Seawheeze 2016 Recap

by Cristina

Sorry this post has taken so long to go up but I’m suffering from post Seawheeze weekend blues. We had also gone for a two week family vacation (glamping) and arrived the day before the Seawheeze festivities began so I’m still recovering and getting myself re organized. Wednesday afternoon pre seawheeze I was doing laundry like a mad woman and got through 5 loads of laundry so that I could go meet Lulu Addict at her hotel. It is such a FUN weekend and I really love getting together with Lulu Addict each year for our shenanigans. It makes it better to have a fellow fanatic to hang with that also has a reference point to each previous seawheeze weekend so we can constantly compare notes. Plus, we have our showcase store strategy down pat! This year we where also joined by a long time OG community member and that was fun. Shout out to AG! 

This year the die hard showcase store shoppers lined up about 20 hours too early. This included my little group. It certainly wasn’t planned but when we saw that there was a lady camped out we kept a close eye to watch the progress and as soon as there where about 20 people lined up we decided to claim our spot. It turns out the woman at the front of the line was paid to hold the place until store opening by the very same woman who cut in line in front of us last year. I feel as though she should have at least paid the woman spot holding for her the minimum wage per hour. Cutting in line is low, but exploiting someone for such low pay to work for you is irredeemable. 

Hour one. Makeup still on. 

Lots of people used these inflatable beds so it was the most colourful showcase store lineup ever. I preferred my camping mat though. 

Took a little break at Lulu Addicts landing pad and really enjoyed her view. 

My gear. Backpack as pillow, neck pillow, camping mat, blanket and a good book. I’m reading ‘The Mandibles’. 

I was really bad about taking pictures in the showcase store this year. My iPhone kept taking really blurry pictures, but also I was extremely tired from the long lineup and wasn’t thinking straight by the time the store opened. I was in survival mode without coffee and I just wanted to get through it, grab what I wanted and go home to bed. Luckily, this year a few lucky volunteers got to shop the Thursday night because they had volunteered 5 years in a row. They where not allowed to share photos of the store or the products but people left the store with their new purchases and we where able to glimpse a few of them. Enough to form a plan of what I ‘had to have’. I knew that I *needed* the Gather Me Slighty Jacket with the ‘figure ground map’ of Vancouver so that was the first item I grabbed in the store. I then grabbed the finger print version of the jacket, and the men’s city blue print jacket, one of each Cool Racerback in my size and the duffel bag. I really didn’t want to spend a fortune in the store so I took my time deciding what I needed to have and despite really loving a lot of the items this year I left with only the Gather Me Slightly Jacket in both prints.

I do regret not taking this Race With Grace 1/2 Zip. I loved the print, loved the colors. I just thought I’d not get as much opportunity to wear it as I would a jacket or a CRB. This was also my first year getting a jacket since it’s a pricier splurge item but I knew that was the one thing I’d really regret not getting. I’m still sad I let this pullover go though. The cypher code print is so cool!

I was totally enthralled with this men’s jacket print. I loved the color, loved that it was a blue print map of Vancouver. I love everything about it. I so wish the women’s line had this print in something like a long sleeve top or a Cool Racerback, or even the Gather Me Slightly Jacket. I was so close to getting this one but the medium was huge on me in the arms and chest and really long, and it just didn’t look right on me. My friend convinced me that the GMS jacket was so much more of a flattering fit and much softer on the inside. I don’t regret not getting this, I just wish there had been other items in this print. It’s so special. Honestly thought this years theme and the concepts for the prints where so great. Cypher codes, binary codes, city blue print maps, city ground maps, abstracted finger prints. This was such a great way to use prints to depict the ‘Agents of change’ theme. 

I always get Seawheeze Cool Racerbacks. I loved both of these prints mostly because of the colors but I opted not to get a CRB this year. I prefer the Seawheeze CRB’s that are made of luxtreme vs these new polyester luon, or last years luon. The luxtreme CRB’s seemed more special for some reason. 

The Vancouver city map blue print also showed up in the men’s shorts. 

I almost got this Cool Racerback in black and white manifesto typewriter print but when I tried it on I thought the wavy lettering was not slimming. There where shorts in this print as well and I really liked those too. The black and white was much crisper in the shorts. 

Gather Me Slightly Jacket tried on upon my friends request. This is when she convinced me to get this over the men’s jacket. 

my blurry picture from the check out. This was probably 8-8:30 am. 

