
by Cristina

So against better judgement I ordered two items today, and after checking out I already know that at least one of those two items is going back. I ordered the Wunder Under Crops in Obscured Black because I’ve been really wanting to try a pair of crops out at the gym with this new version of printed full on luxtreme, plus I like the print a lot. I then went and ordered the Energy Bra Peek in Mauve because the colors where so beautiful to me but when I checked out, after completing the order, I noticed it rang up at $64. The WUC’s where $88! I’m having a hard time reconciling an item being so close in price when it’s so much less fabric. I don’t need it, and because of it’s price it’s going to be returned immediately. I really like the Mauve Define Jacket, but again, $128 seems awfully pricey for a luon jacket so I’ll just wait and check it out in store. I also really liked the Don’t Sweat It Kit in Rose Blush. So pretty!!

What did you order today? 

Layered Up Jacket


$64 Love Tee III


Cool Racerback Peek


FYI, in store the Cool Racerback II Peek is $64. Online it’s $52. 

Cool Racerback II


Wunder Under Crop High Rise


Don’t Sweat It Kit


Hotty Hot Shorts


Energy Bra *Peek


High Times Pant *Peek


Wunder Under Crop III


Define Jacket


Split Hoodie


Free To Be Zen Bra


Runaway Jacket from last year, reissued. 


Wunder Under Crop High Rise 

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Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 10:35 pm

I'm not seeing an upload but on the app I did see a few items I think are new? A Dusty Mauve Define Jacket, Dusty Mauve Power Y and CRB II, as well. I ordered the define and the power y already. I love that color. One of the few things I've been excited about recently from Lulu!

Cwags August 23, 2016 - 10:40 pm

Lulumum, Love the crops, in obscured print. When you tried on the hi times in the same material were they overly compressive or did you stay the same size as luon?

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:12 am

Any idea on the fit on the Full On Luxtreme in the High Rise WU? All my WUs are Full On Luom so I am wondering if the Luxtreme version is TTS.

Also, Lulumum- any idea if the Obscure print is coming in just regular high times (no luxtreme or weird detailing on the back of the legs). Trying to decide if I should pull the trigger on the WUs or wait for the High Times.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:25 am

I have a number of the fullux WUC. Two pair from 4? years ago and 2 from this past year – both a compressive-ish TTS. Although the more recent ones are less opaque IMO – they seem to stretch out more easily. 🙁

Lulumum August 23, 2016 - 10:42 pm

TTS. Slightly compressive.

Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 10:51 pm

OMG, what a boring upload! Black, white, grey, black, white, grey, bordeau drama….. I'm really loosing interest….

Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 11:03 pm

The prices on everything are hilarious. It doesn't say good things about your company when you're cutting costs and jacking up prices at the same time, but with these colors, patterns, and designs, I'm not surprised.

stylistadiva1 August 23, 2016 - 11:18 pm

Wow. Another week and I haven't bought anything. So boring. Nothing I want or need. Thanks for saving me money this summer Lulu!

Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 11:23 pm

I am in the market for something like the Layered Up, but for that price with no reflective details, no thumbholes, no exterior back pocket – all details the old Lulu would have had, I am not biting. Let's see how low it goes on WMTM before I would consider it. You really need reflective details for a fall/winter jacket because it gets dark so much earlier in the day. Maybe I won't even get it on WMTM since it lacks that one important feature for me. I hate that they have removed the thoughtfulness from the designs. They want us to pay more for less. Consumers are not stupid.

Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 11:42 pm

A girl at my gym wore a pair of "vintage" lulu shorts today… they had ruffles on the side seams, cute detailing…. really made me remember how special LLL used to be!
On a separate note- does anyone know what the difference is in the new Tight Stuff Tight II?
I like the TST 1, but they had some "fatal flaws," like droopy crotch and the knees were too tight. I'd love to know if those things have been fixed in the newer version. it would be so great if LLL would list the updates when they re-release an item as a new version….

