Crossfit WOD

by Cristina

I’m not very good at remembering to hydrate myself. Its been very hot lately and we’ve been spending the days at the pool/park and generally absorbing this hot weather instead of seeking air conditioning. As well as I remember to feed and water my children I completely forget to do the same for myself. I think I got a bit overheated yesterday and didn’t drink enough water (like, at all during a 4 hour period in the sun! Dope!). Last night when we got home I was so drained and headachy and it seemed to really effect my workout this morning. I’ve been home for 40 minutes now and I’m still just sitting here trying to regain energy for the day. The good news is I sweat buckets so I couldn’t have been too dehydrated. The tech work after the warmup was a bunch of different gymnastics moves like ring dips, l-sits, reverse row sit-backs.

METCON (for time) – 15:40

3 rounds of 

400 meter run

10 Power Cleans 95#

10 Shoulder To Overhead 95#

10 Pullups *ring rows instead

Bruised Berry 105F Singlet, Faded Zap Energy Bra, In The Flow II Crops in Soot Light

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