Arrived home by 9:30 and quickly took pictures of my haul for Instagram before crashing for a long nap in bed. 

Although I knew I was going to do the running portion of Seawheeze this year, I opted for a new challenge of not training for it at all. I did this for two reasons, 1. I didn’t want to have to sacrifice my crossfit time and in particular my olympic lifting classes. Training for a half marathon takes a lot of time and dedication and I can never manage to balance it with also doing crossfit and getting my kids to their activities. As the miles pile on, I end up abandoning crossfit which I love, for running which I only sometimes like. I don’t mean I dislike running though, I just don’t find it as joyful as I find crossfit or oly lifting. Reason 2. was that I was really curious to see how far I could run and how I would feel running distance without any prior dedicated training. It was sort of a test to see what my fitness level was at. Everyone laughed at me when I said I was sure I could wing 6 miles of steady running but it turned out I was able to go 7.66 miles of steady running and I’m really proud of that. My time was abysmal so don’t even look at that (I pretty much walked the last half of it) but I’m actually really proud that for 7.66 miles I had a really steady pace. I also am really proud that for the entire race I felt really good cardiovascular wise. I didn’t feel winded, I didn’t feel heat stroke or dehydration that a lot of other people felt that day (it was a scorcher and very humid). I felt really, really good. After 7.66 miles though my right quad was starting to charlie horse on me. I have been feeling achy knees for the past month from lifting and really tight quads so I’m not surprised this was wear I started feeling the miles. After about 9 miles my quads both cramped up really bad and my feet where extremely sore so I was walking, hobbling and stopping to stretch frequently.  As always, the seawall portion of the run was my white wale and I inevitably tank it right at the very start of the seawall. But still, I felt good otherwise. I could feel some blisters forming on my feet but they didn’t cause me to require bandages. 

I was dropped off by my dad as is my usual half marathon routine at Lulu Addicts hotel where I could stash my gear. I didn’t put my ‘timing chip’ tags on my shoes until I got downtown and I have to say I really hate this years tags. They where really motivated to get rid of Chip Wilson’s timing chip I guess. 

Our walk over to the plaza and then to the corral. 

I wore my last years Seawheeze hat, my menthol Drop It Like It’s Hot Tank, Lorna Jane Unicorn bra (lol!). 

The crowds in the corral. Note the wonderful colourful prints and outfits. Lululemon’s new designers need to observe this live because this is what Lululemon is all about. Not neutral edgy colors full of attitude and airs. 

really questioning my sanity in attempting to run a half marathon untrained. 

Lulu Addict and Lulumum! The bratty bloggers unite!

The starting arch I loved that as the waves of runners where being let through they where sending smoke signals from the top of the arch. That was really cool. 

Vancouver police cheering station. They are hiring! 

This was just after the bridge heading into Kitsilano where the Lululemon corporate office is. This is the first year ever where head office staff where not outside the building cheering on runners. This was something definitely noticed by many. 

hydration station? Just joking. Someone had a party the night before. 

The puppy cheer station! This was at the turn around in Kitsilano just before you turn back to the bridge. 

Oh yeah! Rosacea really kicked in for this run. I woke up the next morning with the worst rosacea outbreak of my life. It was horrifying. All better now and under control.

It was SO hot! I hydrated the night before with gatorade and I think that made all the difference for me. I also stopped at each hydration station and drank both a cup of regular water, and a Nuun electrolyte water wether I was thirsty or not.  I was paranoid that I would pass out at some point because of the lack of training. The course was really well staffed with medics and that was a good thing because a lot of people did collapse from heat stroke and dehydration. 

This is the very start of the seawall where I face my white whale. This is where I start to question if I can honestly finish this thing despite the fact that my inner mantra the whole way up to this point was ‘I’m doing it!!’. 

lots of random flesh coloured cheering stations. I appreciated it though! It was hot, and they where wearing body suits for us all damn morning!

Another cheer station.

the most loved cheer station. 