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 1:40 am

I wore a pair of 13 year old Lulu crops this week for a workout (can't recall the name). ZERO pilling!! The sides have have drawstrings at the hip to create a ruched look on each side. My first Lulu purchase ever and by far the best, quality-wise!

Lulumum August 24, 2016 - 12:20 am

I know. I know. Just taking a look on eBay or checking our own closets we can find amazing pieces.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 7:48 am

TSII has at least one thigh pocket…same with the crop. I'm tempted to get a pair since I love the I and thought it just needed thigh pockets.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 2:53 pm

@Anon 12:48- thank you! Am wondering if they tweaked the fit at all…. LOVE the thigh pocket addition!

Lululover August 24, 2016 - 12:11 am

I spent a lot of $$ today. I got Piwee y in Mauve , Define and WUC in mauve. I also got new Zen bra . I also got Obscured print WUC and Speeds yesterday at the store so it's pretty expensive week for me

Lululover August 24, 2016 - 1:35 am

I only got Obscured WUC and speeds at the store, everything else ordered from the upload. But I'm pretty tanned right now so hopefully it'll look good . It's one of my fave colors as well.

Lulumum August 24, 2016 - 12:19 am

What did you think of the Mauve WUC's on? Did they show lumps and bumps in such a light color or where they smoothing? I am loving the Mauve color. Also wonder if it washes you out? Mauve seems to be my color for makeup and perfect for my skin tone there but in clothing it sometimes washes me out.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:15 am

Muscle swing tank for almost $60 before tax? It looks just like a sleeveless tank I could pick up in the men's underwear section from Fruit of the Loom or similar… and it would have the same functionality being cotton.

That Locarno LS is also nothing special for a whopping $84 pre-tax. You have got to be kidding me. I will happily spend $100 on a casual shirt, but not for a cotton one made by lulu. NOT worth it.

The old-school lulu shopper in me is rolling my eyes at this, knowing the new crowd will snap it all up. No more CRB and crappy seams on the newer WUCs. Looking at new brands (just gotta find that elusive high rise, opaque, fullux-like crop).

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:22 am

Exactly!!! Sigh. I miss the good old days…

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:38 am

$84 for a LS shirt. I'm out!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:38 am

I couldn't believe the price of the Locarno LS. I would have purchased at $68. Look how thin the white one is! For that price I'll just buy T by Alexander Wang or similar.

Lulumum August 24, 2016 - 12:18 am

I didn't post about it on Monday but I had an internal hissy fit over the price of the Locarno when I got home and looked up the old gloriously luxuries Cabin LS II's and the Every Yogi LS's – both of which where double layered and reversible for multiple color options. Those where $68 and $78!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:40 pm

I thought this was a horrible year for jackets but the top department has been lacklustre to say the least with such thin fabric, no interesting design elements and prices that are actually quite insulting when you know the garment just doesn't stack up to the price tag. I know quality when I see it and do not hesitate to buy it at a steeper price but it has to be warranted and what I am seeing these days at LLL does not warrant these higher prices.

From what I am seeing this year in many new designs is not Lululemon but rather any other sports fitness brand out there. This Layer Up Jacket is a nice jacket but there is not one design element on this jacket that you would recognize as being from LLL other than the logo and the same goes for so much of what has been put out this year. What an absolute shame. I wish Mr. Potdevin would just go back to selling shoes.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:24 am

LOL Lulumum was it immediate buyers remorse? We have all been there and I agree that paying upwards to $70. is a lot for something you don't really need. I bought the Runaway Jacket in the Parfait Pink/Alberta Lake. I made a big mistake 2 winters ago when I didn't buy the exact same jacket in Phoenix, AZ on sale for $99., cough cough! I am in need of this type of jacket and I love the style and fit and it has all the details and features I want in a jacket except for no lining.

