The Latest, and My New Herschel Tote Bag in Fine China Print

by Cristina

My buy today. I’ve been waiting and waiting for a lulu tote bag that is laptop friendly that I could also use for daily outings and it seems they have really done away with the laptop pocket feature in the past year and a half so I gave up on lulu and got this bag today instead. Its the Herschel Supply (another Vancouver company!) Market Tote, and although it doesn’t specifically have a laptop pocket, it fits my laptop perfectly with enough structure to the bag that it holds its place. If you aren’t picky about pattern, there is the Herschel Market Tote Plus which has a really nice structured and cushioned fleecy laptop pocket AND an ipad pocket. I just didn’t love the duck camo or plain black it came in so I opted for this one instead. It was on sale and I got it for $48.  I’ve been spending my days at the pool with the kids and using my lulu reusable shoppers for our towels and gear and its gotten pretty inconvenient so I was on the hunt for a good beach bag. 

Neon Pink/Opal Wee Are From Space  Power Y

Sheer Lemon No Limit Tank, Mojave Tan Super Stripe Wunder Unders

Mojave Tan Wunder Unders, Om Racerback

Sheer Lemon Ta Ta Topper

I love how bright Sheer Lemon is in luxtreme but I haven’t liked it in the other fabrics

Mojave Tan Studio Crops (so similar to Dune and Cashew), and Om Racerback

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