The course finish changed this year to end on the seawall below the plaza but that last ‘mile’ the cheer stations kept saying is ‘just around the corner, I promise’ was interminable. It took so much mental energy to get to the finish line which you could not see from a distance until you turned that last corner. I was devastated to see that once I crossed I had to continue walking along the path to collect my medal, walk walk walk, get water, walk walk walk, get hat, walk walk walk, get to the brunch line up. Oh my god the brunch line up! It was an hour long line up up a winding hill in the blazing sun and the only other option was to abandon brunch and go up a steep flight of stairs. I learned that the runners that finished at 2 hours and later had no water at the finish and this is where many people collapsed. The other problem this finish had was that the busiest finish times at 2 hours to 2:40 had major congestion all the way down the seawall at the arch, with no water, and a hour and 40 minute wait for brunch. I know that Lululemon has realized this is a huge problem finish line and I’m sure it will be changed next year, solely for the reason that congestion + lineup + extreme heat + no water is a huge safety issue. At a minimum, running out of water at the finish line is unacceptable. 

I had to sit for about 15 minutes before I could work the nerve up to line up here. 

The start of the lineup for me. 

The end of the brunch line up. I saw someone being worked on by medics. I actually saw a few people on the course at about mile 7, and mile 11 being worked on. I’m glad they had a lot of medics on site. 

Drank my water, ate my delicious brunch and was feeling better. At this point I was able to call my husband to come rescue me downtown. Because I live in the suburbs away from downtown, I’ve only ever been to one sunset festival which was the first year at Jack Pool Plaza. It’s such a drag though to come back in the evening, find parking, then find the shuttle bus to get to Stanley Park and line up again there. Its fine if you are staying downtown but if you are local it’s not as enticing. There was special edition gear sold at the Sunset Festival which was runner specific with ‘mission complete’ written on it but those sold out instantly by people purchasing for their friends (‘angeling’). I would have loved the option to buy this at the finish line at the plaza during the afternoon and would have loved if they had enough quantity for runners but I don’t think I would have made the effort to go to the festival for it. Next year I’d like to go to the festival too. 

My dad made me this really awesome medal holder. I love that he even welded little ball bearing stoppers on the ends. I can’t wait to hang it up and display my Seawheeze medals and my BMO Half Marathon medal. 

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Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 11:23 am

Thanks for the recap!

Bradley on the Run August 20, 2016 - 12:58 pm

So interesting! Since I didn't do the store, it was great to read about your experience!

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 4:59 pm

Thanks! I just finished reading your recap Bradly. Lucky to have had an office downtown to shower in. I tried to convince my husband to let me use his office as a crash pad but that wasn't going to happen.
Shopping the store at opening is a real beast and lots of crappy things where going on but overall, our time in there was pleasant.

Spidermobile_Girl August 20, 2016 - 1:04 pm

Congrats on this accomplishment Lulumum, and thanks for the read!

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 4:59 pm


Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 1:08 pm

If it weren't for one of the drag queens sharing their water with me, I don't know that I would have finished. I felt really bad for the folks behind me. I loved every single moment of the whole week, minus the problems at the finish line.

From the store I grabbed two of the Race with Grace half zips. I was so happy they were there since they are my favorite fall/winter running top. I got two pair of the Pace Rivals, one of the Swiftlies and a pair of the men's Tight Stuff Tights, which I love.

I also went to the store in Kitsilano and the one on Robson. The folks at Robson couldn't be sweeter. I wanted to get the men's metal vent tech volleyball shirt but they were out. They offered to have one sent down from Whistler but I didn't know if it would make it in time or if I'd even be back to the store. The people at Kitsilano weren't the nicest. They really need to work on their customer service skills! I left there with a pair of inspires and CRB that were on heavy MD and a Dash to Class LS. After the fact I realized they left the security tag on the Inspires. That made me nervous to travel but it didn't cause a problem. I had it removed at my local store.

I also hit the lab and got a hoodie and a pair of awesome tights. After the exchange rate they weren't that expensive at all, about the same as new items in the US. If I make it out there again next year that will be one of the first places I go. I have a lot of saving to do between now and then.

I'm disappointed I didn't know what you looked like beforehand to say hi; I saw you several times both in line and around race time. I'll be sure to say hi next year. Thanks for your report and pictures!

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 5:00 pm

That is really too bad about the Kitsilano store. I haven't been to that one in years.

Awe too bad! I would have loved to have met you.

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 1:16 pm

Great recap! I ran this year and came in just after 2hrs, there was lots of water available at that time. I found the winding walk a little frustrating, I just wanted to get through the crowd to get out of downtown to shower (it was so hot!). There was no line for brunch. I love the hat this year and that it is womens fit.

