I had been more present in store during the time they were hyping it up, the girls probably would have told me. So, they would up saving me more money by not inviting me :). Yay wallet!

Anonymous October 2, 2016 - 7:51 pm

*wound up (not "would up", damn auto correct)

formerly non 4:41 October 3, 2016 - 12:44 am

I posted re the Vaughan mills event; am signed up and receive the weekly upload emails. Always say no thank you when they ask me for my email at the cash and have only been to the store 2 times in recent months (1x to return a swiftly and 1x to exchange inspire tights). not sure how I ended up with the invite based on all the stories above… I don't know any of the educators either. Weird.

Anonymous October 3, 2016 - 2:09 am

I find it interesting that some people are miffed, annoyed, dramatic, entitled–whatever you want to call it–that they didn't receive an invite and a pseudo-discount to some exclusive event. Hello, they jacked the prices, how are they doing anyone any favours now by offering some 15-30% discount. Wildly amusing that apparently, depending on where you live, the discount varies. And the return policy – no returns/stamped receipt, can return etc. based on the comments I have read. Have product, don't have product, classically inconsistent in consistent LLL fashion. e.g. will there be an upload, will there not; will they have system problems, will they not?

IF it was because you have a "relationship" with the store and know your educators, I should have got one. I did not. I do not care! Probably quit overanalyzing it because I doubt there was even a method. Except maybe if you spent a certain dollar amount recently. Then they know they already got you and maybe can get you to spend again.

And call the store to see if I can get invited. That is really funny to me, I REALLY do not care that much. For their exorbitantly priced mostly hideous product these days? I will pass.

Anonymous October 3, 2016 - 2:52 pm

So if you didn't have the plug in or even used it at all before, how did you find out that Lululemon is now on Ebates?

Lulumum October 3, 2016 - 2:58 pm

Someone in one of the lululemon Facebook groups found it and posted it. I had signed up for Ebates years ago and had an account but never used it and didn't have the plug in


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