I tried on the Belle Wrap (Inkwell) this am. and loved the front but the back was huge and bulky which ruined it for me. I also tried on the Layer Up Jacket in the Deep Indigo/Greyvy. It fit nicely and I was tempted because I love the colours but you are right, there are no details on this jacket other than it is reversible. I will be patient and wait for something better to hopefully come along.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:45 am

Not a thing here. Good, I'm still recovering from SeaWheeze spending!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:48 am

Nothing for me. More of the same overpriced boring crap. At this point Lulu is going to have to come with something amazing for me to buy again. Based on the past 8 months it's not going to happen. Happy to spend my $$ elsewhere!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 1:20 am

What did I buy today? Nothing. The designs are forgettable, the prices are prohibitive. Why would I spend a ton of money on a pima cotton, totally transparent, boring looking long sleeve top that only comes in black and white, for example? I can get the latest designs in pima cotton for a lot less elsewhere. And bras for $64? Hahaha. I have a fab Lulu bra collection, nothing was over $48, $54 tops. I will check out WMTM Thursday, but I know already that the sale prices will not be really enticing. Doesn't this company want to move obsolete merchandise? Signing out…

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 12:46 pm

Couldn't Agree More! That l/s top is just a perfect example of what LLL is now offering I am just not buying.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 5:20 pm

I totally agree! at least if that prima cotton LS had nice patterns or color, but even then, so thin for that much money, it just doesn't make sense to me. The price increase really make me pick what I buy, I will not pay those prices for less details and too simple designs. Maybe at 58 or 68$ but not in black, white, grey or bordeaux drama, I can only have so much black, white… we need colours!!! With the price increase and the lack of color, there's no way I'm buying anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 2:10 am

I'm so intrigued by the new energy bra peek. I love the straps, it says it's for yoga, does anyone have a try on report for this? Is it supportive enough for running? I'm a new mom and grew a cup and band size. I'm up to a D cup, is this bra even an option? I could really use a new bra until I shrink back to my old size. It's hard to stomach $58 for a bra. Thanks in advance for feedback!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 2:26 am

$64 before tax for a sports bra? Are you kidding me?! I know you can get similar bras with good quality from other brands at $46.

Gaja Priya August 24, 2016 - 9:53 am

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Elise August 24, 2016 - 3:08 pm

Yesterday I tried on the WUC in the Dusty Mauve color and they looked awful on me! You could see everything and the color washed me out completely. My guess is they would look beautiful on someone with a darker skin tone but on me (I'm super fair) they actually made me look sickly! There was nothing in this upload that I had to have. Waiting for tomorrow for WMTM to hopefully pick up a few things. I've just been super unimpressed with the uploads the past few weeks.

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 5:10 pm

Thanks so much for your review! I am interested in the dusty muave WUC but was unsure of it. I have pale skin and I don't think it'll work on me either.

Elise August 24, 2016 - 5:40 pm

You're welcome! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! I had high hopes for them because the color is beautiful 🙁

Lululover August 24, 2016 - 5:57 pm

Were they Luxtreme or Luon? Somebody said they full on Luxtreme just like Obscured ones and I really hope so. But web site says Luon 🙁 thank you

Anonymous August 25, 2016 - 4:27 pm

@Lululover they are full on luxtreme!

Unknown August 24, 2016 - 4:36 pm

I bought the run stuff your bra in the obscurred black dusty mauve, because I just wanted something in that print, and when I saw it in the wunder unders, I ordered, the bra will definitely be going back as it came up to $72 with tax!!! That is kind of crazy when the crops are $88. I don't even know if those will be keepers. Definitely some buyers remorse over here as well :/

Unknown August 24, 2016 - 5:13 pm

Is it possible all the love teelll are sold already? Been looking for this shirt forever in an 8 and for at least 2 months it's been out of stock. Did I miss it again?!

Anonymous August 24, 2016 - 6:12 pm

Duffels are priced at $148-178! I remember buying my first Lululemon bag in 2010 (the Inflight Bag) at $98 and my husband thought it was overpriced! :). So glad I have a nice collection of Lululemon bags/duffels as it's become an en expensive investment!


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