I didn't wait in line for the showcase store. I walked right in around 11:30am and got a crb (purple and black print), a l/s swiftly and an energy bra. I would have bought crops and fast track shorts too if they weren't backed in white.

stylistadiva1 August 20, 2016 - 3:31 pm

Love the recap of Seawheeze! Love the Race with Grace 1/2 zip and CRB manifesto. This is what I'd actually like to see in the Fall line up. I'd spend on that. I'd love to make it in one year, but have tried to sign up for the last 3 and have never been able to get a spot. Though really I'm a 5K runner at best and can barely do a 10K let alone a 1/2 marathon. Maybe I'll just plan a trip to go for the shopping? Can non-participants still line up and shop or you have to be a participant? 🙂

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 4:51 pm

This year the course was certified therefore you can use your time for corral placement at other races. You have to use official timing chips, which the old ones year's prior aren't. That's probably the reason for the change more than anything.

If your shoes are more than 6 months old and/or are not dedicated to strictly a running shoe you will have issues trying to run in them. Shoes need to be replaced every 6 months or 300 miles, whichever comes first. Just an FYI. Those shoes look older and worn down from the picture but it's hard to tell. If so, that could have been the reason for blisters along with the heat.

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 6:45 pm

It was so hot! I have never chafed before and had a spot on my back from my camelback. It's still healing a week later. I also had more blisters than usual on my feet. Ouch 🙂

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 7:01 pm

It's funny to hear that the course was "certified" this year since my Garmin and everyone I talked to in line and at brunch measured it at least a half km long.

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 4:56 pm

The shoes are from last year but they haven't been worn since last year and they had probably 3 months worth of running on them last year. The blisters where from the high heat and humidity. Many, many people experienced blisters that day. I also forgot to mention I had some very serious chafing which I didn't realize until I got home and showered. Those chafe spots are still healing.

Interesting reasoning for the chip. I didn't realize that prior years the course was not certified.

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 8:19 pm

Yes it ran very long for me too. 3/4 of a mile longer for me on this one than any other.

Anonymous August 22, 2016 - 11:59 pm

Certified courses will tend to run long as they add distance every so many km to insure that the course won't run short. Add to that, the satellites that connect with your gps isn't always in a direct line of the measured course. The course is measured with the shortest tangents and corners (like the inside next to the curb). Most people won't run the exact course measured tangent – kind of like the difference between running the inside lane of a track and the outside lane of a track. The inside lane or lane 1 is 400m for one lap. Run that same 1 lap on lane 6 and you just ran 433m. Both were 1 lap around the same track but the distance is greater. Same with streets and races. Run closest to the shortest tangent and it will be closer to the distance. If you hang in the middle or to the left of the road especially on turn arounds or turns in general and you will run a greater distance. Add weaving which can add quite a bit over the race course. I've run upwards of 30+ half's and several fulls and they've all come in anywhere from .25-.75 miles longer on average. I had one course that was so crowded that the weaving I had to do added over 2 miles to the distance. Courses running long is actually the norm.

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 5:04 pm

Loved the recap! I ran the BMO half this year and loved it. Would you recommend Seawheeze? Do you think the price correlates with the experience?

Also curious: next time would you train? Running a half is an great feat regardless, I think it's amazing that you accomplished it without training!

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 5:07 pm

The BMO is great! that was my first half marathon and my best time.
Absolutely I recommend the Seawheeze and it's definitely worth the entry fee. You get an awesome pair of shorts worth half the fee, a finishers hat, swag, the entire weekends events including the concert.

I think I will train for the next one because I really want to get under three hours again. only my first BMO one was under 3 hours and I'd like to get back there.

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 5:46 pm

The shoes are too old. It's 6 months (max) OR around 300 miles. Regardless if they only had 3 months of running on them, they should have been retired and new shoes bought to replace and worn for a month or so before the race since you weren't fully training this year (when i'm training I can go from box to 15 milers on a brand new shoe if it's the same shoe i'm running in). One year is way too old and way too broken down regardless of the time it was used to run prior. Materials breakdown sitting on a shelf. This is why running stores only carry 1 or 2 pair on the shelves in any one size and many times say they will order for you – it's to keep the shoes as fresh as possible. I replace my shoes every 2-3 months and get refitted every 6 months to make sure nothing has changed. If you haven't been fitted size wise or gait wise for a running shoe it's also prudent to do so to make sure you are in the correct size and style for your gait. Your feet and legs will thank you.

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 1:58 am

If most people had to replace their running shoes every few months they would be broke!!

Alisha August 21, 2016 - 3:47 am

It depends on the persons height/weight and gait, as well. If an individual is lighter on their feet and runs efficiently, then they can typically last longer

Kim August 20, 2016 - 6:14 pm

Your dad is awesome for making you the medal holder <3

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 6:20 pm

My dad is awesome. He's been keeping busy the last six months doing major home renos. He completely redid their bathroom from scratch all by himself, installed a couple of skylights, redid their laundry room and tiled, made awnings from scratch and wipped up a medal holder for me.

Anonymous August 20, 2016 - 8:02 pm

Thanks for sharing your recap, and congratulations on finishing without training! It's always fun to see what other people thought.

This was my second SeaWheeze in a row, and I loved this year's theme. It certainly made for some fun swag at the showcase. I got the beat the heat longline bra in the black and white Vancouver map print with the matching run with the sun crop, 2 intensi-tees (gray and pink), 2 speed shorts (Vancouver map print and fingerprint pattern), socks, and a tee for my boyfriend (I forgot the style, but the one with the binary code print that had hidden text–wish it were available for women), and an energy bra in the fingerprint pattern. Did anyone else find the run with the sun crop more snug than most other crops? I just worry that the line up for the store is getting too crazy. I got there at 2:45am after a red eye flight, and the line was already wrapping around the convention center toward "The Drop" sculpture facing Canada Place. Last year, I lined up at 4am and was further up in the line. I feel like the store is more stressful and exhausting than the half marathon itself!

I love the course in general (so scenic!), but I agree that the finish line placement needs to be redesigned for future races. I finished just after the 2 hour mark and was able to get water easily, but you could tell that the line towards brunch was starting to bottleneck. Also, that incline was a bit cruel to our legs after finishing 21.1!

I'm sad that I won't be able to go next year, but I'm anxious to go again in the future! It's such an amazing weekend; I totally relate to the post-SeaWheeze blues!

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 8:24 pm

The advantage to lining up earlier on the Thursday was minimal. My friends husband showed up at 3am and lined up around the building (likely where you where at) and he was in the building with us within 20-30 minutes of us being there. The only thing that I think went in that first half hour where the jackets, but I was able to find one a bit later in the returns rack at the front of the store. If you where patient and persistent you could get one from somebody not purchasing the ones they had. If you are not a die hard and desperate for one particular item I'd not line up overnight.

janine57 August 20, 2016 - 9:50 pm

Your dad should make those and sell them! It looks awesome! I did the Rock and roll half one year like you with no training. I made it 8 miles without stopping but I was incredibly sore after it. That's kinda awful about the water I never carry at races but maybe should rethink that. Thanks for the recap it was so fun reading it!

Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 6:37 pm

I carry now. I've run several races where the on course water/electrolyte ran out at a station or they ran out of cups at another station. I had one race where back to back water/electrolyte stations ran out – first one was no water or electrolyte, the 2nd no cups. After that I realized that I need to take care of myself and now I carry. If the station has it I use it and then I have mine for the finish in case they run out. It happens. As a race veteran it's really nothing new and I've learned to take care of myself and have on me what I might need. I've not had another race where this has happened but I never regret carrying. This is why bandits, people who run without paying, are the bane of racers and race directors. They add to the number of people on an already crowded course, take electrolyte/water causing shortages at times.

Teresa Mastrangelo August 20, 2016 - 9:57 pm

To line up early or not is a tough call, particularly if you are a size 6. Your own photos show empty shelves for size 6. In fact most shorts and skirts were gone within 15 min of store opening. I got in at 7:05 and there were none of the manifesto speeds or the red map left at that time. But I agree with others that is store is becoming the most stressful part of the event and that just seems wrong. Not to mention how exhausting it is.

Lulumum August 20, 2016 - 9:59 pm

Yes I agree with the size 6's which go the quickest, and then the size 2 and 12 which comes in a pitifully limited quantity. I saw women go up to the shorts cubbies and just take entire stacks of shorts.

Anonymous August 22, 2016 - 5:05 am

The same thing happened with the backpacks. One woman cleared a shelf or two and then piled them up around a group of women. All in the name of angeling.

Miranda Defferrard August 20, 2016 - 11:53 pm

So fun to read, thank you! I plan to do this next year without "really" training for the same reasons as you (minus the kids) – don't want it to take away from Crossfit, which I enjoy much more than running. That being said, I'm pretty bummed I didn't go this year because it's the first year I've been in LOVE with the prints and colours in the SW gear 🙁 It just wasn't possible, but I'm MOVING to vancouver next week (yaaay), so I have no excuse for next year! Super excited and thanks again for the recap.
PS, I knew one of the guys who got early access to the store and he sent me photos from the store that night. He left the store before I could beg him to buy me something lol Apparently he was offered huge bucks for his early access but he refused it.

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 3:44 am

I think it's great that you can run 21km without training, but it does put you at a higher risk of injury. Props to you, but I guess I just would want to feel prepared and confident in such long races

Lulumum August 21, 2016 - 4:02 am

Absolutely. And I was watching very closely for pains and types of pains. Had anything felt like ligament pain, or like I had swelling or if I felt dehydrated I would have called it quits immediately. Fortunately all I had where sore muscles for Sunday and Monday and then the only thing I was dealing with after that where my extremely tender chaffed spots. I think the thing that prepared me best for the cardio work was the olympic lifting to be honest. An hour of oly lifting is much more taxing on your cardiovascular system then any metcon I've done.

Miranda Defferrard August 21, 2016 - 4:23 pm

I will definitely be doing the same. Don't want to have a knee injury just to finish. I definitely think CF prepares you for the cardio because through the winter I didn't run for maybe 2 months, then we had a nice day and I went out for an easy 6 k. Mind you, it's not 22 k, but still. 6 k being easy after not "running" in 2 months means we're doing something right 🙂 And you're true – in our WODs I'm panting like crazy haha ! I am not breathing that heavy when I'm running.

Sam August 21, 2016 - 12:57 am

Great recap! Running out of water at the finish line is a rookie mistake on Lululemon's part. It was a hot day and they need to adjust according to race day conditions. The Chicago Marathon learned that the very hard way a decade ago – I think in 2007.

I'm curious when they ran out of water. I finished in just under 2 hours and there were still many pallets of water available. I feel bad for the runners who couldn't rehydrate right away. I typically lose about 6 lbs of water during a a half marathon but I'm sure I would've lost 8 lbs or more in water during the SeaWheeze this year because it was so warm.

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 4:47 am

I think also some of the volunteers were on a bit of a water power trip. I finished in 2:40 and got a water from the first person and then got yelled at by the second person (standing in front of 2 stacks of cases of water) that I couldn't have another because "everyone only gets one."

It was absolutely a terrible look. Esp when the Nuun reps were handing out electrolyte tabs through the line to people who were waiting 45-an hour for brunch in the sun and none of us had any water to add the tabs to because we were told we had use the refill station that wasn't even accessible until we had gotten our food.

Lulumum August 21, 2016 - 4:06 am

I heard that a lot of the first finishers where taking multiple water bottles. I'm not sure that excuses LLL from not having enough. There should probably have been enough to account for extras for most people.

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 1:42 am

Love the recap! My friend and I are Crossfitters and we have not trained either year. Last year we ran the whole damn thing with one bathroom break at the very beginning….we refused to stop! Loved that we could do it! We also got in line very early and ended up purchasing one of those kayak looking thing EVER! Thankfully we were able to get everything we wanted, mostly speeds and pace rivals. The jackets are pretty but we have very little use for them in TX. I WOULD have gotten a Scuba just because I love them but have been disappointed with their prints the last 2 years.

Rena B August 21, 2016 - 5:28 am

Great recap!! 🙂 Do non runners get access to the store the same time as runners? Can non runners Line up at night/camp out – or is it not worth it if they can't access the store early?

Lulumum August 21, 2016 - 5:37 am

Runners get special entry from 7am to 11am. Last year was 7am to 9am. You could line up overnight and then be first in line for the none runner entry but it sounds like by 11:30am people could just stroll in without the lineup.

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 11:40 am

Mum, do you know if they send out a post race survey or was that just a rumor? I've been waiting for one, but if we're not going to get one I want to send my feedback about the water situation. Of course, I also want to tell them everything they did right as well!

Rena B August 21, 2016 - 2:01 pm

Was product in sizes 8-12 still available by 11?

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 4:47 pm

Thanks for the fabulous photos and recap of SeaWheeze. I love the Gather Me Slightly Jacket on you, very good buy!

HEADS UP to those thinking about buying another pair of Dance Studio Pants. I just received my order on Friday "Greyvy DSP" which I paid $118. plus tax for but the tag on the pants has the price of $128., up $10. I would imagine stores this week will have the increased price tag. Online is still showing the price at $118.

Anonymous August 22, 2016 - 4:46 pm

Thank you, I've been thinking about getting a pair and getting rid of some of my old style ones. That color is awesome.

Anonymous August 22, 2016 - 9:44 pm

Unfortunately I just tried them on and the fit is very different from the first pair of DSPlll's I purchased a few months ago. The waist is smaller, the crotch is camel toe shorter and they eat my butt… For the first time in 15 or so years I can't wear a size 4 in these pants, WOW. I am going to try on a size 6 in store tomorrow but I fear those will be too big. Strange why they would change the fit of these not long after introducing this new version.

Anonymous August 21, 2016 - 11:53 pm

Thanks for the fabulous recap, LLM! This was my third seawheeze and probably my last for a while.
The brunch line-up was a horrible experience. I finished in 2:30 and waited for almost one hour. I received water, but they ran out of cooling towels as soon as I got to that station. It was sad to see other runners passing out around me from what I could only guess was heat exhaustion and dehydration during the long wait. The brunch selections though were awesome and they did a great job catering to all of the many dietary and food preferences (vegan, gluten free, vegetarian).
Regarding the store, I'm happy you mentioned that woman in the front. I saw her in line the evening before and thought she looked suspicious. The next morning right before the store opened she and a male accomplice walked through the line-up yelling they had a spot in the front they were trying to sell. The people around me thought it was pretty low to pay for that, so no one took the bait. I wonder what characters will be in line next year given this example.
The store was well organized with a good amount of merchandise for women, though not enough common sizes like medium and large for men.
The expo was nice, but the men's haircut station ended early so that was disappointing. We enjoyed the yummy samples and spray paint tattoos and pineapple heads.
The sunset festival was fun, but the lines for booze and food were crazy and not worth the wait. Dear Rouge was the highlight for me, along with the robot man who came into the crowd in between the last two sets.
All around it was a good race though the brunch fiasco was disappointing and this important aspect of the race was poorly organized. Also, I agree the timing chip was lame.
Rumor here, but my husband was told they're planning to make the race larger next year given how quickly it sold out this year.

Anonymous August 22, 2016 - 2:39 am

Anonymous said…

Did you go true to size on the Gather Me Slightly Jacket or size down? I have seen various opinions in prior comments.

Thank you for the recap and way to go on sticking out the finish.

Anonymous August 22, 2016 - 4:41 pm

I sized down here, and I love the fit.

Lulumum August 22, 2016 - 4:47 pm

It's a relaxed TTS. I stayed TTS and like the fit.

kate42735 August 22, 2016 - 4:00 am

Thanks so much for the recap! I always enjoy reading your perspective/comments regarding the SW weekend!

Ivy Gupta August 22, 2016 - 5:50 pm

Lulumum, do you know of anywhere that pics of all the styles and colors from the showcase store can be found? I think you posted something like that for prior years and I really enjoyed seeing everything !

Anonymous August 23, 2016 - 6:22 am

Loved your recap, LLM! Glad you finished and all was well despite the lack of training. Vancouver is one of my favourite cities — I live in Asia but visit family in BC regularly — and I always look forward to seeing your photos of the race and your haul. Feeling like I'm racing vicariously with you through your fabulous city 😉 Thanks for posting!

Anonymous August 25, 2016 - 6:17 am

Great recap! I love this race despite all its quirks. My biggest complaint was the brunch. The caters for the brunch really need to work on their timing. I finished between 2-2:40 which I consider peak times too and they were putting sandwiches in to be heated and the heaters were empty!! I understand as one tray comes out and another goes in but this was crazy! No wonder the brunch line was so hung up!
I love shopping at this race too! I was disappointed that all the crops were backed in white. While I didn't think it was terribly obvious when they were on to see a fade in the print, I had decided earlier not to buy anything backed in white. So I was also disappointed with the CRB's. I liked every previous years CRB's too! I still found great items to purchase though!


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